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Thursday, July 25, 2024
"Why evangelicals influence US foreign policy in the Middle East"
God's 6th Commandment says, You shall not murder (plain English)
To start, God does not violate his own Commandments! Therefore, any text, in the Torah or Bible, that has God command murder of anyone can be considered as a self-serving story, justifying the historical murders and land-grabs by Jews, which continues to this day, in Gaza, the West Bank and East Jerusalem. No peoples have been punished by God, for doing evil, as many times as the Jews have been, according to their own writings. That alone is very instructive, is it not?
Praying for Armageddon while sacrificing innocent Palestinian lives in the process cannot please normal humans, least of all God.
What don't they get?
"Why evangelicals influence US foreign policy in the Middle East | EP1 | Witness Documentary"
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