More and more do citizens become the object of role reversal, whereby the People's Public Servants act as the People's Masters. Man-made disasters such as 911, and COVID-19 were and are used to remove freedoms and liberties, guaranteed by their constitution, to further the agenda of the rich and powerful, who have amassed ill-gotten profits, to the point that no Government is beyond their purchasing power.
Many countries, Canada and the U.S. included, on the surface look like democratic run countries, this was certainly truer in days gone by than what is the current reality now. Nowadays, it seems like no matter what the Public Servants (read their Governments) do to them, by way of burdens and restrictions, very few, if any, get upset by it. Is this the 'Dumb Fat and Happy' syndrome their people suffer from? Have the people of these countries all gone mad? Perhaps their Public Servants have figured out a way to keep their citizens divided forever? After all, a unified citizenry can be dangerous to their health, and existence.
French protesting Vaccine Dictates
Apparently, there are still countries, such as France, where people object to arbitrary and gruel dictates by their elected Civil Servants. What makes these French, for example, more alert and observant, when it comes to their civil rights? Have they still avoided the mass psychosis that other countries experience at present, where people's senses have become so dull that they can no longer differentiate between right and wrong? Dictators of old knew how to use mass-fear to achieve their sinister goals; our elected Civil Servants are all educated, and are perhaps familiar with this tactic.
The current outbreak of the man-made CORONA-19 virus, and its off-springs, did not create a medical problem of gigantic proportions but a psychological pandemic, whereby people were so afraid of the exaggerated COVID-19 danger that they were willing to play the silly game 'Simon Says'. Medical researchers quickly discovered off-label drugs like Hydroxycloroquine first and then Ivermectin, which proved to be highly effective against this virus. It was even shown early on that Vitamin D was a good and inexpensive way to boost one's immune system. Shamefully, the medical industrial complex sided with Big Pharma, and withheld vital early treatments in the early stages of the illness, they took a wait and see attitude. They sent patients home without any medical support, other than see us when you are really sick. Instead of educating the public about these available drugs and vitamins, they did everything possible to withhold this information, with the help of an obedient Press and Social Networks deleting vital information posted. How can these bad actors sleep at night?
In a few cases, families went to court to force hospitals to administer Ivermectin, and in each case this drug saved the family member from certain death. The more people died the better was the upcoming vaccine business going to be. Big Pharma did not have to spend money on advertising for their vaccine products in the pipeline, the daily reporting, by the media, on the number of infections and deaths did the trick, very cost-effective.
Documented history shows that we had far worse Virus outbreaks in the past, where the loss of lives surpassed that of COVID-19 during a similar time period. What is the difference now? For one, we still had some sanity among the leaders. Perhaps, the timing was not right; it needed some sort of event, like 911 and a scapegoat (China this time), to kick the snowball down the hill.
Where are these God fearing leaders of Government, Healthcare, Business, and the Media, etc.? Did they all purchase Liability Policies from the Devil? What we witness today is without precedent.
God fearing leaders?!?! there is no such a thing. Obviously it is a joke.