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Monday, February 5, 2024

“No one is ready for what’s COMING in 2024” Gerald Celente warns | Redacted with Clayton Morris"

Gerald Celente publishes the TRENDS JOURNAL; he his certainly very outspoken, apparently he has been around the Horn a few times, I am sure.

 A look at Trends' webpage reveals a Journal that covers a wide range of current topics; it is an amazing publication, indeed.

Clayton Morris always brings interesting people to his PODCAST.  If my memory serves me right, he at one time worked with Tucker Carlson, at Fox News.


 Gerald Celente- Publisher of Trends Journal 

What I like about Celente is that he is, not unlike myself, 'Apolitical', in the final analysis.  Characters like this have the ability to see reality, without bias.


Clayton Morris | Discover Your Talent Podcast

Clayton Morris is an American YouTuber, real estate investor, and former television news anchor. He co-hosts Redacted News on the video platform Rumble and on his eponymous YouTube channel and a podcast on Investing in Real Estate. Wikipedia


This blog is not monetized, it is strictly produced as a public service.


  1. I'm not ready, and I know it.
    I'm growing vegetables, being a friend, and riding my bike.
    I pray for guidance.

    1. I hope we are not following Lebanon, in the end.
