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Thursday, August 26, 2021


 For well-over a year now, interested parties, Big Pharma, and Government Agencies tried very hard to stirrup a worldwide Hysterical COVID-19 Panic, apparently, for the purposes of creating a buyers rush to get the lifesaving product foretold by the sellers (Vaccine manufacturers), and friends.  Yes, they, with the help of a mindless media, did a great job in achieving just that.

  While these hasty activities, by Big Pharma, took place, other cool-headed medical experts/researchers tested existing off-label drugs, to see whether any of them showed efficacy against COVID-19.  Indeed, a few showed promises, drugs like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, showed real promises early on.  However, study after studies revealed that Ivermectin is the (off-label) drug of choice for COVID.

 The following Chart explains the difference between the Case Fatality Rate (CFR) and the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR).  This understanding is necessary to fully appreciate the chart after the following.

Click on Charts to enlarge.

I sacrificed the Header to ensure  the writing is as large as possible.

From Video presentation by Dr. Keith Moran

Now that we understand the difference between the Case Fatality Rate (CFR) and the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR), as explained in the above chart, we are prepared to digest the next Chart, which shows the odds of dying for three different viruses shown, including COVID-19.

From Video presentation by Dr. Keith Moran

The take-away from all this is, the realization that the COVID-19 lethality is way exaggerated, when compared with prior viruses where we had no lock-downs, no mandatory mask wearing, and no social distancing; neither did we destroy our economy.

It is recommended following the link below for the full presentation by Dr. Keith Moran.

By Dr. Keith Moran - Sep. 3, 2020

Thank you Dr. Keith Moran for helping us to get back to reality!


Tuesday, August 24, 2021


Public Health England (PHE) "has released a new technical briefing on the variants of concern, number 21."  "Starting with the over-50s, for the period June 22nd to August 15th, PHE reports 29,282 Delta infections in the double vaccinated and 3,915 in the unvaccinated."  Which group would you rather be with?

"Calculating the vaccine effectiveness against Delta infection in the over-50s (1-(29,282/88%)/(3,915/10%)) gives a figure of just 15%, down from 17% using data from the briefing two weeks ago."  Taking a 'Jab' of a vaccine that is only 15% effective against Delta infection, does not make a lot lot of sense, considering all the possible side-effects (short and long-term), or does it?

 "With regard to deaths with Covid (within 28 days of a positive test), PHE reports 602 in the double vaccinated and 280 in the unvaccinated in the over-50s in this period."  This shows that the vaccinated have double the chance of dying from COVID than the unvaccinated.  This makes sense because data has shown that vaccines boost COVID'S ability to infect.  Refer to

  "For the under-50s, for the period June 22nd to August 15th, PHE reports 36,855 Delta infections in the double vaccinated and 125,394 in the unvaccinated."  The vaccine effectiveness was reported as 37%, which is higher than the reported 15% for the over 50 age group.

By Will Jones  /  22 August 2021 • 13.21   

The main take-away from this graph is that Delta Cases of the Unvaccinated (red line) are leveling off, whereas Delta Cases of the fully vaccinated (blue line) are on a sharp increase; this is to be expected, in line with recent studies, and it only just began.

Thank you John Day, MD for finding this story.


"The Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District (SMMUSD) sent out an email to parents Sunday night asking them to sign a consent form regarding COVID tests for their children – regardless of vaccination status.   Emphasis added.

The original form read: "I authorize this COVID-19 testing unit to conduct collection and testing for COVID-19 through a saliva collection, nasopharyngeal swab, anterior nares swab or blood draw, as ordered by an authorized medical provider or public health official." "  Emphasis added.

"A California school district removed blood drawn language from its COVID testing consent form for students after an outcry from parents."

"An additional message to parents from Superintendent Dr. Ben Drati said that "if a student refuses testing, the student will be sent home and will not be permitted until school authorities are satisfied that any contagious or infectious disease does not exist.""   Emphasis added.

 Santa Monica-Malibu School District (SMMUSD)

Santa Monica-Malibu School District

 Santa Monica-Malibu School District (SMMUSD)

The curious thing about this story is that this school district acknowledges what many of us already know that all of these vaccines are pretty much useless, besides causing serious side-effect problems, including deaths for far too many.

