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Tuesday, April 6, 2021


Let us look at the excess death rate of Sweden, where no lock-downs  and business closures were in effect, moreover, masks and social distancing were all voluntary, and compare it to the U.S. excess death rate.

You  might ask, what is the excess death rate?  The simple method for calculating is the average death rate (from all causes for all ages) for the last five years prior to COVID-19.  Once we have this average, we can then take the current death rate (from all causes for all ages) during the Covid-19 period and subtract the prior established five-year average, which gives us the Excess Death Rate, due to the Covid-19 infections.

Click on Graph to enlarge

For February 2021, the graph shows that Mexico was 95% over the average (the baseline), the US was 20% over, whereas Sweden was actually 2% under the average, i.e. the COVID-19 period was no worse than the usual death rate, prior to Covid-19.  This clearly shows that all the hysteric actions imposed by local and central Governments, with the help of so-called experts, had little effect on the excess US death rate experienced, for example.

Now let us compare the US excess deaths with that of Sweden, more in detail, to show that despite the US's Draconian restrictions, they did not do as well as the country that did not try to destroy itself.  As stated above, their businesses stayed, apparently, open, and so were their schools; no demands were made regarding the circulation of people, everything regarding prevention, was voluntary.

Interactive Graph on website only

Click to enlarge

How can one argue with the overall success of Sweden?

"Earlier in the pandemic, Sweden did not go through a strict lockdown like many other countries. Younger children continued to go to school, and businesses and restaurants stayed open at limited capacities. There was a spike in coronavirus cases and deaths, adding up to nearly 82,000 confirmed cases and more than 5,700 deaths. This death rate is among the highest in Europe for its population of about 10 million. Recently, daily deaths in Sweden have dropped down close to zero."

In my opinion, Sweden let the self-limiting forces of nature play out, just like we used to do for all the previous dangerous viruses; it seems to work every-time.  Let us face it, many major countries, the US included, still don't allow drugs like Ivermectin be used to prevent hospitalizations.  Patients receive standard care, whatever this means, however, this care did not save lives that drugs like Ivermectin could have saved.

So far, in the US (and some other countries), when testing positive a person is sent home, with the usual suggested actions for Flu-like symptoms, and told, 'when you really get very sick go to a hospital'.  The correct action should be, the start of treatment with Ivermectin, or a similar effective drug, to prevent the need to visit a hospital, and likely die in the process.  The latter is the protocol in humane countries, where lives matter.  Some countries provide Ivermectin free of charge as a prophylactic, thus preventing infections in the first place.  How smart is that!

Note: The excess death rate method eliminates any bias by the medical system that may in some cases miss-classify the cause of death as COVID-19.

Finally, let me refer you back to one of my earlier posts, in which the numbers showed that in reality Covid-19 is not much worse than some of the other viruses of the past.  Hysteria did not go into overdrive, in these instances.


Added April 10, 2021

"Dr. Ron Brown of Waterloo University talks about his Cambridge and Medicina Paper. We discuss relative risk reduction and absolute risk reduction measures in the evaluation of clinical trial data." 

The point Doctor Brown is making is that authorities, including Dr. Fauci, published both inflated and understated numbers, to suit their objectives, to ensure that the public will reach the panic level quickly, and thus become obedient subjects.

I strongly suggest watching this video, as Dr. Brown's presentation validates what others and I have been writing about, for some time now.



  1. Sweden supplements vitamin D in multiple foods, and increased the supplementation in 2015.

  2. Thank you Dr. Day for your input. We should have this in the US as well; I am a good example, last year I had insufficient vitamin D level, thanks to your advice my level is now above the mid-range.

  3. "Dr. Ron Brown of Waterloo University talks about his Cambridge and Medicina Paper. We discuss relative risk reduction and absolute risk reduction measures in the evaluation of clinical trial data."

    The point Doctor Brown is making is that authorities, including Dr. Fauci, published both inflated and understated numbers, to suit their objectives, to ensure that the public will reach the panic level quickly, and thus become obedient subjects.

    I strongly suggest watching this video, as Dr. Brown's presentation validates what others and I have been writing about, for some time now.

  4. "South African variant can 'break through' Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine: study"

    "A real-world study in Israel has found that Pfizer/BioNTech's COVID-19 vaccine may not work as well as hoped against the coronavirus variant discovered in South Africa. The research, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, says the variant can "break through" the vaccine to some extent."

    "The South African variant, B.1.351, was found to make up about 1% of all the COVID-19 cases across all the people studied, according to the study by Tel Aviv University and Israel's largest healthcare provider, Clalit. But among patients who had received two doses of the vaccine, the variant's prevalence rate was eight times higher than those unvaccinated - 5.4% versus 0.7%."

  5. "Chinese COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness 'not high,' government exploring options: officials"

    "China's coronavirus vaccines may not provide the appropriate protection, with the government exploring options to try and boost efficacy as additional vaccines enter clinical trials.

    In a rare admission from a normally tight-lipped government, Chinese health officials admitted that the vaccines "don't have very high protective rates."

    "It's now under formal consideration whether we should use different vaccines from different technical lines for the immunization process," China Centers for Disease Control director Gao Fu said at a conference Saturday."
