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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Just What North Kohala Needs


Here is what I have been told, I did not verify the reports myself.  However, one picture is worth a thousand words, and two pictures are worth ......?  You figure it out.  Please see photos below.

Apparently, some business from Hilo is processing these scrap cars on Surety property, down near the old lighthouse.  I am told, the scrap metal is to be shipped off-shore.  Add to this a waste treatment plant, then we are really cooking.

No doubt, our tourists will be very happy to see that even Hawaii is out to destroy its pristine country side.   We even place them high up on cables, to give them a better view of our mess.  Make no mistake, tourists talk to each other, and talk story with their friends and relatives at home.  This could affect some local businesses, in time.

If you have better facts, please email me, or, better still, post your comment right here..

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Is New Moon Veering Off Its Charted Course?


It is time to increase our attention and knowledge of those things that may impact our quality of life in a very negative way, unless we make certain that involved parties and entities live up to their published tenet, and remain honorable.  To help us understand, and allow us to separate fact from fiction, let us examine the following.

All quotes, shown below, are from New Moon's web pages at, as of 2/20/11, unless otherwise stated.
"New Moon Foundation was co-founded in 1999 by Bennett Dorrance, Jr. and Thuy Nguyen Fujimoto. Where the foundation is today is the result of a friendship that has been mutually enriching, productive and lasting because it is based on shared values and aspirations. We are:
  • inspired by the learning and practice of Engaged Buddhism.
  • passionate about practicing Right Relationship and building New Moon Foundation as a values-based organization.
  • committed to the responsible stewardship of New Moon Foundation’s lands as a living part of the Foundation with healing qualities for the benefit of all."  Emphasis added to this bullet.
Wikipedia explains,  "Engaged Buddhism refers to Buddhists who are seeking ways to apply the insights from meditation practice and dharma teachings to situations of social, political, environmental, and economic suffering and injustice. Finding its roots in Vietnam through the Zen Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat Hanh, Engaged Buddhism has grown in popularity in the West"

The teaching, apparently, includes avoiding or correcting injustice, and not inflicting it.  Moreover, what healing quality can be ascribed to an upwind waste processing facility, 700 yards or less from homes?

New Moon's mission and ideology is shown below.

"Core Ideology and Purpose

New Moon Foundation is a values-based organization and our mission is to provide educational & science-based programs, scholarships and grants that encourage and support the practice of our core values G.R.A.C.E.

  • Gratitude – A deep appreciation of life in all forms, valuing both its gifts and lessons. This is the foundation for finding joy in our human condition.
  • Respect - The practice of awareness and openness to others, new ideas and different perspectives. Respect is the basis for peace and understanding.
  • Accountability - Taking responsibility for our actions, thoughts and emotions. Acknowledging our choices and their consequences empowers us to choose again.
  • Courage - The discipline to be authentic, honest and act with integrity. Courage allows us to grow and realize our true potential and dreams.
  • Engagement – The intention to wholeheartedly contribute our gifts and skills in a way that benefits our communities and natural environments. This is a natural outcome and test of a values-based life.
We deeply believe that if we individually make a sincere effort to practice the above core values and support each other in this practice, we all will become happier with our lives, enjoy a more caring and peaceful world and leave a more sustainable environment to our children.
We also believe that there is an urgent need to cultivate wholesome values in our world and especially in our children as it appears that, in general, our current social and work environments, family and school systems are not doing an adequate job at this, leading to practices and approaches that are detrimental to our environment and disempowering to many of us."  Emphasis added.
These are lofty goals, nobody could argue with, however, offering their "Sweet Water/Iole" land for the construction of a waste processing plant, 700 yards or less upwind from Ainakea homes, appears to violate their tenet of GRACE, in a major way.  For one it would be detrimental to the environment and will dis-empower an entire community.  In addition, in face of the resident's rejection, it appears disrespectful to the entire community affected, to persist with this project.  Where is the respect mentioned in New Moon's first tenet, "Respect"?

