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Thursday, August 26, 2021


 For well-over a year now, interested parties, Big Pharma, and Government Agencies tried very hard to stirrup a worldwide Hysterical COVID-19 Panic, apparently, for the purposes of creating a buyers rush to get the lifesaving product foretold by the sellers (Vaccine manufacturers), and friends.  Yes, they, with the help of a mindless media, did a great job in achieving just that.

  While these hasty activities, by Big Pharma, took place, other cool-headed medical experts/researchers tested existing off-label drugs, to see whether any of them showed efficacy against COVID-19.  Indeed, a few showed promises, drugs like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, showed real promises early on.  However, study after studies revealed that Ivermectin is the (off-label) drug of choice for COVID.

 The following Chart explains the difference between the Case Fatality Rate (CFR) and the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR).  This understanding is necessary to fully appreciate the chart after the following.

Click on Charts to enlarge.

I sacrificed the Header to ensure  the writing is as large as possible.

From Video presentation by Dr. Keith Moran

Now that we understand the difference between the Case Fatality Rate (CFR) and the Infection Fatality Rate (IFR), as explained in the above chart, we are prepared to digest the next Chart, which shows the odds of dying for three different viruses shown, including COVID-19.

From Video presentation by Dr. Keith Moran

The take-away from all this is, the realization that the COVID-19 lethality is way exaggerated, when compared with prior viruses where we had no lock-downs, no mandatory mask wearing, and no social distancing; neither did we destroy our economy.

It is recommended following the link below for the full presentation by Dr. Keith Moran.

By Dr. Keith Moran - Sep. 3, 2020

Thank you Dr. Keith Moran for helping us to get back to reality!



  1. the bottom line what can we do about it

    1. We can remove the hyped fear from our minds, and live a more normal life. Also, we can share this reality with others, who will also benefit from this knowledge.

  2. Is this the start of going openly nuts by the courts (Judges)?

    "Rebecca Firlit told FOX 32 Chicago that Cook County Judge James Shapiro revoked all of her parenting time with her son until she gets vaccinated."

  3. "Judge Shapiro just issued an order vacating portions of his prior order of August 11th so Rebecca Firlit can see her son again," Rebecca Firlit’s attorney, Annette Fernholz, told FOX 32 Chicago Monday."
