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Friday, March 27, 2020

Another Way To Look At Numbers...COVID-19

 By Frank J.
Note: To make the chart easy to read hold ctrl key down while pressing the plus key, as often as needed.  Don't forget to reverse after by ctrl key and minus key.

We see and read about statistics associated with the COVID-19 virus but many of these are not normalized, by reporting them in relation to something, like the size of the population, or number affected per million, etc.  Just flashing the numbers of verified infections and the death toll, does not provide the full picture.

Accordingly, the chart, shown above, shows how it all shakes out, when we normalize the statistics.

For example, the chart shows that the density for the US is only 36 people per square km, accordingly, if proper prevention is indeed practiced as requested, it is hard to understand why the US is in so much trouble, as a whole.  We can understand the numbers for the very large cities, with high density occupation but in general, we should look much better than four (4.5) deaths per million.

For example, Turkey with a density of 110 people per square km had only one (1.1) death per million to this point in time.  Turkey's Istanbul certainly qualifies as a very large city with high density occupation.

The virus attached to surfaces, and/or released into the air by infected people has a relative short life, therefore, social distancing and isolation in home should do the trick, in theory.

We are isolating ourselves in our home because we understand the importance of it.  How about you?

Please pass this on!
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  1. An example to follow.

  2. A Doctor's view on vitamins and the influence they have on our immune system; a healthy diet is definitely recommended.

  3. "Russia says it developed COVID-19 treatment based on anti-malaria drug"

    "Veronika Skvortsova, the agency’s head, said Mefloquine has to be combined with antibiotics for the maximum effect, allowing an increase in the concentration of antiviral agents in blood plasma and lungs."

    ""This will ensure effective treatment of patients with various degrees of coronavirus infection," Skvortsova said.""

    I hope somebody will succeed in short order.
