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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Letter to Friends - By Kristi Kranz

Please take a moment to look at the website created by our local
residents opposing the use of pastureland near Ainakea and Pratt Road
for the purpose of building a Rubbish Processing Facility which
includes "Gasification" of trash, which is toxic.  It seems to be on
the fast track and those of us who oppose it need to be on our feet.
There is a meeting  with Waste Stream , the organization responsible
for this proposed madness, AT 5:30 PM on Nov 10 at the Kohala
Intergenerational Center, which appears to be on Maulili Rd, before
Arakaki store on right, at the end of the road.  Call 884-5838 for
directions.  I will follow up with
another email on the exact location.
Please go to the link and sign the petition against this, if you agree
you don't think we should allow this very poor choice of land use to
move into Kohala, and please take the time to come to this meeting to
show a united front to the Waste Stream Management organization.
The facility will be 702 yards from the homes in Ainakea, one person
says they are within 400 yards of it!  It is pristine pastureland next
to Kohala's largest residential area.
I have questions like, what are they thinking putting a Rubbish
Processing Facility a residential location, it's toxic, will attract
rodents, traffic, will be noisy, ( ever hear the bottles being recycled
at our current transfer station) will devalue property values, will be
stinky, the gasification process emits TOXIC gases, come on, why is
this even being considered?  What is wrong with our current transfer
station, besides the fact that the county has closed the green waste
portion and the hours have been shortened so it is more difficult to
use?  Waste Stream Pro-ponents cite the fact that it is on a one lane
road with a one lane bridge as a good reason to build another dump.
Not good enough.
The public is not being made aware of this on a large scale, apparently
it is up to us to notify each other of this potentially disastrous
addition to our community and lifestyle.

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