It is this autocratic tone of voice, these days, that reminds me of my childhood, living  in fear under Hitler's regime, where often Germans (Jewish people included) where subjected to medical testing and experiments, against their will.  My father was one of their victims.  I was glad to learn that the parents were against the blood-drawn language, however, they should have also objected to the blackmail message, concerning the testing edict.  What about false positive results, more importantly, the mental damage we inflict on our children? 

"A new poll by USA TODAY and Ipsos found that a majority of Americans say protecting the common good is more important than ensuring personal liberty when considering whether to require people to get a Covid-19 vaccination or wear a protective mask."

  • "An overwhelming 72% of those surveyed called mask mandates "a matter of health and safety," not an infringement on personal liberty.
  • 68% supported businesses refusing service to the unvaccinated.
  • 62% supported employers requiring workers to get the vaccination."

One can understand people agreeing with the mask mandate but supporting the following mandates is clearly showing a lack of current knowledge about the less than stellar effectiveness of all vaccines, in the market place today.  Some of these surveyed would probably be happier in countries, like Russia, where Governments do the thinking for its people.

  • 68% supported businesses refusing service to the unvaccinated.
  • 62% supported employers requiring workers to get the vaccination.

 Dictatorial powers start very slow at first to gauge the public's reaction, and every acceptance of their demands, makes them bolder and bolder; before the people realize it they have become the slaves of the state.  Constitutional rights are ignored again and again, and soon the law of the land becomes meaningless.  In the end, all that matters is, what 'Simon Says'.   It appears, we grew up with this, live with it, and die because of it.



Sunday, August 22, 2021


 Collectivism expects the individual to give up his/her rights, for the greater good.  Case in point, authorities, at all levels, strongly suggest that young children and young adults become vaccinated to save the lives of the older generation, i.e. for the greater good.

For the longest time, our young generations were raised with the idea that communism and socialism were bad, bad ideas because one required that the individual relinquishes his or her rights for the common or greater good, while the other demands that all means of production are owned by the State.  In other words, we are asking children and the young to expose themselves to possible severe vaccine reactions, like heart muscle inflammation, for example, to maybe prevent infections of the older mature population, for the greater good.


  • Anti-capitalism.
  • Class conflict.
  • Class consciousness.
  • Classless society.
  • Collective leadership.
  • Collectivism.
  • Common ownership
  • Commune."
"Collectivism, any of several types of social organization in which the individual is seen as being subordinate to a social collectivity such as a state, a nation, a race, or a social class. Collectivism may be contrasted with individualism (q.v.), in which the rights and interests of the individual are emphasized."

Collectivism | sociology | Britannica


It would be comical if it were not so serious an issue that suddenly Communist principles fit the bill when it comes to the goal of having everybody vaccinated with experimental products, not fully approved by the FDA.  Governments, and private entities make this now a requirement for employment status.

The fact that this dictate violates basic universal human rights, the Constitution, and possibly other rules of law, is totally ignored by the dictators.

"Intro.2.2.4 The Constitution's Basic Principles: Individual Rights"

"Another important area of constitutional law is individual rights that should be protected from government interference. While the Constitution limits and diffuses powers of the federal and state governments to check government power, it also expressly protects certain rights and liberties for individuals from government interference.1 Most of these individual rights are found in the Bill of Rights, including the First Amendment's prohibition on congressional enactments that abridge the freedom of speech2 and the Second Amendment's right to keep and bear arms.3 Other rights, however, reside elsewhere in the Constitution, such as Article III's right to trial by jury in criminal cases4 and the protections found in the Civil War Era Amendments, such as the Fourteenth Amendment's Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses.5 Many of the individual rights protected by the Constitution relate to criminal procedure, such as the Fourth Amendment's prohibition against unreasonable governmental searches and seizures;6 the Fifth Amendment's right against self-incrimination;7 and the Sixth Amendment's right to trial by jury.8 While the text of the Constitution specifically enumerates many individual rights,9 other rights are anchored in the Court's interpretations of broadly worded guarantees in the founding document.10

Two notable trends characterize Supreme Court jurisprudence on individual rights in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. First, the Supreme Court's present-day decisions addressing the Constitution's limits on government power over individuals focus on protecting individual rights of minorities from the majoritarian political process.11 Second, the Court's constitutional jurisprudence on individual rights focuses on how the Fourteenth Amendment's Due Process Clause protects certain fundamental constitutional rights found in the Bill of Rights from state government interference.12 Although the Civil War Era Amendments have served as the textual basis for the Court's decisions protecting these rights from state interference, the Court did not recognize that much of the Bill of Rights was applicable to the states until the mid-20th century."  Emphasis added.


