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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Are Your Arms Hurting Also?


Judging from communications I have received from the Mayor's office regarding the planned waste facility, the name that comes up is that of Bob Martin.  This is the person the Mayor's office speaks to on this issue.  Hence, it is not a far stretch to imagine that he is indeed the prime mover (or perhaps the owner) of this project.  Moreover, this project fits right into the framework of a business consultant, that in fact he is (see Bob Martin's Bio below).  It appears, Bob Martin seems to have a great talent to identify individuals that become the front of projects, such as the Waste Facility.  I for one find it hard to digest that these nice folks, connected with this unwanted project, came up with the idea, that includes a horrible location of the proposed waste station, and gasification of trash.  Nor would they, I think, as good neighbors, on their own, piss-off an entire community, risking alienation by the entire community, they all love.  Especially, since it is said that they have nothing to gain and I like to believe that.

It is about time that we all know the man who professes to coordinate this planned waste facility, near Ainakea homes. Accordingly, I wish to share with you the bio, I found, published on the web.  (see Bio below)

Here are the words of Bob Martin, taken from
"What Projects Does NKCRC Support?

"Our whole concept is to do work that is guided, in fact, created by others with a focus on the community. We have never stimulated projects by finding someone interested in a certain area and twisting their arms until they agree to do a project. We don't set the agenda for public good in North Kohala. Our only agenda is that if a project appears to benefit the community we support it if it is presented to us."
- Founder, Bob Martin"

These are words 'Sigmund Freud' would have had a lot of fun with.  For example, if one is not a liar, there is no need to say so.  Another, if one does not twist the arms of others, there is no need to state it, etc.

A better and more believable mission statement would have been:
Which Projects Does NKCRC Support?
Our whole concept is to help others with projects, which focus on the benefit to the community.  If a project, presented to us, appears to benefit the community we support it. (proposed by FJM)

I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I feel like somebody is twisting my arm to accept the idea that a waste facility very close to Ainakea homes is a benefit to our community.

Bio of Bob Martin, as seen on his web-site (
Bob Martin (Treasurer)
Small Business Consultant, (also professed Coordinator for the Zero Waste Project) - underlined text added.

A retired executive from AT&T, Bob offers small business consulting in North Kohala, and is a partner in a local coffee shop. Bob’s community service includes six years on the Kohala High and Intermediate School's School-Community Based Management Council, President and Treasurer of the North Kohala Merchant's Association for three years each, Chair of the Kohala Country Fair for three years and member for six years, Advisory Council of the Kohala Intergenerational Center and Director of the West Hawaii Mediation Center. He writes grant proposals for nonprofits, has completed the Foundation Center’s Grant seeking on the Web and Proposal Writing courses in New York, and the one-week Grantsmanship Training Program with the Grantsmanship Center. Bob holds a Certificate of Professional Development in Nonprofit Management from Kapiolani Community College. Kohala Citizen of the Year, 2005. A twenty-one year resident of Kohala, he lives in Hawi with his wife Karen.

Bob Martin is very modest, apparently, because he did not include the fact that he is also the 'Business Manager' of our local newspaper, 'The Kohala Mountain News', as well as the Chair of the 'CDP Action Committee", which involves itself in land-use issues.  The Kohala Mountain News reported September 25, 2010, on page 12 that, "Chair Bob Martin reported on a meeting with Councilman Pete Hoffmann concerning potential capital improvement projects in North Kohala.  The Zero Waste Park, an equine facility, and Mahukona Park upgrades lead the list of possible projects to be included based on Environmental Assessments and other preliminary steps for each project."

Please share this blog with your neighbors, Bob Martin is a very prominent figure in our area, and he deserves to be known by us all.  He is involved with some good projects, I for one applaud him for that.  However, a man is not only judged by what he has done, but more importantly, by what he is about to do. (can't remember who said it first, maybe it was my wife).
Aloha, Frank

After Some Inquiries ...- By Peter Klika, ESQ.

After some inquiries I have been informed that the existing transfer station is an old land fill on state land that has been in its current location for more than 60 years. The county leases part of the land from the state which owns a larger parcel of land in back of the transfer station. The point is that it is very easy to expand the existing facility and widen the narrow bridge if there is the political will to do it. Waste Stream's claim that Newmoon’s property is the only possible location is simply not true. Any new facility belongs near the wind farm on Upolu Road or the existing facility can be expanded at a fraction of the cost of a new facility.

Also, the County already owns a parcel of property at the end of Iole Road near the NewMoon Foundation on the mauka side. So the County would not have to buy a parcel or build a new road. It already has the parcel and it is already served by a county road. Obviously, NewMoon doesn't want this project in their own back yard, they want it in our backyard.

