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Tuesday, July 2, 2024


Far too long are they standing by while Israel violates every rule of International Law, as it pertains to Palestine and its people.  Each of those sideline spectators countries is more concerned with their business relationship with either Israel and/or the USA, apparently.  These countries have, demonstratively, leaders that are devoid of any human qualities or respect before International Law.  In many instances, they ignore the wishes of their own people, who would want their Government to act on behalf of the Palestinians.  Some world leaders would have you believe that their blah blah blah uttering, concerning the Palestinian people, has any value.

International law on Genocide (1948) requires of each country ...

  • not to commit Genocide
  • not to aid the perpetrator of Genocide
  • to prevent and punish the crime of genocide. 
"The Convention defines genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group." These five acts include killing members of the group, causing them serious bodily or mental harm, imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group, ..."

Genocide Convention - Wikipedia

The moral fabric the world once enjoyed, in most instances, has been shredded by these self serving Sociopaths.  After WW II everybody (including the Jewish community) cried "never again", turns out it was and still is all fake.  Before and during WW II nobody (incl. the USA) relished the idea to have the Jews in their country, so now nobody gives a damn about the Palestinians.  What is so astounding, that the oppressed Jewish peoples of Eastern Europe have now become the oppressors in the land of Palestine.

"A Ship of Jewish Refugees Was Refused US Landing in 1939. This Was Their Fate"


"SS St Louis: The ship of Jewish refugees nobody wanted"

Gerald Granston (right) on the deck of the St Louis 


"The ship that nobody wanted: How cruise liner carrying more than 900 Jewish refugees fleeing to the US from Nazi Germany in WWII was forced to turn around and sail back to Europe - where more than 250 were murdered in the Holocaust"



 The US and countries like them were on the wrong side of history then and are again on the wrong side for their current lack of humanity by aiding and/or abetting, by their silence, the victimizing of the Palestinian people, by the Israelis (Zionists) now.  Judging from history, one can be tempted to assume that the current staunch support for Israel, by some, is grounded in the fear that should the Israeli State fail, the Jews will once again want return to the countries they came from.

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