I offer the following as food for thought, and my comments are purely an expression of my opinion, based on what is readily available in the media and on the Internet.
Despite the "Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and
Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on
their Destruction, London, Moscow and Washington, 10 April 1972, United
Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1015, p. 163." Practically all major nations maintain Laboratories, developing toxic agents and live destroying Pathogens.
Even the development of such weapons is prohibited, and yet their production is ongoing. Why else have these highly secretive Labs, in the first place (see video and other links below). Just because these developed pathogens are, supposedly, secured does not make their development and possession lawful. We all know of stories where some of these dangerous pathogens were simply stored in cardboard boxes under some lab tables, instead of being locked up. In a number of instances serious life-threatening pathogens were accidentally released into the atmosphere infecting and killing innocent people, and livestock.
There is of-course much more reading and watching available, and the foregoing links are just a sample of what is out there. The history of chemical/gas usage during conflicts goes back a while.
The use of Pathogens is now the new wave of criminality, employed worldwide. If things go wrong, or if field testing is the purpose of release, mother nature takes the blame for the damage done. It is near impossible to hold the guilty responsible, and it is doubtful that anybody would seriously do something about it, other than talk. In the present instance, some Chinese food vendor was blamed for the outbreak. The fact that a chemical weapons lab is in very close proximity of the food market, had nothing to do with it, so the story goes.
"The misuse of science or of scientific achievements to create weapons
that poison and spread disease has always provoked alarm and abhorrence
in the public mind. The [International
Committee of the Red Cross] ICRC summed up the public horror at the use of
such weapons in its appeal in February 1918, calling them "barbarous
inventions" that can "only be called criminal". For centuries there have
been taboos against such weapons, but the use of poisonous gas in World
War I led to the first international agreement – the 1925 Geneva
Protocol – banning asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases and
bacteriological methods of warfare." Emphasis added.
This clearly appears to demonstrate that the peoples of this world are governed by a bunch of individuals of low morals and character, aided by callous Scientists. We, the people, complain and, on occasions, demonstrate about this or the other issue but few, apparently, shout to the heavens about these planned and/or executed crimes, by the use of lethal pathogens, against humanity.
This major virus assault on the populations of this planet appears to go the way some control forest fires go, out of control. In my humble opinion, no callous scientist would work on a deadly pathogen without having the cure in his or her lab safe. If this is indeed a developed virus, then logic says somebody has a cure/vaccine for it, which will be very expensive, and above all, a fantastic moneymaker for many.
Dr. John just emailed me the following link, which I suggest you follow to improve your understanding of the current virus threat and where it may have come from.
Please download the .pdf document shown in the link below.
See left Top area for it.
The above mentioned document deal with:
ReplyDelete"Preventive, Mitigating and Treatment Strategies for Containing or Ending The COVID-19 Pandemic (a first update)"