ABS News: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/house-democratic-leaders-call-omar-apologize-anti-semitic/story?id=60992550

"Omar apologizes after Democratic leaders criticize her 'anti-Semitic comments'
Both Republicans and Democrats have criticized the Muslim member of Congress." ABS News
Here are the posts by Omar that got many bent out of shape:
"It's all about the Benjamins baby ?? https://t.co/KatcXJnZLV Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) February 10, 2019"
"AIPAC! https://t.co/UdzaFUEfrh
— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) February 11, 2019"
Antisemitism deals with instances where the right of Semitic people to exist is brought into question, or as the Jewish state likes to think, "The word antisemitism means prejudice against or hatred of Jews" exclusively.
Just like Holocaust so has Antisemitism been hijacked by the Jewish state, for their exclusive use only, to squelch any criticism by anybody; they no longer are obligated to explain their inhuman actions against other peoples, all the have to do is yell Holocaust or Antisemitism, to end all discussions, and they win.
Semite speakers of East Semitic include the Akkadians and the descended cultures of Assyria and Babylonia. Central Semitic combines Northwest Semitic and Arabic. Speakers of Northwest Semitic were the Canaanites (including the Phoenicians, the Hebrews, and the Aramaeans).
Under this new and narrow Jewish definition even God would be classified as an antisemite; did he not send the Jews into exile several times and let them wander for 40 years in the desert, denying them to enter the land of the Canaanites? Did not God and the prophets call them a stiff-necked people (Exodus 32:9; 33:3; Deuteronomy 9:6; 2 Chronicles 36:13; Jeremiah 17:23, etc.)?
None of the posts, shown above, by Omar, rose to this level, so why drop another antisemite bomb, just to express displeasure when somebody hints at calling out the Jewish state for their 'Human Rights' violations, perhaps.
The first amendment is simple enough to understand, so what is their problem?
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
We have been given the right to speak freely, and none have the right to abridge our speech, not even Pelosi and like-minded individuals. So, why is it that people are forced to apologize for exercising their constitutional right? Are we a constitutional democracy or not? So far, I have found nothing in the Constitution that gives Jews or Israel special privileges or rights that are uniquely for their benefit.
Last year, "Israel's parliament has passed a controversial law characterizing the country as principally a Jewish state, fueling anger among its Arab minority."
In doing so, this Jewish state has successfully marginalized all of its minority Arab population. If we would like to call out antisemitic states, we must include the Jewish State, which has for the longest time refused to acknowledge the right of the Palestinians to exist as a free Palestinian nation.
I say enough with these false Antisemitic claims, for the sake of making political points, squelch just criticism or prevent fresh voices from being heard.
Here is more to read on the same issue.
Thank God there are others who engage in critical thinking.
Another voice against Zionism of all kinds.
ABC reported today, in part,
ReplyDelete" The Paris prosecutor's office said the investigation was being conducted into "public insult based on origin, ethnicity, nationality, race or religion."
A band of men taunted philosopher Alain Finkielkraut on the sidelines of a protest through the French capital Paris on Saturday. "Go back to Tel Aviv," ''Zionist," and "France is our land" were among the insults captured on video.
Finkielkraut, a member of the prestigious Academie Francaise, told French television station LCI on Sunday he doesn't intend to file a complaint."
The tactic is clear yell "antisemitism", and you will not only discredit the Yellow Jacket movement but hopefully win the argument.
Do these quoted shouts really constitute antisemitism? Are these words threatening the existence of the Jewish people?
History speaks the truth. Shame on most of the world.
There is more.
Here is still more.
Last time I checked, Israel is a foreign nation; they spent a minimum of about 22 millions in 2018 to influence our politics. Why is there no investigation?
Please read this article in defense of Omar.