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Friday, March 1, 2024


 Sir, I did appreciate your strong remarks against the ongoing situation in Gaza, however, we are way past words, the time has come for action.  You have an army at your disposal, for you to use in situations like this; please get the ball rolling, and call for a Security Council meeting, to get the authorization to deploy the Blue Helmets.

"The UN can only deploy military personnel when there is a UN Security Council resolution authorizing them to do so. The Security Council will say how many military personnel are required, and UN Headquarters will liaise with the Member States to identify personnel and deploy them."

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We know, the US will probably veto such request, at least then the responsibility for any further loss of life in Gaza, in on the US, and others who put sticks into the wheel.

What needs to happen now, and not down the road, is the immediate stoppage of mass killings.  Food and other essentials must reach the people now; there is no more time for contemplation.  The distribution of food cannot be in the hands of Israeli killers.  One does not put the Fox in charge of the Hen-house.

Next, there must be a coalition of the willing nations, ready to help in the control of Gaza, that is assisting the Blue Helmets, or instead of them, to protect the people in Gaza from the bully and his partners.

Mr. Secretary you appear to be a good man, and you have influence, please organize the coalition of the willing countries, and let these aid the Blue Helmets, or do their work instead, in case of a US veto.

There seem to be two types of people, one that is not afraid to do evil, and the other afraid to do good.

The writer ventures to guess you are neither of these two.

The foregoing was emailed to the office of the UN Secretary General at

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