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Monday, June 17, 2024

"Al-Nakba: The Palestinian catastrophe - Episode 3 | Featured Documentary"

 Before the United Nations there was the League of Nations (LON), a band of international (criminal?) opportunists, to be sure.  Then came a time when the League of Nations, apparently, lost all respect and a name change was in order to let people forget the uselessness of the LON (it prevented no wars).  Under the LON rules, any member could veto any decision, since all decisions had to be unanimous.

"The failures of the League in the 1930s were not only because of aggressor nations undermining its authority, but also down to its own members. Britain and France, the two most influential members, ignored the League in their efforts to appease Hitler - actions that arguably led to the outbreak of the Second World War."  Underline added

Failures of the League of Nations in the 1930s - BBC Bitesize

BBC › bitesize › guides › revision

In contrast, to the LON, the United Nations allow only the so-called founding (permanent) members to veto an issue (the United States, the United Kingdom, France, the Soviet Union and China).  It made the UN less democratic when compared to the LON.  As a result, the UN, is now better controlled by, and for the big boys.  To no surprise, the UN is also a useless paper-tiger, manipulated by the US in favor of Israel through their 'Veto Power', and is complicit in the Genocide of the Palestinians.

Like the LON, the UN should be shut down, despite of the well sounding critique of Israel by the Secretary General, which ring hollow at best, in the face of no action, like sending 'Blue Helmets' into Gaza to protect the innocent population. 


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1 comment:

  1. Thanks again, Frank. Interesting times:
