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Monday, June 10, 2024

“Accuse the other of that you are guilty.” — Joseph Goebbels

 Israel has filled the airways with alleged stories of rape by the Palestinians, October 7th,2023.  While some of these accusations may ring true, however, logic says, when a successful hit and run operation is carried out, such as it was, there is hardly time to commit rape.

Recent Israeli actions appear straight out of the SS playbook, pointing to a free use of Third Reich propaganda and methods.  'Joseph Goebbels' famous dictate, shown below, probably applies. "Accuse the other of that you are guilty.” — Joseph Goebbels"

"Hollywood director sexual predator to find refuge in Israel"

"The State of Israel has for decades served as a safe haven for wanted criminals thanks to lax extradition laws and the so-called 'law of return'"

"Ninety-two Percent of Rape Investigations in Israel Are Closed Without Charges"

"Only around 20 percent of cases involving sex crimes last year led to indictments; Israel's rape crisis centers report surge in calls during pandemic."

"Rape, normalized in Israel"

"In addition to being a regional hub for human trafficking and a haven for pedophiles, Israel consistently ranks the highest in West Asia for documented cases of rape and sexual assaults. 

In 2020, protests erupted across Israel after 30 men gang-raped an intoxicated 16-year-old girl, which prompted Ilana Weizman, of the Israeli women's rights group HaStickeriot, to disclose that a shocking one in five Israeli women was raped during her lifetime, with 260 cases reported every day.  Emphasis added.

In March 2021, a series of gang rapes against minors, with the youngest victim being just 10-years-old, sparked widespread concern in Israel over the prevalence of sexual assault. APCCI said that the rate of violent sexual offenses in Israel was 10 percent higher than the average for Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries, labeling it as an "epidemic." A Knesset report from the same year revealed that nearly half of the sexual abuse cases between 2019 and 2020 involved underage girls.  Emphasis added.

Back in 2016, activists from Jewish Community Watch warned that Israel was becoming a "safe haven for pedophiles," noting that sexual offenders were using the Israeli Law of Return, which allows any Jew to claim citizenship and live in occupied Palestine. Years later, in 2020, CBS News released a report entitled 'How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel,' which demonstrated how wanted individuals were walking free in Israel, leaving behind a spate of unresolved criminal cases.

To add insult to injury, Hebrew media reported that 92 percent of civil rape investigations were closed without charges in Israel. 

According to the Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel (ARCCI), despite the country's 'good laws' on sexual assault, inadequate enforcement of these laws means that people use "legal tricks" to avoid retribution for assaults, with many assailants avoiding prosecution. In short, "people are not afraid to hurt. There is no fear or retribution."

Occasionally, in high-profile cases of rape and sexual assault, the Israeli judicial system has been known to act, as evidenced by the conviction of former Israeli president Moshe Katsav in 2010 for raping an aide and sexually harassing two other women. 

However, Katsav's release after serving just five years of a seven-year sentence ignited a debate on the early release of sex offenders. In 2022, APCCI reported that 75 percent of sexual offenders in Israel are released before completing their full sentence.

Israel, weaponizing rape against Palestinians

From the time of Israel's founding, rape has been extensively documented in its use as a weapon of war against Palestinians. In a 2022 documentary named after the Israeli massacre in the Palestinian village of Tantura, horrific admissions of rape committed by the Alexandroni Brigade were acknowledged for the first time on camera.  Emphasis added.

There are also various other reported cases of rape from that period: at least three rapes, one committed against a 14-year-old Palestinian girl, that occurred during the Safsaf massacre in October of 1948. 

Because rape and other forms of sexual violence are often difficult to prove conclusively, it is essential to note that early Zionists also weaponized the threat of sexual violence, especially surrounding the massacre of Deir Yassin in 1948. 

As documented by Israeli historian Ilan Pappe in his book "The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine," stories of explicit gendered atrocities were deliberately spread to encourage residents of other villages to flee. In a recent series of interviews conducted with two Nakba survivors, both revealed that they fled their villages specifically due to the rape atrocities in the village of Deir Yassin.

Today, that same attitude of sexualizing vulnerable Palestinians is apparent in the countless snuff films published widely on social media with the approval of the Israeli military, featuring male Israeli soldiers going through the underwear drawers of Palestinian women and even mockingly wearing their lingerie. 

This, coupled with what a UN panel of experts recently said were "credible allegations" of sexual assault against Palestinian women by Israeli soldiers operating in Gaza, indicate a clear pattern of gendered violence taking place in the war. 

At least two cases of rape, along with numerous cases of sexual humiliation and threats of rape, have also been recorded. Reem Alsalem, the UN special rapporteur on violence against women and girls, has noted that "We might not know for a long time what the actual number of victims are."

Systematic sexual humiliation 

In 2002, during the Second Intifada, Israeli occupation soldiers took control of Palestinian TV networks in the West Bank city of Ramallah to broadcast pornography on several channels. Knowing that Palestinian society is a socially conservative one, it is clear that this was done with the intent of humiliation. 

A prominent case of recent sexual humiliation in the West Bank occurred just last year near the city of Al-Khalil (Hebron) and was investigated in a joint Haaretz-B'Tselem report. On 10 July, between 25–30 Israeli soldiers burst into the Ajluni family's home, forcing five Palestinian women to strip naked at gunpoint and threatening to unleash army attack dogs on them. 

One woman named Amal was taken into a private room with her children and forced to take off her clothes. The report states: "the children also had to witness their mother being ordered to turn around while naked as she sobbed over the humiliation. About 10 minutes later she and the children were taken out of the room pale and trembling."

While it is not possible to note every single case of sexual violence perpetrated against Palestinian women by Israeli forces, it is well documented that female prisoners have been subjected to some of the worst forms of it. 

During the Second Intifada, there were countless allegations of sexual violence against women and girls in Israeli military detention, a trend which Israeli human rights group B'Tselem reports is again on the rise. The rights group said that the Palestinian female detainees recently released in the Hamas–Israel prisoner exchange were subjected to "threats of rape" and "were humiliatingly strip-searched several times" after their violent arrests."


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  1. Thanks Frank,
    A safe haven for Jewish sex-offenders from across the world.