New Moon's website shows that,
"New Moon Foundation recently underwent a thoughtful process to name its land holdings. Now known as "Sweet Water", the land encompasses the majority of the 'Iole Ahupua'a' including the Bond Estate and Former Kohala Girls' School, as well as areas outside the ahupua'a. NMF felt it right to honor the land with a name that paid homage to the water that runs beneath the lands and the gentle rains that come with the tradewinds to nourish all beings and vegetation"
"Sweet Water lands are available for hiking, camping and other outdoor educational activities of youth, adult, and corporate groups"
If New Moon really honors the 'Aina'  (land) and truly pays homage to the waters that run beneath the land, why would it offer this very land for the construction of a waste treatment facility near homes, against the wishes of the local community?  Such a processing plant could surely, in time, contaminate the very waters they aim to pay homage to.  One could well imagine, how enjoyable it would be to hike in an area loaded with the stench of trash, and the associated noise pollution of a waste processing plant.  It would, possibly, even provide an opportunity to carry out an animal nature study, by observing rats at play.  Does it  get any better than that?

Their web-site also shows,
"In 2009, the New Moon Foundation created Sweet Water LLC dba Iole as a separate legal entity dedicated to the responsible and sustainable stewardship of our lands and buildings"
"We aim at fulfilling our mission while achieving long term financial sustainability. ..."
This says, it is now a for profit enterprise, which is , evidently, already raising its threatening head, and, apparently, all these noble goals, and respect for the 'Aina', no longer seem to matter, as long as "financial sustainability" is achieved.

Written communication with key-personnel of the New Moon Foundation, aimed at resolving this matter in favor of the community at large, since mid November, 2010 proved fruitless.  Last communications were filled with reservations, and unreasonable unattainable conditions.  One could ask, where is the respect,  their second stated tenet describes?  It is reasonable to perceive that their refusal to remove their land offer without reservations and convoluted conditions, as a clear confirmation that New Moon/Sweet Water/Iole is unwilling to remove the "Sweet Water/Iole" land from WasteStream's list for a waste treatment facility.  Given the tragic contrast between their words and their planned actions, it should not really come as a surprise.  One hears stories about corporations, which enter small communities in sheep's clothing, i.e. as a non-profit foundation.  They usually do a few things well, all aimed at gaining the respect and trust of the community.  Then, a while later they undergo a metamorphosis and become for profit enterprises, and the gloves come off.  I do not suggest for one minute that this applies to the New Moon foundation, however, I do not know for certain.

Writings received, from New Moon, show that, apparently,  this land was only offered to be of service to the community.  Well, it should be clear to New Moon/Sweet Water/Iole, the community has rejected this land for the purpose given, so why is it still being offered?  The interest groups involved, including New Moon/Sweet Water/Iole, act as if only they know what is best for the community.  Apart from totally dis-empowering the entire community, they treat our local residents in a condescending manner.  Between what was learned at the February 19th CDP meeting (see prior blog), and from New Moon's lack of a positive response to a plea to have this site scrapped, in light of the overwhelming rejection by the residents, the picture becomes clear.  It is full steam ahead baby.  OK, New Moon Foundation/Sweet Water LLC/Iole, NK_CDP and WasteStream prove the contrary, scrap this site selection, and make our day.

Let us assume, a worse case scenario, no other suitable site is ultimately available.  Is the urge, by these interested parties, to build this waste treatment facility, 700 yards or less from Ainakea homes, more paramount than the quality of life, safety, and well-being of an entire community?   What could be that strong incentive, justifying ignoring the wishes of the community?  In can't be community spirit, the residents don't want it upwind near their homes.  Surely, the end of the world is not at hand, should this project be delayed until more suitable land does become available.  If push comes to shove, the existing facility can be upgraded with the tax dollars saved, by not buying Sweet Water/Iole land, and not building a costly new paved road to a new expensive facility.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

WasteStream Acts Against Own Recommendation


During the 2nd Infrastructure Focus Group meeting of the NK_CDP, the following reasonable criteria were offered, "as seen by WasteStream ..." (see quotes below), and yet today, WasteStream is refusing to remove their inappropriate site selection, which not only violates their own initial set of criteria, but dis-empowers entire communities, and destroys the quality of life for the residents affected.

