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Saturday, November 13, 2010

They Just Don't Get It

In a front-page article, by 'West Hawaii Today', in the November 11, 2010 issue, Proposed processing plant placement panned, Bob Martin, WasteStream's Coordinator, was quoted saying,

"It has been taken off the table.  Gasification is not part of this plan"

"If gasification ever happens in North Kohala, it will be somewhere else"

If WasteStream had learned anything over the last few months, they must know, by now, that gasification is dangerous to health anywhere on the Island.  If they now concede that gasification is bad near Ainakea, logic would dictate that it is no good for any other place on the Island, because it pollutes the air with highly toxic carcinogens.

With these mixed signals from WasteStream, they expect us to believe that gasification is not part of this plan.

Those of you who were at the November 10th meeting, witnessed a speaker trying to sell the idea of gasification, as a clean and safe process.  They just don't get it.

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