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Wednesday, August 2, 2023



Since I am not aligned with either party, I consider myself pretty much  unbiased, preferring fact to political grandstanding and lying by politicians, in order to rehabilitate the individual testifying.  In this post, I try to present some of the things I have learned.  Of course, you are invited to watch the whole performance yourself, by following the link below.

1. Throughout her testimony, the CDC Director danced the Irish jig, following questions by Republican committee members; not one answer, I heard, had the smell of truth.  To be clear, had the roles been reversed, the same dance could be observed. However, the truth always shines through if one ignores the overt story, and concentrates on the subtext.

2. The CDC, accidentally or deliberately helped Big Pharma reap astronomical increases in revenue, as a result of the Vaccines imposed, by the CDC and its decibels, on ill-informed global masses. As an aside, some of the medical consent forms, apparently, failed to warn about known serious side-effects.

3. Reference is made to video time stamps 1:43 to 1:49, during which Ms. Greene provided some very interesting numbers. During 2020, 2021 & 2022, American taxpayers were forced to give Pfizer $15.21 Billion and Moderna $9.99 Billion for these vaccines. These vaccines were marketed as free injections, far from it.

4. As a result of the above U.S. taxpayer investments, Pfizer almost doubled their income in 2021, and Moderna saw their income increase 1,238% in 2020 and 1,200% in 2021.  These numbers are nothing short of astronomical.

Research shows, these Vaccines were advertised as safe and life saving, and once a person was vaccinated, he/she is safe, and can no longer infect others. All of which turned out to be false.  In addition, these vaccines have not only killed some people, but many more were physically damaged by these injections. 

"Outgoing CDC Director Rochelle Walensky testifies before House committee | full video"