Looking through my junk folder I noticed an email from WasteStream, it did not indicate to whom it was addressed, but since it was in my junk mail I assume it was meant for me. While this interest group tries very hard to explain away facts as misconceptions, etc., they are having a hard time, because the true facts get in their way. Let us examine just a few examples of false statements they make and the problems they have making things disappear they publicly announced repeatedly.
WasteStream writes,
"In the last several weeks you have received emails concerning the proposed Zero Waste Park. We are writing to address a few misconceptions included in those emails or being discussed by people who have received those emails."
'Against' never wrote unsolicited emails, like WasteStream has, to anybody, but we are guilty of answering emails sent to us.
WasteStream goes on to say,
" In our original brochures concerning the ZWP, we included a study of gasification as a possibility for inclusion in the new facility, even though some of our members did not support such a study. We underestimated the alarm this study would cause. In fact, many who have been outspoken about the ZWP have claimed that we were proposing to install a gasification plant, not study it."
The claim that WasteStream are proposing to install a gasification plant came from WasteStream themselves. They said in their first published propaganda, and I quote,
In their second revised propaganda, mailed to many of us recently, they stated again that their intent is to build a gasification plant, and I quote,
"Contracts for the construction of the roadway and the facility, as well as the greenwaste operator, Reuse Center, and the gasification plant, should be awarded in 2013." Underline added.
'Against' is only claiming that WasteStream proposes to install a gasification plant, because WasteStream stated so in their publications repeatedly. It is WasteStream, who published their intentions to do so, ' Against' is just reacting to these announcements by WasteStream.
WasteStream further says,
"To be clear, gasification is not a planned feature of the ZWP we are proposing; there is no hidden conspiracy to install gasification."Well, 'Against' did not have to say there is a hidden conspiracy to install a gasification plant, WasteStream made no secrete out of it, it was in plain sight twice on their propaganda, for all to see.
WasteStream goes on to say,
"Secondly, various insinuations about our motives have been made in these emails and on the website opposing our efforts. We want to clearly state that our desire is to create a transfer station that will truly serve the growing needs of our community and provide more opportunity for re-use, recycling and an ability to keep green waste out of the landfill."
'Against' has no control over what enraged residents write in their emails to us, and as far as I am concerned, I too find it very difficult to swallow some of the civic interests claimed by WasteStream. I would compare the efforts by WasteStream, regarding their project, with a story that comes to mind.
Once there was a president of a homeowner association, who one day decided to collect and dispose of all the dog droppings in his community. And, all that saw him do that, said, now there is a man who is doing something good for the community he lives in. When all the smelly dropping were in his paper bag, he proceeded to dispose of it. And he did so by emptying the contents of his bag at the front door of a dog owner. Now wasn't that nice of him?
WasteStream further writes,
"We are a small group of local residents, most of whom have lived here for over 20 years, who feel passionately about reducing our trash."As I wrote before, if these misguided souls would feel at least as passionate about the health of all of us, and the quality of our lives, then they would not propose to have a waste facility of any kind within less than 700 yards from homes, violating the criteria dictated by them and the county, and published in 2008. WasteStream keep bringing up the fact that some of them lived here for 20 years, and it seems that they think this gives them the right to dump rubbish next to Ainakea homes. I have been paying property taxes to our community since 1989, but that does not give me any rights to screw-up peoples lives here.
WasteStream continues,
"We have invited Ainakea residents and other adjacent property owners to a meeting on Wednesday November 10th at 5:30pm at the Intergenerational Center in the back of Kamehameha Park across the roadway from the skate park."
It seems odd, too many times when we ask residents, if they heard about the upcoming WasteStream Meeting, we get a blank stare. It appears, that our postal service either has failed to deliver the notices, or perhaps these were never mailed to all residents. I know from past experience, the postal service is usually spot on.
'Against' is working hard to ensure that those people missed by WasteStream will know about this meeting. Given the fact that we were not given sufficient time, we may not reach all either. One would think such an important meeting would be announced in the local paper, but then too many people would be upset by it all, and that is not advantageous for WasteStream, I guess.
Please share this with all you know, and make sure they all will attend WasteStreams' meeting November 10, 2010, 5:30 p.m. at the "InterGenerational Center" in the King Kamehameha Park, opposite the back-wall of the Gym.
See you all there.
See you all there.
"Wasted Dream" is being caught in it's own double speak. Also, only ONE WasteStream member has lived here 20 years. Most are Malahinis who have very shallow roots in this communiy. Peter Klika