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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

" Regional actors’ lack of unity on the Palestinian issue"

 I am posting the following 'Opinion Piece' without commentary, the article speaks for itself.


 by Hacı Mehmet Boyraz Jul 23, 2024 - 12:05 am GMT+3

 "Murals in the Darb al-Ahmar area show support for the Palestinians due to the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip, Cairo, Egypt, July 17, 2024. (Getty Images)"

"Israel's brutal assault on Gaza has resulted in 36,000 deaths and displaced 1.7 million people; while the world remains silent, Türkiye leads in aid and advocacy"

 "The genocide that Israel started in Gaza on Oct. 7, and spread to Rafah as of last week, continues brutally. More than 38,000 Palestinians, 15,000 of them children and 10,000 women, have lost their lives due to the massacres against civilians, which clearly aims at destroying the Palestinian society and moving to a new stage in the great Israeli project. More than 80,000 Palestinians became veterans as well. Additionally, according to estimates by the United Nations Population Fund, 1.7 million Palestinians – approximately 80% of the country’s population – have been internally displaced. Therefore, there is a terrible humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

The hypocritical Western world, which claims to be the cradle of civilization, turns a blind eye to the massacres as befits it. Sadly, the Muslim-majority Middle Eastern countries have failed to unite in support of Palestine. Consequently, the oppression in Palestine persists because regional countries cannot find common ground among themselves. Since Israel is aware of this reality, it has the audacity to bomb even the people who have taken shelter in tent cities without hesitation. Hence, the persecution in Palestine partly stems from the lack of unity, akin to the Islamic principle of Tawhid, among the regional nations.

 In honor of the late Ömer Tuğrul Inançer, a prominent leader of the Cerrahi Sufi lodge, he frequently brought up this issue in the programs he participated in throughout his life, stressing that Muslims’ current state regarding Palestine is attributed to their failure to adhere to unity and their lack of deep contemplation. In essence, if the countries in the region had ceased their conflicting approaches to Palestine and instead unified in thought and action against oppression, Israel wouldn’t have been able to oppress our brothers and sisters in Palestine for such an extended period.

National interest concern

Why is it that the countries in the Middle East, often the first ones we think of when considering the Islamic world, cannot unify on the Palestinian issue, which directly impacts their security and future? This question asked by many who are interested in the topic, has numerous answers. In this article, we will touch on just one aspect. The answer lies partly in the concept of national interest, where states prioritize their own concerns. This concept, closely tied to realism in international relations, which emphasizes power and security, complicates the understanding of states’ foreign policy strategies and decisions.

 National interest, though its meaning varies depending on the context, essentially suggests that each state must prioritize its own benefits in a chaotic international setting and act accordingly. In the context of our discussion, we observe that the countries in the region, while largely maintaining their previous stances, shifted to prioritize their national interests. Consequently, they struggle to present a unified response to Israel, let alone address the ongoing crisis in Gaza.

Here, we must question how the silence surrounding the oppression in Palestine aligns with the national interests of the countries in the region. Some nations adopt a “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” approach, viewing Israel as not posing a threat to their security. Others are preoccupied with internal issues and thus indifferent to the Palestinian cause. Additionally, some countries opt for silence due to a perceived lack of strength to confront Israel. Some of the countries in the region are trying to ensure their national integrity or the continuity of the political regime in the country without encountering problems with Israel, the eye of the U.S. in the Middle East, which has assumed the role of the world’s gendarmerie. They aim to strike a delicate balance in their relations with Israel to prevent facing situations like the recent American occupations in Afghanistan and Iraq. Additionally, some nations rely on financial and military aid from distant allies and thus act in ways that serve their interests, even if it means disregarding the plight of Palestine. Overall, many countries in the region prioritize their own self-interests when it comes to the Palestinian issue.


However, countries focusing solely on their own interests when dealing with the Palestinian issue are overlooking its complexity because it is crucial to recognize that Israel’s territorial ambitions, rooted in Zionism, extend far beyond Palestine. The concept of the "Promised Land" encompasses a vast area from the Nile to the Euphrates. Thus, turning a blind eye or actively supporting Israel’s expansionist agenda not only harms Palestinians but also jeopardizes the stability and future of the entire region. It is akin to a prisoner sympathizing with their captor.

It is important to remember that neighboring countries adopting a policy of “letting the non-aggressive snake live” might eventually encounter similar issues. Indeed, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, in a speech last month, accurately pointed out this reality by stating that Hamas in Gaza is conducting the front-line defense of Anatolia. The conclusion to be drawn from this is that Erdoğan, foreseeing the threat to Türkiye one day if Gaza were to be destroyed, equates the defense of these lands with the defense of Anatolia.

Here I want to highlight our book titled “The Palestinian Issue and Regional Actors” published last year. This book is relevant to our current discussion. In it, we analyze the policies of various countries on the Palestinian issue across a broad political landscape, spanning from Morocco to Iraq, from the Gulf countries to Tunisia and from Iran to Lebanon. The book, written with contributions from 13 authors, delves into the subject from the perspectives of political science and international relations. Our findings reveal that, except for Türkiye and some others, most countries in the region are unable to unify on the Palestinian issue due to prioritizing their own national interests. This situation ultimately benefits Israel’s expansionist agenda. In essence, the lack of unity among regional countries on the Palestinian issue stems from their failure to prioritize common values over self-interest.