"Harassment is a form of employment discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, (ADEA), and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, (ADA)."

"Harassment is unwelcome conduct that is based on race, color, religion, sex (including sexual orientation, gender identity, or pregnancy), national origin, older age (beginning at age 40), disability, or genetic information (including family medical history). Harassment becomes unlawful where 1) enduring the offensive conduct becomes a condition of continued employment, or 2) the conduct is severe or pervasive enough to create a work environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, hostile, or abusive. Anti-discrimination laws also prohibit harassment against individuals in retaliation for filing a discrimination charge, testifying, or participating in any way in an investigation, proceeding, or lawsuit under these laws; or opposing employment practices that they reasonably believe discriminate against individuals, in violation of these laws."  Emphasis added.

 When vaccination becomes a condition of employment, it is akin to blackmail.  In other words, if an employee refuses to be vaccinated, and then faces being fired, it is a kind of do as I say or you will be terminated.  If, that is not blackmail nothing is.  It is especially egregious since the Government's or employer's demand for vaccination violates the employee's civil rights.

"2012 US Code
Title 18 - Crimes and Criminal Procedure
Part I - CRIMES (§§ 1 - 2725)
Chapter 41 - EXTORTION AND THREATS (§§ 871 - 880)
Section 873 - Blackmail"

"EXTORTION AND THREATS - 18 U.S.C. § 873 (2012)
§873. Blackmail"

Cognitive Dissonance,

When we are subjected to orders by powers that be, and we realize that these orders violate existing laws, or human norms, or a fundamental civil right, we are in a state of Cognitive Dissonance.  Following these orders will assure our continued employment,  for example, on the other hand, refusing to execute these orders will have serious consequences, including loss of employment.  However, executing illegal orders can get us into trouble with the law, unless the law is ignored.

Often times people will rationalize and make these illegal orders appear as acceptable, and thus eliminate their dilemma, in their minds, and life goes on.  Super educated or not, we all have the innate knowledge of right and wrong.  Those who make wrong acceptable, already damaged their souls.  Refer to

However, a few will stay the course and oppose these illegal orders, in spite of any serious consequences for them.  These few are responsible for proper changes to come in a society, as a result of their disobedience; it takes a strong character to belong to this group of people. 

"The Psychology of Obedience and The Virtue of Disobedience"


It is time to insist on our civil rights, if not our children and grand-children will look at us as cowards, who made their world worse than the world we inherited.  Every generation must try to make a better place for those who follow us.  When the Constitution is disrespected, the nation governed by it is no longer a nation of honor.


Saturday, August 21, 2021


 It is not unusual to record 60 or 80 reads in one day, however, recommendations (sharing) could be better; there appears to be a reluctance to pass good information on, some of which could save lives, when it comes to COVID-19 infections.

Click on Chart to enlarge


As of 8/21/2021

Wednesday, August 18, 2021


 More and more do citizens become the object of role reversal, whereby the People's Public Servants act as the People's Masters.  Man-made disasters such as 911, and COVID-19 were and are used to remove freedoms and liberties, guaranteed by their constitution, to further the agenda of the rich and powerful, who have amassed ill-gotten profits, to the point that no Government is beyond their purchasing power.

Many countries, Canada and the U.S. included, on the surface look like democratic run countries, this was certainly truer in days gone by than what is the current reality now.   Nowadays, it seems like no matter what the Public Servants (read their Governments) do to them, by way of burdens and restrictions, very few, if any, get upset by it.  Is this the 'Dumb Fat and Happy' syndrome their people suffer from?  Have the people of these countries all gone mad?  Perhaps their Public Servants have figured out a way to keep their citizens divided forever?  After all, a unified citizenry can be dangerous to their health, and existence.

French protesting Vaccine Dictates

Apparently, there are still countries, such as France, where people object to arbitrary and gruel  dictates by their elected Civil Servants.  What makes these French, for example, more alert and observant, when it comes to their civil rights?  Have they still avoided the mass psychosis that other countries experience at present, where people's senses have become so dull that they can no longer differentiate between right and wrong?  Dictators of old knew how to use mass-fear to achieve their sinister goals; our elected Civil Servants are all educated, and are perhaps familiar with this tactic.

