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Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Is The First Amendment Under Attack?

More than the First Amendment is under attack, our very right to privacy is no longer guaranteed. I was writing my blog posting (not yet published), which included YouTube links associated with 9/11, and while I was finishing my work of several days (a long post), suddenly and without warning all of my work disappeared, and is no longer on the server. Just like the Twin Towers my work pulverized, which tells me that the censorship is already active, and my freedom of speech and right to privacy has been violated, in one swoop. This vanished post was not yet published, but was on their server, so it is very clear, their algorithm is now setup to yank anything that could point the finger at the perhaps guilty.

I will try with an email to provide these links to you, for I think it is very important to present both sides of the argument, about 9/11.

Friday, January 25, 2019

A Healthy Increase In Reader Visits

Yes, this blog experienced 'A Healthy Increase In Reader Visits', the following statistics show the extent of it.

These number statistics were provided by '', the host of this blog.
                                                                                                     up from August 2017
US----------------------------------------5,436, up 30.9%
Russia------------------------------------   881,   "  39.6%
Germany---------------------------------   569,   "  35.1%
Brazil-------------------------------------   210,   "    0.0%
Ukraine-----------------------------------   228,   "  18.1%
France-------------------------------------   184,   "  26.0%
Turkey-------------------------------------   123,   "   0.0%
Ireland-------------------------------------   108,   "  44.0%
All Others----------------------------------1197,  unknown 

By the way, if you find a certain post really interesting, why not give the link to your relatives and friends, and recommend for them to read it, and perhaps even comment on it.  Speaking of comments, I really like to read your comments; so far you guys have been way too quiet.  Most comments I have received were given to me privately by email, and I will always respect your privacy.

Thank you all for being such good readers!



Thursday, January 24, 2019

What Exactly Is Anti-Semitism?

This blog post was inspired by The New York Times' article referred to near the end of this post.

Here is an article explaining anti-semitism. "Written By:Michael Berenbaum
Anti-Semitism, hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious or racial group. The term anti-Semitism was coined in 1879 by the German agitator Wilhelm Marr to designate the anti-Jewish campaigns under way in central Europe at that time. Although the term now has wide currency, it is a misnomer, since it implies a discrimination against all Semites. Arabs and other peoples are also Semites, and yet they are not the targets of anti-Semitism as it is usually understood. The term is especially inappropriate as a label for the anti-Jewish prejudices, statements, or actions of Arabs or other Semites. Nazi anti-Semitism, which culminated in the Holocaust, had a racist dimension in that it targeted Jews because of their supposed biological characteristics—even those who had themselves converted to other religions or whose parents were converts. This variety of anti-Jewish racism dates only to the emergence of so-called “scientific racism” in the 19th century and is different in nature from earlier anti-Jewish prejudices."
 His bio can be found at

 I disagree with part of above, namely, "Nazi anti-Semitism, which culminated in the Holocaust, had a racist dimension in that it targeted Jews because of their supposed biological characteristics--"
I would have preferred to read targeted Jews, and others because of their ..."   As I stated in another blog post, the Holocaust does not belong to the Jews alone; many more millions other than Jews were killed as well.

As shown above, like 'Holocaust' so is 'Antisemitism' misused, both are not the sole property of the Zionists, who throw these terms around to squelch any just criticism of their inhuman actions against the Palestinian people.

Definitions provided by: 
Hostility:  "deep-seated usually mutual ill will"
Discrimination:  "prejudiced or prejudicial outlook, action, or treatment racial discrimination"

It is evident that to be critical of the State of Israel is not a form of discrimination, nor is it antisemitic, as is always claimed by the Zionists.  If it were not so, the State of Israel would be, by default, above international laws, laws that they ignore at present anyway with impunity.  No wonder that this state thinks and acts as if it is their God given right to add other peoples land to theirs, at will.
"Zionism, Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state in Palestine, the ancient homeland of the Jews (Hebrew: Eretz Yisraʾel, “the Land of Israel”). Though Zionism originated in eastern and central Europe in the latter part of the 19th century, it is in many ways a continuation of the ancient attachment of the Jews and of the Jewish religion to the historical region of Palestine, where one of the hills of ancient Jerusalem was called Zion." 

A decription of Palestine can be found at,

Here is an interesting article by Michelle Alexander,

Time to Break the Silence on Palestine

published by The New York Times Jan. 19, 2019; it took true courage to write such an article because 'antisemitic bombs'  will surely be employed to discredit not only the writer but also the message.