Political leadership

It’s important to acknowledge the role of political leadership in the failure of regional countries to unite on the Palestinian issue. The personal attitudes of political leaders, who heavily influence the foreign policy of their respective states due to their positions and responsibilities, also impact the stance on Palestine. For instance, a select few leaders, such as President Erdoğan, demonstrate a supportive stance and actively work to alleviate Palestinians suffering under Israeli oppression. Since his notable “One Minute” speech against Israeli President Shimon Peres in 2009, Erdoğan has been perceived by Palestinians as a champion of their cause, striving to garner global support. I personally witnessed this sentiment during my visit to Al-Quds and other Palestinian cities in the near past. However, unlike Erdoğan a significant number of political leaders of the countries in the region choose to remain silent, prioritizing either their country’s relative interests or their personal political future.

To bring an end to the oppression in Palestine, it is essential for the countries in the region to recognize that Israel poses as much of a threat to themselves and the Islamic world as it does to Palestine. This requires a shift in mindset from individual concerns to collective unity. Without this collective consciousness, any proposed solutions would be futile. Additionally, countries in the region must transcend selfish and materialistic tendencies, such as prioritizing national interests, and come together in solidarity against the common adversary, particularly regarding Palestine. Put simply, the oppression in Palestine will persist unless countries in the region overcome internal divisions and adopt a unified stance rooted in the principles of monotheism. This necessity is emphasized in verse 46 of Surah Al-Anfal in the Quran, which urges believers not to dispute among themselves, lest they become weakened. Therefore, Muslim-majority countries have no alternative but to unite against the shared adversary.

Türkiye's unique stance

In addition to the points previously discussed, Türkiye continues to assert itself as the country in the region with the most resolute and accurate stance on Palestine, both before and after Oct. 7. This position is grounded in Türkiye’s historical responsibilities in the region, as well as its significant human and military capabilities. Even when considering events from Oct. 7 onward, Türkiye has consistently maintained that Israel’s actions in Gaza cannot be justified as self-defense, but rather constitute blatant acts of genocide rather than mere reactions to preceding events. Consequently, Türkiye has steadfastly stood by the Palestinian people in opposition to Israeli oppression from the outset, bolstered by strong support from its own populace.

An important point to highlight is that Türkiye not only speaks the truth about Palestine but also actively follows through on its words. At this juncture, when considering Türkiye’s efforts for Palestine, we can categorize them into six main areas. First, since Oct. 7, Türkiye has been actively engaged in diplomatic initiatives aimed at resolving the conflicts between the parties involved. Within this framework, Ankara proposed a new solution model, advocating for Türkiye to serve as one of the guarantor countries, with the goal of establishing lasting peace in the region through a two-state political structure. However, the Netanyahu administration, driven by its determination to perpetrate violence in Gaza, rejected Türkiye’s proposal.

Second, Türkiye has consistently addressed the pressing needs of the Palestinian people, who constantly face the stark reality of life-threatening situations under Israeli attacks. In fact, Türkiye has demonstrated significant generosity by being one of the top two countries providing aid to Gaza since Oct. 7. According to data from COGAT, around 25% of the humanitarian assistance reaching Gaza during this period originated from Türkiye.

Third, Türkiye facilitated the evacuation of some injured Palestinians from Gaza for medical treatment, despite the harsh Israeli blockade, thereby giving them a chance to survive.

Fourth, Türkiye actively intervened in the genocide case initiated by the Republic of South Africa against Israel at the International Criminal Court (ICC). It also shared all available evidence with the court to substantiate the allegations of genocide in Gaza, thereby lending support to the global legal campaign against Israel.

Fifth, Türkiye’s lobbying efforts resulted in four European countries recognizing Palestine as a state last month. This further solidified the global anti-Israel coalition, in which Türkiye plays a significant role.

Sixth, Türkiye maintained a consistent stance by suspending its commercial relations with Israel, despite significant trade volumes – $5.4 billion in exports and $1.6 billion in imports according to last year’s data. In summary, Türkiye distinguishes itself from other regional actors by approaching the Palestinian issue without prioritizing national interests and by taking responsibility regardless of its power.

It is important to recognize the significant efforts of the Turkish media, which has remained steadfast in their national and humanitarian values. They have diligently worked to shed light on the atrocities in Gaza, preventing the suppression of truth. Israel’s disinformation campaign is steadily losing credibility, thanks to the truthful coverage provided by mainstream Turkish media. This stands as a challenge to Western media, which seems to have lost its moral compass. Similarly, Turkish society isn't indifferent to Israeli oppression today, as it was yesterday, and shows extremely close interest in the issue. Thanks to ongoing campaigns led by nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) with Islamic and humanitarian sensitivities, Turkish society is challenging Israeli oppression by stubbornly continuing civil protests and boycotts." 


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  1. Thank You, Frank. We should all do what we can do. This article is pro-Turkey, which I am just noting. It seems partisan in that regard. Israel does have nuclear blackmail and spends on bribes and threats, also.

  2. Thanks John. Yes, I fully agree with your comment.
