Cum. Deaths/Cum Infections
It may be too early to celebrate, however, a change in the growth rate of the number of deaths in the US, may be a glimmer of hope. The above normalized p-Chart measures the degree to which the US healthcare system is able to handle successfully the COVID-19 virus.
Cumulative Deaths - Actual & Forecast
Event 55 = 4/9/2020
Cumulative Infections - Actual & Forecast
Event 55 = 4/9/2020
This study was aided by the use of Statgraphics' Centurion 18 statistical analysis software.
It appears, unless drastic actions are taken, by all concerned, infections will continue to increase dramatically, which will impact the cumulative number of deaths adversely. In just the last 7 days the number of infections increased from 259405 to 502876, i.e. nearly doubled. At that rate it will not take long to hit some real ugly numbers. The media, as a public service, should place more emphasis on this bleak outlook, to encourage everyone to do their part to avoid infections. Too many people are still out and about for non-essential shopping trips, driving by a gardening supplies store, for example, one can see a full parking lot.
The fact that official sources preached against the wearing of face masks by the public, to hide the fact that very little was, and still is not available at normal prices, too many people are still about unprotected. People working in grocery stores are mostly unprotected, their management should provide face masks for them, and make their use mandatory. Face masks offered at eBay, for example, are way overpriced, and according to buyers reviews of poor quality, all of which come from China, it appears.
Looking around, people still take this Corona virus far too lightly, it seems, coupled with the fact that the US Government does not provide face masks, of any kind, for the public as other countries (e.g., like Turkey) do is also not helping.
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