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Saturday, February 23, 2019

How Can One Violate An Illegal/Unconstitutional Law?

The Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution affords us the right to privacy and protection against unlawful searches.

The Fourth Amendment says:
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

The Courts have long held that this amendment includes the right to privacy.  See ACLU v. Clapper below.

Is it not our 'Patriotic Duty' to report wrongdoing no matter who the culprit is?  The Second Circuit in ACLU v. Clapper held that the action by the NSA, in reference to their data collection, was illegal. See reference below.

"Another aspect of the Patriot Act, which has been highly confidential was the Telephone Metadata program, which under § 215 of the Patriot Act, had allowed the NSA to collect data about Americans’ telephone calls in bulk, was reviewed by the Second Circuit in ACLU v. Clapper, in which the court held the Telephone Metadata program illegal under the Congress’ original intent under the §215."

Edward Snowden is charged by the US Government with:
"18 U.STCT 641 Theft of Government Property 
18 U.S.C. ?93(d) Unauthorized Communication of National Defense information 
18 U.S.C. 798(a)(3) Willful Communication of Classified Communications to an Unauthorized Person." 

In this following video Esward Snowden explains his reasons for speaking out,

It appears to me that the only reason why Edward Snowden is in trouble with the Government is that it does not respect our Constitution, if it were not so, this illegal collection of our data would have never been carried out, at great monetary expense to all taxpayers, who paid for the elaborate, expensive NSA installations.

We are told that the Government has no money to help the poor, provide free coverage for healthcare, and education, etc. but, apparently, we have plenty of taxpayer monies to spy on citizens, and send them to their death in very, very costly wars in foreign lands.  Moreover, our politicians generally agree that our infrastructure is crumbling and is outdated but none direct their attention  to this problem either.  Their attention is on overturning foreign Governments, like Venezuela at present, by supplying goods of all kinds, to support these power plays.  They do not see the many needs right at home in our country, where people live on the streets, hungry, cold, and sick.

Friday, February 15, 2019

5G Health Warning

Thanks to Dr. John I received the following link to an article that could open your eyes and save you from grieve.  I am not an expert in this field, therefore I will not comment on the subject.  I know only one thing owning a smart phone is not that smart because it is a tool designed to invade your privacy.  Invading our privacy is bad enough but screwing up our health is definitely not acceptable.  Apparently, this can affect all of us phone or no phone; it will be in the environment.  I think, it may be time to pass this around to all you know, and be part of the effort to stop this nonsense.  I am doing my part.

I don't know about you, I am alarmed, and after reading the article, you may be too.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The First Amendment Ignored Again And Again By Ignorance Or Design

While I do not necessarily agree with the veiled wording Omar chose to express herself, I for one respect her constitutional right to free speech.  I am more for the direct approach, leaving little doubt about my message.

ABS News:

PHOTO: Representative Ilhan Omar, Democrat of Minnesota, speaks during a press conference calling on Congress to cut funding for US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and to defund border detention facilities, outside the US Capitol, Feb. 7, 2019.

"Omar apologizes after Democratic leaders criticize her 'anti-Semitic comments'

Both Republicans and Democrats have criticized the Muslim member of Congress." ABS News

Here are the posts by Omar that got many bent out of shape:

  "It's all about the Benjamins baby ?? Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) February 10, 2019"

Funny, another Congress Woman called the President of the U.S. a "Mother F***ker", Pelosi had no problems with it, at that time, but hint at criticizing Israel/Jews for any reason, perhaps including the inhuman treatment of the Palestinians, and the whole world is about to blowup.  According to many old guard politicians, Omar committed a cardinal sin by showing us, the Peasants, what it means to express our criticism, by speaking freely when criticizing the Jewish state, under the protection of the first amendment.  How can the old guard keep on controlling the  narrative, when this freshman member of Congress dares to break rank.  She had to be whipped into shape to ensure the control of the peasants continues.  Too bad Omar did not stand her ground; there was nothing to apologize for, her speech was and is protected, no matter what Pelosi and others think.  This is why nothing will ever change in the Congress, fresh voices are at once  muzzled, for the common good of the Congress; certainly not for the good of the people.

Antisemitism deals with instances where the right of Semitic people to exist is brought into question, or as the Jewish state likes to think, "The word antisemitism means prejudice against or hatred of Jews" exclusively.
Just like Holocaust so has Antisemitism been hijacked by the Jewish state, for their exclusive use only, to squelch any criticism by anybody; they no longer are obligated to explain their inhuman actions against other peoples, all the have to do is yell Holocaust or Antisemitism, to end all discussions, and they win.

Semite speakers of East Semitic include the Akkadians and the descended cultures of Assyria and Babylonia. Central Semitic combines Northwest Semitic and Arabic. Speakers of Northwest Semitic were the Canaanites (including the Phoenicians, the Hebrews, and the Aramaeans).

Under this new and narrow Jewish definition even God would be classified as an antisemite; did he not send the Jews into exile several times and let them wander for 40 years in the desert, denying them to enter the land of the Canaanites?  Did not God and the prophets call them a stiff-necked people (Exodus 32:9; 33:3; Deuteronomy 9:6; 2 Chronicles 36:13; Jeremiah 17:23, etc.)?

None of the posts, shown above, by Omar, rose to this level, so why drop another antisemite bomb, just to express displeasure when somebody hints at calling out the Jewish state for their 'Human Rights' violations, perhaps.

The first amendment is simple enough to understand, so what is their problem?

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." 

We have been given the right to speak freely, and none have the right to abridge our speech, not even Pelosi and like-minded individuals.  So, why is it that people are forced to apologize for exercising their constitutional right?  Are we a constitutional democracy or not?  So far, I have found nothing in the Constitution that gives Jews or Israel special privileges or rights that are uniquely for their benefit.

Last year, "Israel's parliament has passed a controversial law characterizing the country as principally a Jewish state, fueling anger among its Arab minority."

In doing so, this Jewish state has successfully marginalized all of its minority Arab population.  If we would like to call out antisemitic states, we must include the Jewish State,  which has for the longest time refused to acknowledge the right of the Palestinians to exist as a free  Palestinian nation.

I say enough with these false Antisemitic claims, for the sake of making political points, squelch just criticism or prevent fresh voices from being heard.


Thursday, February 7, 2019

Inactivity May Be The Kiss Of Death

office movements illustration

The Guardian article, forwarded to me by Dr. John, referred to below is very much on point because it reminds us of a fact that we all know, namely, exercise is good for us.  From my own experience I observed that my pumping (systolic) pressure usually drops 20+ mmHg, after a one-hour walk.  Our mostly sedentary lifestyle, associated with office work, and similar, creates a variety of problems, it appears. Doctors have always urged us to exercise, only to end up prescribing some medication for whatever ails us because we refused to listen.

I don't know about you but I will read through the article and incorporate what makes sense, and what I can do, considering my physical capabilities.  If you value good health, it is time to do something about it; let us surprise our doctor at our next visit.

We can do this, at least some of it.