"The compilation of the criteria for a Class 1 Neighborhood Recycle Center:
General Location Requirements (as seen by Wastestream, our local project working on this issue)

Convenient and safe for all customers in District (at least as convenient as current location)

A location near highway to facilitate truck transport of rubbish to land fill (better than current location)

Not located next to or near current large residential areas (limit negative community reactions)

At least 20 acres of usable land (not in gulches, near stream beds, or other difficult terrain)

Land reasonably available to County (private land might require owner's agreement to sell or lease long-term)."  Emphasis added.
 North Kohala CDP
To: Project Team
From: Harmonee Williams
Date: November 15, 2007

Instead of limiting negative community reactions, as initially suggested by WasteStream, they actually invited these reactions by the residents affected, by their unwise selection of a site 700 yards or less from Ainakea homes.  And, even after massive opposition to this proposed waste treatment facility location, by the communities, WasteStream still refuses to scrap this site for this project.  What differentiates WasteStream and their supporters from dictators, who ignore the will of the people?  Nothing.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Over 400 Residents Have Registered In Opposition, So Far


The good effort by our active petition team resulted in this good showing.  If you have printed the Petition Form, and collected signatures, please email them to me, as soon as possible, so I can update our records.  It must be noted, all signatures were freely given by the registered residents, who were all outraged by this whole affair.  So far, we have encountered only one resident, to my knowledge, who was in favor of this project, and he was, apparently, seen hanging around with the WasteStream folks.

Thank you!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

When A Match Is Put To The Water It Starts A Fire! - By Denise Nekrash

Funny how serendipity can happen...I just had two customers from Montreal in.
They commented on how much they love Hawi and how beautiful it is. One of the ladies said "and hopefully it will stay this way'". I then replied funny you should say that because we all hope so too. And then I went on to tell her in a "nut shell" that a gasification plant is trying to be pushed through against the will of the community. She offered to write a petition from Montreal and post it on her site as well as ( I think that is the site) that is world wide for environmental protection. Her name is Lina and her website is She is planning to make a documentary on the endangered Monk Seals here in Hawaii.
She absolutely loves Hawaii and eco-friendly companies. She promised that she would get on this, she is here until March 13. She also mentioned that the government pushed through for a gasification plant in Montreal and the people have told them that they will not be re-elected. When  a match  is put to the water it starts a fire! Now the government is saying it is a bad idea, and they are keeping the existing one but will not build anymore. She would be an excellent person for you to speak with Frank. I can give you her phone number if you like.

_______________________________ End _______________________

Comment by Frank JM:

Gasification? Yes, let us not forget, Bob Martin was quoted, November 11, 2010 by West Hawaii Today, as having said," If gasification ever happens in North Kohala, it will be somewhere else"  It does not matter where in North Kohala, it is harmful anywhere on the Island, not just near Ainakea.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Kohala Mountain News Spin or ...?

In an article, entitled "Site Selection for Zero Waste Park Update", published February 26th 2011, the following fly in the ointment (spin or ...?) was detected.  This article states the following, among other things.
"The new task force has an objective of finding an alternative  to the site located near 'Ainakea, but will support that site if no other workable location is found."  Emphasis added.
Peter Klika, who is the only new member of this "new task force", stated in his blog of February 21st 2011,
"I am confidant there are other more suitable sites and will never support  the old proposed site which is too close to Ainakea and unsuitable for many other reasons."  Emphasis added.
Whom should we believe?  I put my trust in Peter, he has, in fact, a lot to lose should this waste facility show up at his very backyard.  I think the statement in the Kohala Mountain News article, quoted above, is a veiled preparation for us, to live with the fact that the current site selected is reality, and nothing will change that, in their opinion.

The Editor, who did make an attempt to verify the opinion expressed in my letter, published in the same issue, failed, apparently, to do so in this case.  The fact that no author is shown for this article, it appears, the Editor is entirely responsible for it.  WasteStream's king pin is also the business manager of the Kohala Mountain News.  Could this perhaps explain the spin detected again and again?

As an aside, this article also claims that this "new task force", which is really the old WasteStream task force with Peter Klika added, is not part of WasteStream Kohala.  This spin, appears to be designed to make us believe WasteStream is no longer subject to the Sunshine law.  Whoever is searching and deciding, for the County, which site should be used for the Zero Waste Park, is subject to the Sunshine law.  It's that simple.