This featured writer makes a valid point; Orphans of previous unjust killings are fighting today. It logically follows; Orphans of today will fight in the future. This cycle can come to an end only by the 'Two State' implementation.
"Ihsan Aktaş is a journalist who focuses on national issues in Turkey. He writes for DAILY SABAH and Yeni Safak, covering topics such as political events".
"İhsan Aktaş is Chairman of the Board of GENAR Research Company. He is an academic at the Department of Communication at Istanbul Medipol University."
Ihsan Aktaş
"Palestinian warriors defending their land against Israeli aggression are the offspring of fathers slain by Israelis over decades. This army of orphans fights to uphold the dignity of humanity"
... by Ihsan Aktaş Mar 16, 2024
At the beginning of each week, numerous topics flood my mind for my column, and I draft them thoroughly for my article. However, while scanning the news and seeing the atrocities and genocide committed by Israeli vampires and demons, I return to the same subject to break my silence once again against this genocide.
Human dignity, honor, character and personality are arguably among the most crucial aspects of existence, deserving the utmost universal protection. Throughout human history, a diverse array of values, cultures, beliefs and legal systems have, in a way, been developed to safeguard human dignity.
Again, throughout history, there have been instances of individuals and ideologies deviating from humanity, leading to the emergence of murderers, genocidaires, oppressors, vampires and dictators. Whether it was the Inquisition, Western dictators, Genghis Khan or countless other tyrants, their actions have inflicted suffering on humanity.
Who is civilized, and who is barbarian?
However, by the time we reached the millennium, 2000 years after the birth of Jesus Christ, there was a belief that we had made some progress with civilizational values. Those who upheld these values often portrayed themselves as defenders of civilization against barbarism, with Western society in particular viewing itself as civilized while considering those outside it as barbarians.
But when the Palestinian-Israeli conflict began, we realized that most of the Western states are brutal, savage and ruled by vampires. On the other hand, the civilian populations alone represent the people, whether in the East or the West.
The bombing of civilians, the destruction of buildings one by one, the bombing of hospitals, churches, mosques and schools, and the selective killing of educated people, doctors, engineers, all intellectuals who are an asset to any group of humans who strive to sustain a society – the massacre and genocide of children and women without any justification for war – after considering all of these, it is hard to perceive the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as a battle between two human groups.
Orphans versus vampires
On one side, there is a group of vampires who are worse than Hitler and on the other side, there are orphans.
The people in Palestine today who are defending their land and resisting Israeli vampires are the orphaned children of fathers who have been slaughtered by the Israelis without any regard for law for decades.
This army of orphans is fighting to save the honor of Palestine, first, then of all Muslims, and then of all humanity, which today is demonstrated in the streets of Europe and the West.
Dictators and vampires will either drown in their own blood or perish in internal conflicts.
Religious radicalism was predominantly attributed to Islam by Westerners. But we are faced with a situation where not only Israel has religious radicalism, but the Zionists, based on the falsified Bible and Torah, have come up with a perverted radical religious fundamentalism. They see Palestinian orphans as half human and half animal, let alone as human beings. They are, in fact, bloodthirsty vampire murderers.
In the face of this vampirism, Western states are destroying all their values while Western peoples are demonstrating in the streets to save human dignity.
This atrocity is escalating to a horrifying level. It seems that this scourge will not be limited to Israel and Palestine. From now on, whenever a state invades another state and perpetrates mass murder against the people of another state, Palestine will be pointed to as an example. Welcome to the world of vampires.
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