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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

We Need To Increase The Sound Volume

At the time of my writing, this Blog's posts have been read a total of 9,710 times; from the USA 5,928 times, and 3,782 times from other countries, and except for a few Canadians, none from the other countries are on my mailing list.  This makes me wonder, how many more readers could be reached in the USA, if some of these readers, on my list and others, would share blog posts, they think are worthwhile sharing?  The aim of this Blog, and most other Blogs, is to start conversations about the social issues presented.  Those who rule our lives count on the fact that most of us, read or watch TV, or a video, shake or node our heads, and then forget all about it.  These are the kind of people the Governments of the world try to cultivate, these are easy to divide and conquer, and therefore rule and abuse.

As I recall, one of my posts discussed the strength of the NRA, which has about five (5) million members, not wonder, they usually get what they want.  I venture to say, even some politicians, who privately hate guns, kiss-up to them, after all, 5 million votes can make or break you, they calculate.  What is NRA's secrete?  People who  really love guns and shooting them, unite to confront those who wish to attack the second amendment, of 1789, an Amendment which made sense in those days.

I think there are far more, than 5 million of us, who have a social conscience; so why not try to unite and create a formidable force that politicians yield to, unless the wish to retire anyway.  Together, we could make the NRA look like small potatoes, as far as a voting block is concerned.  You might ask, how could this be achieved?  There are a two progressions that could come into play, such as, 'Arithmetic, and Geometric Progressions', as illustrated by the following examples.

Arithmetic Progression:

Each reader adds one reader, and this reader adds a reader, and so on.  Before you know it the number of readers would increase very nicely.  Starting with 2, we get 2, 3, 4, 5, etc., when more readers are involved in this process, it adds up even quicker.

Geometric Progression:

Let us say, there are only 2 members, and these are multiplied by a discrete common number greater than 1 (in our case), being the common ratio.  When we start with a common ratio of 3, for example, a geometric progression starting with 2 readers with a common ratio (multiplier) of 3, would look like this, 6, 18, 54, etc.  This would make the readership grow even more quickly.  For example, on Tripadvisor, where I posted only 90 reviews, I have 62,568 readers; surely the power of progression was also involved.  Whereas, on this Blog I posted 145 articles, and show less than 1/6 of that, at this time.

By now, we all have read or heard that a certain nasty or comic video on 'Youtube' went 'Viral', well, this was the result of a progression.  Either way, the power of progressions should not be underestimated, to the contrary it should be employed to amplify the volume of our voices.  Let us remember, politicians with hearing problems, require an increase in sound volume to ensure their attention.

As an aside, I had one reader who constantly questioned why I even bother with the problems of the world; which actually should stir our souls.  He even wondered why he should keep-up our friendship?  Finally, I took him off the reader list, however, he is still in my list of friends.  He is just an individual who no longer cares about the plight of others, or any other social concerns, for that matter.  I truly feel sorry for him, his self-centered world is a very, very small world, indeed.

When I write to Presidents, past and present, and I have a number of times, by having many people behind oneself, motivates them not only to reply with platitudes, and they have (see prior posts), but more importantly take action, which, so far, they have not.  I do not advocate for any party, I advocate only for the people, no matter what their private affiliations may be.

Therefore, I ask each of you to please employ the power of progressions, by passing posts you judge interesting, to people you know.  For those of you, who already work this way, I thank you.

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