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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

US Number Of Infections Are About To Reach Apex

As of April 14, 2020, raw data from 'Worldometers' reveal, after statistical analysis, the following  forecasts.
Let us hope we all maintain, or even improve our vigilance.

Click on charts to enlarge them.

US Infections are about to reach apex

US Deaths will continue to increase

US ratio of deaths/infections is leveling

Note:  This study was aided by the use of Statgraphics' Centurion 18 statistical analysis software.

1 comment:

  1. Dr. John D. provided the link shown below. Dr. John has for some time now advocated the use of vitamin D, D3 in particular. The study by Researchers at Trinity College Dublin confirms this valid recommendation. Myself, I made Dr. John's recommendation part of previous posts, a while back. What are you waiting for? Let us all do it, and pass it on, to people you care about.
