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Friday, February 17, 2023

"Sen. Kennedy: Social media 'lowered the cost of being an A-hole'"

 The effort to address the, at times, life-threatening exposure to social media for our children, must be applauded.  While not much came out of it, at this point in time, it can and should start a national conversation, aimed at preventing tragic outcomes. 

Let me address one very recent case, as an example, that saw a very young girl, physically and mentally,  harmed to the point that, in her mind, life was no longer worth living.

The father, "Kuch said one of the bullies allegedly instigated the ugly attack because she was jealous about Adriana’s friendship with another girl — and blames the school district for failing to protect his daughter." 

"“I was not told that she was hit in the face with the bottle. I was not told that she blacked out. I was not told that there [were] multiple girls involved,” he told The Post. “I was told there was one girl involved. And they didn’t even call an ambulance after my daughter was blacked out after being smashed in the face three times.”" 

Unfortunately, parents of school children have to work to support their families, and, for the most part, expect that school administrators and teachers ensure a safe environment  for their children, while attending school. Not an unreasonable expectation.

Children suffering from bullying, shaming and beatings, at school, must be provided with counseling, when teachers and administrators have knowledge and/or have reports of any such violation from anyone, including the parents.

Let us face it, not every parent has the skills for counseling, and the empathy to effectively treat a damaged soul.  In jails, an emotional inmate is placed on a 24-hour monitoring routine, so should be also a child that was dramatically injured to the core.  For one, such a child should not be sent to the same school, unless the injuring process has been positively eliminated. 

Adults with or without children think, this affects only people with children, nothing could be further from the truth.  If truth is told, these psychopathic individuals doing harm to other children, eventually grow up, and if not corrected effectively, will be later a menace to a society.  Just look at many of the world rulers, who have no problem committing mass-murder, in wars they provoke for financial gain.  These personalities always have justifications (excuses) for doing so.  These individuals are not capable of empathy, and it is this lack that defines them Psychopaths or Sociopaths.  They simply do not have any conscience, they are sick.  History is full of examples when sick rulers destroyed their own countries, or are willing to do so, in the future.

The latest example is the destruction of the undersea pipelines providing energy for Germany, and others. By doing so, whoever is responsible for this terrorist attack, the peoples and industries of Germany, in particular, are paying the price.  Moreover, do you think the continued escalation of tensions by a few, is worth your painful death in a nuclear war?

It all starts in the early years of a child, when a system allows them to torture others without consequences.  Social media are further facilitating and enhancing wrong behavior by some.  Accordingly, it affects us all, with or without children in our lives.

The following definition fits a number of us, particularly the likes of, most, leading Politicians, who forgot whom they are supposed to serve, and Billionaires who suck vital resources (money) from a country's economy, without contributing to the common good, by not paying their taxes morally due.   They create foundation, hire tax lawyers, all to avoid taxes they should pay, if they had a social conscience.  All of these, no doubt, mostly are the result of grownup Bullies (either sex) without early correction in their lives. These are now full-grown Sociopaths, or Psychopaths, who, when in positions of power, affect us all.

"a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience."
a person affected by chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior."






  1. It is "socially insensitive" to "blame" certain bullies these days, and much safer to let them just beat up some of the other kids. It's the dominant religion in many places.


  2. Thank you for your comment. I would love to see more people participating in this conversation.
