I discovered today the article referenced below, and it clearly shows how our tax dollars are being wasted on half-baked projects, like the new planned waste processing facility near Ainakea, on the Big Island.
Former mayor of Hawaii county expressed his disappointment over the fact that this county facility is not being used. It was first scheduled for completion in April 2007, then May 2009, and finally February 2010. Apparently, Hawaii County's new Hilo recycling center has not yet received its first bag of rubbish.
The irony is, the "sort station" has received lots of taxpayers' money ... $9,180,375 to be exact.
Judging from the photo shown, I cannot see why it should cost this amount of money to build this metal shack, with perhaps some conveyor system inside. Although this project has not benefited, as yet, the public at large, it has certainly benefited others already.
“$9.1M 'sort station' sits idle
by Jason Armstrong
Tribune-Herald Staff Writer
Published: Sunday, October 10, 2010 8:35 AM HST"
Follow this link
For copyright reasons I cannot show this article on my blog.
Let Jason know that he is providing vital visibility to us taxpayers by shinning light onto this sad story.
E-mail Jason Armstrong at jarmstrong@hawaiitribune-herald.com.”
The above mentioned link no longer works, unless one is ready to pay for it. In other words the link (http://www.hawaiitribune-herald.com/articles/2010/10/10/local_news//local01.txt), now gets us to a sign-in page, where they want our money to provide the article in question.