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Tuesday, February 28, 2023


 Christine Anderson is a member of the European Parliament since 2019, and knows, apparently, the thinking and workings of this organization.  I might add, her assessment of this self appointed group of people is based on her experience from within.

Members countries of the European Union have, apparently, decided that by joining, they can shift their duties, responsibilities, and liabilities they have towards their voters, to an organization that is responsible to none.  In effect, the democratic rights of their citizens, they had at one time, have been erased.  Now when their citizens cry for their rights, their politicians can hide behind the E.U., who answers to nobody.  A country, like Great Britain, had realized, after some years of membership, that they had sold their soul to the devil, so to speak.  The Brexit happened, and life is now back to the days before, when this country was in control of their own destiny.

We always knew, in the past, that Governments lied to us occasionally, however, we had a media that held their feet to the fire.  Now, Governments lie to us, without exception, all the time, and the media, which is now the mouthpiece of them, repeats these lies over and over, until they sound like the truth.

You must watch this video, which after a very short commercial period, gets to the meat of the expose. 

 As a result of her open criticism, you can find a number of posts, besmearing her character.  This is, nowadays, always a sign that somebody, on the receiving end, is telling the truth.  It is nothing new what she tells us, we have always suspected this, but it is nice, to hear it confirmed by an insider, this leaves very little doubt.