The current outbreak of the man-made CORONA-19 virus, and its off-springs, did not create a medical problem of gigantic proportions but a psychological pandemic, whereby people were so afraid of the exaggerated COVID-19 danger that they were willing to play the silly game 'Simon Says'.  Medical researchers quickly discovered off-label drugs like Hydroxycloroquine first and then Ivermectin, which proved to be highly effective against this virus.  It was even shown early on that Vitamin D was a good and inexpensive way to boost one's immune system.  Shamefully, the medical industrial complex sided with Big Pharma, and withheld vital early treatments in the early stages of the illness, they took a wait and see attitude.  They sent patients home without any medical support, other than see us when you are really sick.  Instead of educating the public about these available drugs and vitamins, they did everything possible to withhold this information, with the help of an obedient Press and Social Networks deleting vital information posted.  How can these bad actors sleep at night?

In a few cases, families went to court to force hospitals to administer Ivermectin, and in each case this drug saved the family member from certain death.  The more people died the better was the upcoming vaccine business going to be.  Big Pharma did not have to spend money on advertising for their vaccine products in the pipeline, the daily reporting, by the media, on the number of infections and deaths did the trick, very cost-effective.

  Documented history shows that we had far worse Virus outbreaks in the past, where the loss of lives surpassed that of COVID-19 during a similar time period.  What is the difference now?  For one, we still had some sanity among the leaders.  Perhaps, the timing was not right; it needed some sort of event, like 911 and a scapegoat (China this time), to kick the snowball down the hill.

Where are these God fearing leaders of Government, Healthcare, Business, and the Media, etc.?  Did they all purchase Liability Policies from the Devil?  What we witness today is without precedent.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021


 Targeted Demographic,

  Many of you might feel like you are in the crosshairs, maybe of a transmissible virus, or of a government that will not let you ride the bus, or train, or enter any public venue unless you submit to a novel medical procedure.
  Maybe you have lost your job because you would not accept mandatory vaccination.
Maybe you are looking forward to that happening soon.
Rumors and appearances are that I may face that edict soon.

  I have composed a letter, very early Friday morning, before dawn, after lying awake and considering it for a couple of hours.
I have explained that I see this as a moral and spiritual test. If there is to be an overclass, and an underclass, I must stand naked with the underclass, as the Jews stood naked under the Third Reich. I made that clear before any edict was announced. One of the doctors, with whom I have worked since 1995, commended me on my dedication to public health, but said that he trusted different factual sources, and that it was inappropriate and hurtful of me to bring the Jews and Nazis into it and tired and overused, too.
  With that reply to the small group, I explained that when we took our four teenage kids bike touring and backpacking around the world in 2005 - 2006, we stopped at three memorials to the process now underway, the Anne frank House in Amsterdam, Dachau concentration camp in Germany (3 extra days on bikes for that visit) and Tuol Sleng Torture Museum in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. At each of these stops, the lesson was the same. This was not the work of monsters against ordinary people, but the work of ordinary people against other ordinary people. The situation turned so slowly to transform them out of a series of necessities, to become torturers and executioners of the innocent. Many in Cambodia eventually died the same way, falling under suspicion at some point.

  The thought question for the "home school students" was how they might see something like this developing before there was no way out, but death.
Knowing that this kind of situation recurs in human history, where one group marks another group as a scapegoat, during times of war and famine, takes their wealth and disposes of them somehow, how would one see it developing and make a leap into the unknown to escape the trap?
In 1932 Germany was under severe economic and social stress, the Weimar Republic was on the ropes, and the opposition to it was fractured, largely between communists and Nazis, but no path was yet set or decided, and nobody wanted war again. I likened our current situation to 1932 Germany, just before the steps were taken that led to the chaos and horror which followed. Looking back at history it is hard to see what might have alerted a German Jew between 1932 and 1936 that it was time to risk everything and leave.
  And go where? The whole world was going through depression. How can people in a depression just leave their only support?
This is a really hard question. What I came up with was that a person had to leave at the first sign of depersonalization and scapegoating of a group being codified into law. How would a college educated Chinese person flee China as years of stagnation and frustration led towards the Cultural Revolution?
Could any Jew or non-Roman Catholic have seen the Spanish Inquisition coming?
  One would have to be ever vigilant for signs of scapegoating, mainly from the government, as the economy spiraled down, but before it collapsed completely.
One would need to have certainty in the face of these signs and act decisively before the society coalesced to carry out the scapegoating. One might be able to influence against it by making a public stand. If one would be unsuccessful, one would be forced to leave at the point that the decision was set. One might leave before the purges and culls were carried out. This is a hypothetical, which only involves struggle and uncertainty.

