"OUR COUNTRY OUR CHOICE (OCOC) will provide Americans the tools,
information and skills necessary to proactively preserve and strengthen
the security, prosperity, and moral fabric of our Great Nation."
Christian Leader Pastor Casey Butner
"Message from the Christian leader, Pastor Casey:
True Christians do not shrink back but speak up!
The truth will set you free, but you must speak."
Some time ago I posted an essay recommending that all Americans unite as a nonpolitical group to select, come voting time, candidates who have shown over time that they care for the US's well-being more than lining their pockets with taxpayer money. They have shown that they respect the US constitution, without reservation. They are not cherry-picking from the constitution what the like to live with, and reject all others. They have an innate understanding what is and what is not in the interest of the American citizenry. I refer you to my earlier blog content on this subject. https://frankjm-socialconcerns.blogspot.com/search?q=we+need+a+plan
A few weeks ago I stumbled onto "OUR COUNTRY OUR CHOICE", and I was elated that someone else was on the same wave band as I am, hence I will do my best to help in this common goal. By the way, I watch Colonel (Ret) DOUGLAS MACGRGOR, on YouTupe, for some time already, and I respect him a lot.
From my post of November 15, 2023
"We need a plan."
"The politicians have
managed to divide and conquer us, for a very long time, by following
the example of Julius Cesar. To them we are known as Democrats,
Republicans and Liberals, and in so doing they have managed to
breakup a powerful voting block, the Citizenry, into manageable
single-minded, easily influenced groups, ready to accept whatever
bullshit they hand out. Yes, life is good for them, all they have to
do is, concentrate on building their war-chest of money, which allows
them to character assassinate their opponent, at election time.
Where is this money coming from? Powerful very rich Benefactors
(corporations and investors) have plans of their own, they need
politicians to make laws that respect their requirements. From where
get these benefactors their enormous wealth? The symbiotic
relationship between the rich and the politicians is the answer,
whereby the politicians help their benefactors to extract wealth from
the economy, at the expense of the Citizenry, and in return the
benefactors provide war-chest money for the politicians' election or
reelection campaign. It is that simple. Also, this is why the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
By now, almost everyone should be familiar with the power of the Internet and their cell phones, for research and communication purposes. These tools instead of dividing us, can help us to reunite, thus forming a formidably voting block, more powerful than the bribes of the rich and powerful.
More and more we experience the fact that the so-called opposing politicians are actually part of a Uni- party because they have worked together for a long time, under the table, against our interests. Unconstitutional harmful spending can only happen within a Uni-Party; it is strictly them against us.
Now, the time has come to turn the table on them, by creating unity of all Citizen of good will, in order to save our country from moral and economic ruin. Let us use technology (internet and cell phones) to talk with and listen to our brothers and sisters, who love the US, and are not out to destroy it.
The first step is to share this message with all your families, friends and neighbors. Then start a respectful conversation, be patient, change is never easy. Maybe we have to select a write-in candidate for President, for sure we cannot vote for these over-the-hill senile useless power hungry individuals, who should have been retired, a long time ago. The US needs capable younger mature talents, who respect the Constitution. Why should it take one billion dollars to run for President, a sure invitation for corruption?
It has to start now, the time for kicking the can down the road is over; if you don't do it for yourself, do it for the next generations, they will thank you."
"Together we are stronger than all the corrupt money in banks and financial institutions. We can make the politicians listen to us and only us, the electorate!"
Seek and follow Divine Guidance to be "part of the solution".