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Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Some Scientists Work Hard For Eliminating The Human Species

The following link, shown below, was send to me by Dr. John, via a Mr. Joe.

The end of time will most likely be orchestrated not by God but by willful acts of men.  Between the awesome power of Nuclear weapons and the insidious power of Chemistry, combined have the ability to wipe out, just about, all homo-sapiens (humans) on this planet.

History has shown that whenever men manage to create a weapon of mass destruction, sooner or later it has to be tested, to see its effectiveness.  This is just the way it is; lab tests are fine but until it is tested on a large scale, one can never be sure of its destructive power.  During WW II, men tested the power of the Atom-Bomb, to the great satisfaction of all interested parties.

With an accidental or designed release of live threatening viruses (pathogens), the creators and their masters, can assess the degree of efficacy of their creations.  This latest outbreak of a Corona Virus, no doubt, can be called a scientific success because its efficiency of infecting a vast number of people, in a very short time, is amazing, to say the least.  Air travel automatically ensures worldwide distribution.  If one has the cure for it, it can determine the last man standing, so to speak.

Francis Boyle drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, and is very aware of what is going on, in this field.

When reading Dr. John's writings, I learned that it might be a good idea to take daily 10,000 units of vitamin D3 for one month, and then 5,000 units of it daily forever.  Remember, one ounce of prevention is better than one pound of cure.  One might still become infected, however, the outcome may be different.


  1. Thanks for helping get the word out, Frank!

  2. CDC director says coronavirus could stay in US through this year and beyond: CNN

  3. More on this story.

  4. While taking the 10,000 units Vitamin D3 pills for a month, you may want to pay attention to your bio-feedback; I experience irregular heartbeat. Apparently, 10,000 units (IU) can cause toxicity in some people, says my reference material. I sure experienced this possibility.

  5. A must read article by Charles Hugh Smith.

    It may read like Science Fiction but sadly it is not.

  6. Thank you Dr. John for sending me the link for the article referenced in my foregoing comment of same date.

  7. Good work, Frank! has updates.
    Don't smoke tobacco.
