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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Kohala Mountain News Spin or ...?

In an article, entitled "Site Selection for Zero Waste Park Update", published February 26th 2011, the following fly in the ointment (spin or ...?) was detected.  This article states the following, among other things.
"The new task force has an objective of finding an alternative  to the site located near 'Ainakea, but will support that site if no other workable location is found."  Emphasis added.
Peter Klika, who is the only new member of this "new task force", stated in his blog of February 21st 2011,
"I am confidant there are other more suitable sites and will never support  the old proposed site which is too close to Ainakea and unsuitable for many other reasons."  Emphasis added.
Whom should we believe?  I put my trust in Peter, he has, in fact, a lot to lose should this waste facility show up at his very backyard.  I think the statement in the Kohala Mountain News article, quoted above, is a veiled preparation for us, to live with the fact that the current site selected is reality, and nothing will change that, in their opinion.

The Editor, who did make an attempt to verify the opinion expressed in my letter, published in the same issue, failed, apparently, to do so in this case.  The fact that no author is shown for this article, it appears, the Editor is entirely responsible for it.  WasteStream's king pin is also the business manager of the Kohala Mountain News.  Could this perhaps explain the spin detected again and again?

As an aside, this article also claims that this "new task force", which is really the old WasteStream task force with Peter Klika added, is not part of WasteStream Kohala.  This spin, appears to be designed to make us believe WasteStream is no longer subject to the Sunshine law.  Whoever is searching and deciding, for the County, which site should be used for the Zero Waste Park, is subject to the Sunshine law.  It's that simple.

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