  Now, in the US, the government is blaming unvaccinated people for causing mutations of the coronavirus, which are infecting nice, law abiding, compliant, and innocent vaccinated citizens.
The fact is that the vaccines themselves select for viral mutation to resist them.
This was always certain, because they are "non-sterilizing".
A vaccinated person can carry the virus in their nose, a somewhat hostile environment, and if the virus mutates to avoid the antibodies, that mutation will proliferate and spread. It is inevitable, and on the fairly short timeline that we are already seeing.
In July, the Pfizer vaccine was 42% effective in reducing relative risk of catching COVID in the US, down from 95% touted in January.

  It is the US government blaming the unvaccinated, mandating vaccination for government employees, including the armed forces, which were reluctant in the spring, especially the army. Other governments already have vaccine passports, without which one is essentially confined to home, not allowed in public buildings or public transport, and can't dine outdoors in Paris. The important point in my mind is that government policy is picking a large scapegoat class. Many are calling out for blood, or at least firing the scapegoats, and I see nice people, who I have known for years, saying and writing this. Jenny tells me of people writing this on Facebook, who I know to be loving and caring people. One of the doctors who is most enraged that anybody is still working at People's Community Clinic is somebody I have always been friends with, and who smiled and waved Friday morning as we entered work. We always chat when there is not plate glass between us. Maybe she has heard about me over the weekend. Maybe I will know the next time our eyes meet.

  My calling, my spiritual work in this life is to help my patients live their lives with less suffering, and I have to do that in any way that I can. Thousands of people count upon me to see what is causing them pain and troubles, and to find ways through medical investigation, treatment, and sometimes prayer to help them live through and past it. At this point in my life, and in history, People's Community Clinic, where I am already working with so many people, is the best place I can see to do my spiritual work. In fact, I see no other. Nothing else has been shown to me by our loving universe.

  My spiritual "dual mandate" is to keep serving the people who count on my insightful medical care, and to refuse mandatory vaccination upon the principle of avoiding the dehumanizing steps, which lead into totalitarianism.  
I'm again including the succinct video, which summarizes the work of Hannah Arendt  and Carl Jung, who intimately lived through this process.
"Mass Psychosis"

Shaping History

Monday, August 16, 2021


First and foremost, vaccines are administered to supposedly protect the individual from a contagion; i.e. people accept vaccines to protect themselves period.  Vaccines do not protect others; in fact, it has been shown that vaccinated people can still infect others after their breakthrough infections with COVID-19.  Politicians and other manipulators try to appeal to the masses that it is their civic duty to be vaccinated to protect others.  In light of the true facts, this is pure horse manure.

As we grow-up we are subjected to many harmful environmental, and social habits or norms.  For example, through children games, like 'Simon Says' for example, we learn to accept and follow the most ridiculous commands by a leader, willingly.   While it poses as a harmless children game, it teaches young children, at an early age that there must be a leader and a bunch of nobodies who follow the leader's commands, no matter how ridiculous, or they will be eliminated.

History of 'Simon Says': One version of it is shown below. Who is Simon? And why do we have to do what he says? Daily Muse says this game is centuries-old and was originally called “Cicero dicit fac hoc”–Latin for “Cicero says do this.” Back in the times of Rome, when revered statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero said to do something, you did it.

Read More: Simon Who? The Story Behind A Playground Favorite Simon Says |
 ""Daily Muse says this game is centuries-old and was originally called “Cicero dicit fac hoc”–Latin for “Cicero says do this.  Back in the times of Rome, when revered statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero said to do something, you did it."
Who is Simon? And why do we have to do what he says? Daily Muse says this game is centuries-old and was originally called “Cicero dicit fac hoc”–Latin for “Cicero says do this.” Back in the times of Rome, when revered statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero said to do something, you did it.

Read More: Simon Who? The Story Behind A Playground Favorite Simon Says |
Who is Simon? And why do we have to do what he says? Daily Muse says this game is centuries-old and was originally called “Cicero dicit fac hoc”–Latin for “Cicero says do this.” Back in the times of Rome, when revered statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero said to do something, you did it.

