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Wednesday, August 7, 2019

What In Hell Is Going On?

Dr. John Day, is a medical doctor, and I value his opinions greatly.  Here is what he had to say relative to the ongoing mass killings of people, by young people.

"Free Falling Already,

  Suicidal young men want their lives to have meant something as they sacrifice themselves to a cause.  The cause might be anything. This is typical human behavior. Look at history.  For the "right cause", we call them "heroes".  Young men, profoundly unhappy, and willing to die, are part of human society.  They always have been.  They typically get harnessed into the plans of the powerful.  Recruiters seek these guys. Sometimes they detonate on their own.  They typically have had traumatic childhoods and a failure to fit into society and get their social needs met.  They are suicidal and marginalized.  They act to get revenge, get their pride back, stand for something and end their lives in one decisive act."

You may also want to read the comments made by Kunstler, by following the link below.  Yes, this is his opinion, and you may have your own opinion about this  matter; post your comment, and/or opinion right here.

I have expressed my opinion regarding this matter before on this Blog, and have decided to let the opinions of others speak to the tragedy at hand, as well.  Why is it, that in the good old days we never heard or read about any such massacres?  Why is it that some nations do not have this problem?

The issue of mass killings needs a nationwide debate and exchange of opinions, as well as actions, to prevent recurrences.  Please, let us start to discuss the issue with all we know, and most importantly with our children.  Stop buying these gruesome video games, which corrupt the minds of our young people, some of whom can no longer separate fact from fiction.

1 comment:

  1. The CDC reported for 2018, 14,542 Homicides with a gun, or 4.5 per 100,000. That tells me that too many of us think nothing of taking a human life.
