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Wednesday, February 7, 2024


It is no secrete that the legacy networks are very biased, depending on which party they are protecting that is working for apparently.  This protection might result in either killing a story, or outright lying about it.  It is also no secrete that the Israel lobby is actively controlling each story, apparently, dealing with the Israel conflict, by using its influence over news publishers, who in turn tell their reporters what to write, according to reports.  So, it is no surprise that sooner or later some reporters find the courage to speak out, in pure frustration. 

 The legacy media was always suspect, however, COVID-19 confirmed that these media outlets failed 100%, by reporting false and dangerous statements, as facts, only to be debunked later, after the damage was done.  It seems the took the easy way out, by reporting, without investigation, stories told to them by, apparently, Government agencies, and Big Pharma.  Let's face it, who in their right mind really believes anything they say or write?

Thanks to independent Bloggers, the true stories were told, albeit in a smaller universe of readers. 


Thank you for sharing this blog with friends and family.  You are helping to overcome the deafening silence from the commercial media on most topics, they just don't want us to know.

This blog is not monetized, it is strictly produced as a public service.





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