 Now let us take a look at the ancient map, shown below, and a modus operandi becomes evident.

Palestine during the Maccabean period.

When looking at the map closely, it becomes clear that the Jewish nation has a history of adding other peoples' land to the original Jewish state under Judas, and trying to eventually take all of the land from the Palestinians, settlement by settlement, appears to be nothing more than the same.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Blood Pressure Guidelines Follow The Example Of The Cholesterol Guidelines - Lowering Normal Ranges Spells More Money

I just learned (better late than never) that the new US guidelines (Nov. 2017) regarding blood pressure have been amended to add about 30,000,000 more patients that will be prompted to take medication, they probably really don't need.  Not too long ago, per the medical wisdom, one had first stage high blood pressure only when 140/90 were exceeded; now it is after 130/80.  Before we had about one in three with first stage hypertension, now it works out to roughly one in two.  What a business model!

In view of these ever-changing of medical goal posts, likely for business reasons, it is very important that we, the patients, assume more responsibility for our own health.  Doctors are trying to do their best with the 'Pharma' provided opinions/instructions, and their often published fake test results.  But nothing stops us using common sense, and work with our doctor, to prevent damage to our health. I found a number of doctors who listened to their patients (like me), and were quite reasonable regarding objections.

I am showing the German text only to defend myself against any future claim by others, namely, that I am completely nuts for writing this, what looks like to be a ridiculous story.  It appears, the Germans will most likely not follow these new US guidelines, it says; time will tell.

"Aktuelle Diskussion um Grenzwerte (taken from

Bislang galten in den USA die gleichen Grenzwerte für Bluthochdruck wie in Deutschland: Ab Werten von 140 zu 90 mmHg war der Blutdruck zu hoch. Doch in der im November 2017 veröffentlichten neuen US-Leitlinie hat sich das geändert: Die neuen Grenzwerte liegen deutlich niedriger, nämlich bei 130 zu 80 mmHg. Den Autoren der Leitlinie zufolge ließe sich das Risiko für Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen (kardiovaskuläre Erkrankungen) wie Herzinfarkt oder Schlaganfall deutlich senken, wenn die Blutdruckwerte unterhalb dieser neuen Grenze liegen.
Die neuen Grenzwerte haben jedoch weitreichende Auswirkungen: War vorher nur etwa ein Drittel der US-Amerikaner von Bluthochdruck betroffen, ist jetzt fast jeder zweite ein potenzieller Bluthochdruckpatient. Die Zahl der Betroffenen wächst damit um gut 30 Millionen an.

Die deutschen Fachgesellschaften werden sich diesen neuen Grenzwerten vermutlich nicht anschließen. Auf der Basis der aktuellen Daten "empfehlen wir jedoch weiterhin einen generellen Zielwert von unter 135 zu 85 mmHg bei einer Selbstmessung", sagt Prof. Peter Trenkwalder, stellvertretender Vorstandsvorsitzender der Deutschen Hochdruckliga (DHL) und Mitglied der Task Force Wissenschaftliche Stellungnahmen und Leitlinien der DHL."

Saturday, January 5, 2019

What A Mother? ... What A Member Of Congress?


"At an event following her [Rashida Tlaib] swearing-in Thursday, Tlaib told a cheering crowd of supporters: "People love you. And you win." 
"And when your son looks at you and says, 'Momma, look you won, bullies don't win.' And I said, 'Baby, they don't,' because we're gonna go in there and we're gonna impeach the motherfucker.""  Name added.

Above, and photo, were taken from

I understand that in the heat of an argument nasty words can be uttered but in a normal conversation with a child, it is another matter.  Moreover, this woman uses foul language in public, when speaking of the President of the United States; it was a vulgar expression at best, and yes it was protected by the First Amendment.  However, this member of Congress clearly showed, what she is made of; I would not touch it.

More and more, I come to the conclusion that our political system is made up of two gangs, each fighting for control of the turf, for maximum personal gain, and for paying back those interested parties who sponsored them to run for office, under the pretext of working for the common people.

This latest circus called 'Border Wall' clearly demonstrates that our members of Congress and the Administration don't give a damn about the people, people who through no fault of their own, are unable the feed their families and pay the rent or mortgage because of the partial Government closure.  Egos and turf war are the priorities of these gangs; if it were not so, they would compromise for the good of the people.  No such luck I guess.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

911 Connected

This blog post will have to stand on its own feet; I will not comment on it other than to say, this is by no means news to many, it is however very interesting.  Please follow the link below to learn things you may never have heard or read about.