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Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Out Of The Mouth Of Babes

The 'Divine' have created our earth with all its beauty and perfection, and men is bent on destroying it for the sake of profit, and thus have become the enemy of nature.  Many hypocritical leaders of the world meet periodically to tell their lies, and make their disingenuous and inadequate promises to reverse climate change, however, nothing of consequence is ever done.

In one of the bible stories, I remember, the apostles asked Jesus, when will we know the end of time is near?  He replied, only the Father knows but there will be an increase in natural disasters, and there will be many wars.  If this describes our present days, it may not be by accident.

In Psalm 8.3 (in my Bible) it says:  "Out of the mouth of babes and infants you have drawn a defense against your foes, to silence enemy and avenger."

Once in a while, a young person with a strong belief and conviction comes onto the world stage, and tells the words that nobody is brave enough to utter.  Such is also the story of Greta Thunberg, who gave the following address to a bunch of 'Climate Hypocrites’; at their recent dog and pony show climate meeting.  Bravo Greta!

One can say many things about Trump, wrong as he may be on climate change, but he is not a hypocrite on this issue, hiding behind ineffectual promises, as do the so called good politicians.  President Trump promises nothing, and the fake pledges by the others amount to the same thing, nothing.

Who is Greta Thunberg?
"Greta Thunberg was born on 3 January 2003 in Stockholm,[7][8] the daughter of opera singer Malena Ernman and actor Svante Thunberg.[9] Her paternal grandfather is actor and director Olof Thunberg.[10]
Thunberg says she first heard about climate change in 2011, when she was 8 years old, and could not understand why so little was being done about it.[11] Three years later she became depressed and lethargic, stopped talking and eating, and was eventually diagnosed with Asperger syndrome,[12] obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD),[12] and selective mutism.[12][13] While acknowledging that her diagnosis "has limited me before", she does not view her Asperger's as an illness and has instead called it her "superpower".[13]
For about two years, Thunberg challenged her parents to lower the family's carbon footprint by becoming vegan and giving up flying, which in part meant her mother had to give up her international career as an opera singer.[9][14] Thunberg credits her parents' eventual response and lifestyle changes with giving her hope and belief that she could make a difference.[9] The family story is recounted in the 2018 book Scenes from the Heart.[15]
In late 2018, Thunberg began the school climate strikes and public speeches by which she has become an internationally recognized climate activist. Her father does not like her missing school, but said: "[We] respect that she wants to make a stand. She can either sit at home and be really unhappy, or protest, and be happy".[14] Thunberg says her teachers are divided in their views about her missing class to make her point. She says: "As people they think what I am doing is good, but as teachers they say I should stop."[14]
Thunberg published a collection of her climate action speeches, No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference, in May 2019[16] with the earnings being donated to charity.[17] In one of her first speeches demanding climate action, Thunberg described the selective mutism aspect of her condition as meaning she "only speaks when necessary".[11] In 2019, Thunberg also contributed a voiceover for a release of "The 1975", the theme song of an English band by the same name. Thunberg finishes by urging: "So, everyone out there, it is now time for civil disobedience. It is time to rebel." Proceeds will go to Extinction Rebellion at Thunberg's request.[18]" 

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Those Taking Valsartan Or Irbesartan Blood Pressure Medication Should Read This

Please follow the link shown below, to understand the extent of the problem discovered.  Blooomberg's article is extensive in coverage but deserves to be read by those affected directly or indirectly.  Check with your friends and relatives, who may take these drugs, and forward this article, along with the web-link.

Personally, my generic pills (Enalapril) are made in India, instead of China but I don't feel any better about that.  We often hear criticism about drugs fabricated in Canada, personally, I trust these Canadian drug companies more than all the others combined.  Unfortunately, some of these off-shore companies have branches in the US, and probably Canada, therefore, these drugs can still be bad, no matter where they were made.  It stands to reason, when the parent company is corrupt, their divisions located elsewhere will likely not be anymore ethical.

As Blomberg's article amply demonstrates, our regulators and the FDA inspection process are less than stellar; why did it take so long to discover this very serious problem, discussed below.  The manufacturer involved made cost-saving changes to its process in 2011, with serious adverse consequences for patients, using this drug.  Only in 2018 did the FDA go public, per the article referenced below.

"In July 2018 the FDA announced that NDMA had been found in the widely used blood-pressure medicine valsartan and started overseeing a recall of drugs from three companies. They’d all bought the active ingredient for their valsartan from Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceutical Co., one of China’s biggest generic companies. The recall has since been expanded 51 times, to include two related drugs, irbesartan and losartan, made by at least 10 companies—some since 2014. Drugs sold to millions of people in 30 countries could be tainted.
Some of the contaminated valsartan contains as much as 17 micrograms of NDMA in a single pill. That’s equivalent to eating 48 pounds of bacon. The FDA estimates that for every 8,000 people who took the highest dose of contaminated valsartan daily for four years, there would be one additional occurrence of cancer. “We had to be honest about that, but it’s not a great message for the consumer,” says Janet Woodcock, director of the agency’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. “Throw a couple of lamb chops on the barbecue and you’d find nitrosamine after a good grilling. You have to put this in perspective.”You’d find nitrosamine—a category of carcinogen that includes NDMA—but you wouldn’t find 17 micrograms of it. European health regulators put the cancer risk from contaminated blood pressure medicines higher: They estimate that one out of every 3,390 people could become sick."