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Tuesday, March 12, 2024



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Refugees and economic migrants are on the move as a direct consequence of games major nations play, without considering the impact on poor peoples of, so called, third world countries.  These powers create worldwide conflicts for a variety of reasons, mostly to plunder the natural resources of poorer, less powerful countries.  Their appetite is beyond their needs, they want it just because is easy for their taking.  Instead of providing aid to these poorer countries, this class of 'Economic Bandits' sucks out as much as possible from their prey.

 These Governments do not realize or care, it seems, that when migrants legally or illegally enter their country, they are obliged to spend massive amounts of money, for food, shelter, schooling, medical, etc. to maintain these people.  Their countries ultimately will suffer not only economically but also from a societal point of view.  Crimes will increase drastically due to some of these migrants' past criminality, also, because desperate people do desperate things. As a whole, they do not speak the language of the country, the invaded.  Moreover, they often lack working skills needed by the host country, and therefore are a burden on the host's economy in the end.

Local labor will have to compete with migrants desperate to find work, no matter the pay, which will depress the economy overall because disposable income will be declining.  Unfortunately, sociopaths and/or psychopaths are ruling nations, nowadays, concerned only for their own well being.  This is one of many reasons why deficit financing will ultimately make these countries go into default, as they can no longer afford interest payments.

As in a number of countries already, the homegrown public will eventually resent these migrants, for one, their monthly cash and shelter allowance may exceed what citizens receive in Social Security payments, after having contributed all their working life to the country.

 US citizen or legal Immigrant case:

"For 2024, the special minimum benefit starts at $50.90 for someone with 11 years of coverage and goes to $1,066.50 for workers with 30 years of coverage. A financial advisor can help you plan your retirement taking into account your Social Security benefits.Mar 3, 2024" 

Unlike a migrant, our SSI recipient getting $50.90, as shown above, does not get an automatic shelter benefit of $123, the options for this person are shown below.

What to Do When Your Social Security Benefit Isn't Enough
  1. Look at relocating to a lower-cost area. In some parts of the country, Social Security checks stretch much further than in others. ...
  2. Determine if you can rescind your claim so you can raise your benefit later. ...
  3. Consider a part-time job.

Migrant case:

"All refugees arriving in the United States are entitled to 8 months of Refugee Cash Assistance (RCA) from the date of their U.S. arrival. The RCA amounts vary based on the size of the family: Single person ($230/month), Family of 2 ($363/Month), Family of 3 ($485/month), Family of 4 ($611/month), etc."  


Unit Size

Payment Standard
with shelter costs





The bottom line is, a single migrant receives $363, which includes shelter cost.

 As it stands right now, a single citizen or a legal immigrant, after 11 years of coverage (worked for 11 years and paid taxes) gets $50.90 per month, while an illegal migrant gets $363 per month (including $133 shelter allowance) right from the start, for 8 months.   It is very likely that after 8 months politicians will find a way to extend this, when needed.

 Why does this ridiculous situation exist?  One could say, the border is kept open by the current Government, with the hope, maybe, these migrants will vote in favor for this political party in the future, or even come November 2024.  Voter I.D. is dismissed for democratic principles (?), which could make a dream come true.   Needless to say, they must make these migrants especially welcome, so they will remember who was so nice to them, come voting time.

On the other hand, some people who know of this nutty arrangement could give their vote to the opposition party.  One can guess; these concerned knowledgeable people are most likely outnumbered.

It is not that migrants are getting too much money, it is that retired US citizens (or legal immigrants), who paid for 30 years, or more taxes, get too little after all they have done for the country.  New arrivals haven't done anything yet, except violate the law.

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