Pulitzer price-winning journalist Seymour Hersh, from the New York Post, put in print what many were afraid to say or write and publish. "How US Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline" Don't forget, both Nuland and the President telegraphed, on TV, that it will happen if Russia invades the Ukraine, and that the U.S. has the capability, long before it actually happened.
About Seymour Hersh:
"Hersh first wrote for The New Yorker in 1971 and has been a regular contributor to the magazine since 1993. His journalism and publishing prizes include the Pulitzer Prize, four George Polk Awards, the National Magazine Award, and more than a dozen other prizes (Sigma Delta Chi, Worth Bingham, Sidney Hillman, etc.)"
"Seymour Hersh, in full Seymour Myron Hersh, (born April 8, 1937, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.), American journalist whose reporting generally focused on the U.S. government and its involvement abroad. He was especially noted for his investigations into the My Lai Massacre and the Abu Ghraib prison scandal."
"Hersh was the son of Polish and Lithuanian immigrants whose deep belief in American democracy had long informed his idealistic muckraking. After graduating from the University of Chicago (1958) and dropping out of law school, he landed at the City News Bureau of Chicago. Following military service, Hersh cofounded a suburban newspaper and then worked for United Press International and the Associated Press before a brief stint in 1967 as press secretary for presidential candidate Eugene McCarthy. In 1969, acting on a tip, Hersh interviewed U.S. Army Lieut. William L. Calley, who recounted the killing in March 1968 of hundreds of South Vietnamese villagers in the hamlet of My Lai by U.S. troops under his command. Hersh’s syndicated account helped end U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War (1954–75) and provided the basis for his Pulitzer Prize-winning book My Lai 4 (1970)."

"Joining the staff of the New York Times in 1972, Hersh did groundbreaking reporting on the Watergate scandal, though most of the credit for that story went to Carl Bernstein and Hersh’s longtime rival Bob Woodward. Nonetheless, Hersh’s investigation led him to write The Price of Power: Kissinger in the Nixon White House (1983), a damning portrait of Henry Kissinger that won the National Book Critics Circle Award. Among the subjects of Hersh’s other books were the Soviet downing of a Korean Air Lines plane, Israel’s acquisition of nuclear arms, and a much-criticized behind-the-scenes portrayal of Pres. John F. Kennedy."
"In 1993 Hersh became a regular contributor to The New Yorker magazine, for which he wrote a series of articles on the war on terrorism and the U.S.-led war in Iraq (2003–11). Those articles—later collected in Chain of Command: The Road from 9/11 to Abu Ghraib (2004)—culminated in Hersh’s earthshaking exposé of inmate abuse at Abu Ghraib prison, which he traced beyond the U.S. soldiers involved to policy formulated at the highest levels of the administration of Pres. George W. Bush. Hersh characterized Bush’s prosecution of the war as the product of misguided neoconservative idealism. Having built his career on earning the trust of sources (usually unnamed) in the government, the military, and the intelligence community, Hersh described his mission as holding public officials “to the highest possible standard of decency and of honesty.”"
"In May 2015 Hersh made headlines again with his allegations— published in an article in the London Review of Books that cited Pakistani and anonymous U.S. sources—that officials of the U.S. and Pakistani governments, including U.S. Pres. Barack Obama, had lied regarding details of the 2011 raid on the compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, in which Osama bin Laden, leader of al-Qaeda, was killed. Among the allegations made by Hersh was that the Pakistani intelligence service had been holding bin Laden prisoner since 2006 and that Pakistani officials knew about the raid before it happened. The Central Intelligence Agency and the Obama administration denied the allegations."
"In the course of his career, Hersh was the recipient of numerous honours. In addition to a Pulitzer Prize, he also garnered five George Polk Awards. The memoir Reporter was published in 2018."
From the foregoing it should be clear that Hersh was a thorn in the side of Government agencies for a very long time, while holding their feet to the fire. Hersh has been doing, what the current press is failing to do today, namely, tell the people the truth about Government misconduct.
Needless to say, Government agencies, at all level, including the current Government defending, incompetent News media, are squirming and denying the truth once more. They even point to his advanced age, while defending the many nutty actions by the on-and-off again individual sitting in the oval office. The web is full of denials by, surely, paid writers hired to discredit Hersh. In reality, nothing has changed for Hersh, they always tried to shoot the messenger, including when he was much younger. If the truth is important to you, you must read this article, the link of which is shown below.
"Seymour Hersh: How US Took Out the Nord Stream Pipeline"
Actually, it is quite insulting to all of us that these characters in Government positions, whose intellect is often in question, think that we are all stupid. Surely, it is not a secrete that the U.S. is pulling all the strings (world-wide), for a very, very long time.
I have said it before, Governments are often acting like an out-of-control 'Home Owner Association', where a few nobodies enjoy putting their will on all the home-owners, through often non-legal nutty requirements.
Here is something from Greece, with Vladimir Putin purportedly saying that if current secret peace negotiations fail, then he will give residents of areas which will be attacked with nuclear weapons 72 hours to evacuate. I'll need to see more on this.
ReplyDeleteWhat areas? Western Ukraine, London, New York, brussels, Paris, Frankfurt?