Read More: Simon Who? The Story Behind A Playground Favorite Simon Says |
Fast forward to the year 1919.  Along came COVID-19, and the time arrived to find out how well the grown-up children have learned their lesson.  To no surprise, the hard-wired rules of 'Simon Says' are now dutifully complied with.  However, there is now a small change to this game, it is no longer called 'Simon Says', the new name is "Dr. Fauci Says", everything else remains the same.  Fauci utters a ridiculous command and almost everybody follows it.  Isn't it fun?  Since the game rules remained the same, i.e. if you don't comply you will be eliminated, people, the big children, obey Fauci, a.k.a. Simon without hesitation, after all, nobody wants to be eliminated.
To take it one step further, our children are now being conditioned, by authorities, to dislike, or even hate each-other, under the guise of 'Critical Race Theory'; the real objective of this sick effort is not yet completely understood, at this time, but time will tell.  Case in point, "The principal of an Atlanta elementary school is the focus of a federal civil rights complaint after she was accused of segregating students in classes based on the color of their skin."
We must always remember, no matter the color of our skin, we are all created equal, and none is superior to any other person, race/ethnicity.  Further, none has the right or the ethical authority to force any of us what to inject into our bodies; our body is our temple, created by no man but by our creator.
ADDED 8/17/2021

"Hawaii Attorney Michael Green Files Class Action Lawsuit Says Vaccine Has Killed 45,000 People"

 Attorney claims that he can show that the vaccines killed 45,000 within 72 hours.

"Rumble Michael Green has filed a class action lawsuit at first representing 1,200 first responders against the Governor & Mayor's vaccine mandates with thousands more expected to join.

Michael Green says that the vaccine is killing people all around the country. There are effective treatments. It's unnecessary to test asymptomatic people because the CDC says that they don't spread the virus.

Honolulu Fire Captain Kaimi Pelekai gives an emotional testimony about losing his job because he doesn't want to put this experimental vaccine in his body that is killing people." 

Thank you Dr. John Day for bringing this story to my attention.


Tuesday, August 3, 2021


 Thank you, John Day, M.D., for bringing this news item to my attention.

The Washington Post got hold of an, apparently, leaked 'Confidential Slide Presentation' by the CDC, which shows some very interesting data, as shown and/or quoted below.  This CDC in-house presentation was, apparently, to brain-storm on how to spin these revelations to the public.

Click on Graph and Slides to enlarge

This 'CDC' graph shows that for the period from January through May, 9% of all hospitalized were fully vaccinated.  Further, it reveals that 15.1% of all in hospital deaths were fully vaccinated.  We can safely imagine that due to historical under-reporting, the situation could be much worse, and the CDC acknowledges this.



Notice the Spin-Doctors at work.

"- Important to update communications describing breakthrough cases as
“rare” or as a “small percentage” of cases"

This last bulletin from the above Slide demonstrates that anything coming from the CDC, contains 'Spin' (read 'anything but the truth').


Note: VE stands for 'Vaccine Effectiveness'

"- Important to acknowledge lower VE against infection"   By showing this in the above slide, the 'CDC' appears to acknowledge the lower Vaccine Effectiveness (VE) of the current vaccines.  This explains why the CDC and others enforce again the wearing of masks.  This changes the risk to benefit calculation for these vaccines, does it not?


This slide shows that the CDC concedes that infected vaccinated people can infect others to the same degree as unvaccinated persons do.  Again, this explains the new mask mandates, aimed at stopping infected vaccinated people from spreading the virus to others, vaccinated or not.

In a way, the vaccines' effectiveness can be compared with that of fresh outdoor air, when considering the not so minor severe adverse vaccine reactions and deaths, plus the yet unknown risks to the health of the vaccinated population.

The risk to benefit calculation, in favor of vaccines, never made much sense, and makes even less sense now.


Added August 6, 2021 


A case for Ivermectin, over 600 people treated by Dr. Bruce Boros, all survived without hospitalization.  Ivermectin works for all variants equally.  Lately he sees more vaccinated infected patients, than unvaccinated ones.

Watch video at least for 40 minutes to see Dr. Fauci describe Ivermectin to the letter, in an embedded video. 

Added August 10, 2021

Why are so many Americans, including healthcare workers and doctors, refusing to get vaccinated?  This video explains, in part why.

Even the FDA is now warning against the Johnson & Johnson vaccines because of the severe adverse reactions experienced by some.