"WHO chief's dire warning: Disease X outbreak 'a matter of when, not if'"
"Tedros said he issued a similar warning in 2018 and was proven right when COVID-19 struck"
"World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus has given a new warning about the likelihood of Disease X breaking out, telling global world leaders it is 'a matter of when, not if' it will strike. (World Governments Summit)"
About Tedros Ghebreyesus
From the foregoing it becomes clear that Dr. Tedros (no medical doctor) is, apparently, the perfect individual to head a questionable organization, such as the WHO.
This is an easy forecast by the WHO; everybody made so much money that naturally they, most likely, want to do it again. The extra bonus appears to be population reduction that makes it two for one. It is no accident that the 'WHO' crowd is already talking (read planning) about disease X. Like these yearly Flu shots, which, apparently, are less that 50% effective, they are nevertheless highly effective in bringing in large sums of money, for Big Pharma, and their underlings.
These type of warnings, serve only one purpose, it primes the citizens of the world to get ready to panic, and stand inline for the next miracle vaccine that will be as ineffective as the last one. Then again, they won't care while busy recording record profits. Profits earned by extracting taxpayer monies, willingly provided, by the in-line world Governments, to Big Pharma.
Was it not the 'WHO' who took forever to declare a pandemic, in the case of COVID-19, probably to protect China, so the story goes? Now these scoundrels are in the process to give themselves even more powers, per the rumblings on social media ... are they not?
US records and analysis exist that show that within a three-month period over one million people died due to COVID vaccines injected into them. To this day the WHO has failed to order a stop to this apparent mass killing. Now they seek even more powers, to possibly do more harm in the future?
"Isn’t more global cooperation a good thing? Why do I need to be concerned about this treaty?"
Dr. Leslyn Lewis
"It’s important for countries to work together to address global public health priorities, including responding to pandemics; however, there are strong reasons why this treaty should be concerning to Canadians.
Of greatest concern, the treaty could give the WHO the legal ability to direct Canada’s future pandemic response, including mandating any range of measures from lockdowns to social distancing to specific vaccines approved for distribution within Canada. The treaty will define and classify what is to be considered a pandemic, and this could consist of very broad classifications.
The WHO has acknowledged that “any new agreement […] is drafted and negotiated by governments themselves, who will take any action in line with their sovereignty.” In the working draft of the treaty, they have listed “sovereignty” as one of 12 principles to guide the implementation. However, it is uncertain how this principle will be respected in the context of a comprehensive accord that the INB has already concluded should be legally binding on signatory nations, and would necessarily include compliance measures. Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO’s Director-General said, “The importance of a legally binding instrument cannot be overstated: it will be our collective legacy for future generations.”
Canada must be careful to not sign anything that could give away our sovereignty on health care, even if there is tremendous international pressure to do so for the sake of pandemic preparedness. It also does not make sense for this government to sign onto a legally binding treaty governing future pandemic response when Canada still has not had a national inquiry into our pandemic policies and outcomes. In essence, we can’t prepare for the future when we haven’t learned the lessons from the past.
Furthermore, if the government fails to be transparent with Canadians as it ratifies a far-reaching expansion to WHO jurisdiction and powers, it will undermine the democratic rights of Canadians to determine their own governance. While there has been some stakeholder consultation to date, there has been very little public awareness and engagement regarding this unprecedented treaty, and no parliamentary scrutiny."
The concerns of Canada apply equally to the rest of the world. The WHO, who failed the world at the start of COVID-19, now wants to be the sole judge on everything from declaring a pandemic to what vaccines are to be used, social isolation, etc., etc. They want to continue to punish doctors who treat their patients with off-label drugs that work, like 'Ivermectin', for example. This is an organization that failed the people, but helped Big Pharma and others to make ungodly profits with ineffective vaccines. Whom are they trying to fool? This WHO, apparently, helped in destroying peoples lives, businesses, and afflicting harm upon our children, with all these silly capricious edicts, they supported, if not instigated.
ReplyDeleteWell, that's a link to a WHO related image above.
It really applies!