And, by all means, share this with all those who have the courage to listen to some unpleasant facts including that they are being misled purposely by certain individuals with a selfish agenda. Aloha. Peter

Something To Think About

While Waste Stream’s recent letter to the ‘The Kohala Mountain News’, uses a lot of printing ink, they really have not shared much.  They even conveniently forgot to spell out the actual location involved for the planned waste facility.  But, thanks to our previously published letter with photo the readers now know, and from feedback we got, they are angry.  One reader says, his home is 200 yards from the planned waste site, that is definitely much less than the 0.4 miles (702 yards) claimed by Waste Stream.

While one should feel good about reading their comment that, "None of us have ever received any benefit from the work done with Waste Stream", one has to wonder if, for example, selling land to the county qualifies as a benefit.  Heaven knows what other benefits could spin-off from such a multimillion dollar project.  When do deals like that spring from pure altruistic motives?  Generally, somebody always seems to benefit financially or otherwise in the end.

Waste Stream says they, " ... are involved because we care deeply about these issues."  Well, if they would care equally deeply about our community, our health and quality of life, they would not propose to process waste 700 yards (more like 200 yards) from our downwind homes.  It is obvious their priority rests with the garbage, and not with our well being.  On their road to glory, by creating a "... state of the art waste management showcase....", they trample on the very community, they pretend to care for.  They go on to say, "Our goal is to accomplish this in a way that has as little impact as possible on our community."  Any good, environmental friendly project must have no adverse impact on a community. As “little impact as possible” is not good enough.  What is little for one may be too much for another.  Especially those with an agenda have a much higher tolerance, than those who suffer because of an adverse impact on their health and quality of life.  Children and older people will be less tolerant yet to negative environmental impacts.

Waste Stream says that this planned waste processing location is "a convenient center to manage all of our waste ...".  The fact is, it is on the way to nowhere and has only one road to get to, unlike the existing transfer station, which has two roads leading to it.  Most people would have to drive out of their way to drop-off their rubbish.  How convenient is that?

Waste Stream makes a big deal out of 11 tons of trash going to the landfill daily; how many truckloads are we speaking about?   Well, for example, “A garbage collector in Portland visits about 900 homes a day, and each truck can hold about 12 tons of compacted refuse”.  (Ref.  So, we talk about one truckload of compacted trash a day.  One County report shows that our West Hawaii Sanitary Landfill (WHSL), apparently, can accept not only our waste, but also, if need be, the additional waste from South Hawaii for many years; so what is the urgency?  (Ref.

We understand, the hardest pill to swallow, by readers, is that out of 104 sites proposed by the consultants, only the site 200 yards from Ainakea homes is suitable to process waste. Area residents deserve more respect for their intelligence, than Waste Stream gives them by pretending that they are not smart enough to see their plan for what it is.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Toxic Waste in North Kohala‏ - By Linda Halbritter

I have lived here in Kohala for over 32 years.  I cannot believe that such a facility could even be thought of in a residential area, let alone in North Kohala where we are known for our pristine air quality. Our Historical Town should be ashamed to let this plan go any further than it has gone already (on paper)....King Kamehameha would be rolling over in his grave.  We must all fight against this toxic gastification project for the future of our children and grand children. Let's all join forces.."No Toxic Facilities" in Kohala...Mahalo, Linda Halbritter"

Waste Facility - By Richard Dornhofer

"- this proposal & it's 'push' are more of an example akin to many
corporate-politico - disregard of our environment & messes that lead to
more horrible 'messes' down-the-road that are easy to identify around
our planet and are just plain stupid.
 - I disagree with this non-sense and oppose this.
- there's a better way and we'll find it! = by common or uncommon
real scientific sense & embrace.
- R.D."


Tranfer Station - By Bruce Pendercraft

"To Who It May Concern,
I would like to register my strong opposition to the proposed  
Gasification Station in Kapaau.
I can not think of a more absurd location for this facility in so  
prestine a natural environment and in such proximity to residential  
Surely there is a more suitable location away from population centers,  
tourist areas, scenic coast line and sacred native sites.
I pray that this proposal is terminated and inform you that I will  
continue to do all that I can to resist this miss guided plan.
In opposition,
Bruce Pendergraft"

Proposed new Transfer Station location‏ - By Gale Leonardi

"As a seventeen year resident of North Kohala (and former Ainakea home-owner), I protest the creation of a new Transfer Station so close to a residential neighborhood and cannot imagine what these people were thinking when it was chosen.  Another example of Hawaiian decisions that have absolutely no eye toward the future - c'mon, people, with so many other land parcels away from human population available, I urge those "in charge" to reconsider another location and encourage all members of our community to protest - often and loudly."

Proposed Gasification Waste Transfer Facility in Kapaau, North Kohala - By Terry Lynn Harrison

Aloha neighbors and friends,

In case you haven't heard!  A proposed Gasification Waste Transfer Center is on the fast tract.....  for our town!

Proposed site sits ad-mist  hundreds of lush acres in rolling pasturelands; on the makia side of road, close to spectacular ocean front bluffs and views. The area is surrounded more than 180 degrees by the awesome, breathtaking evergreen/pristine North Kohala Mountains. 'Waste Stream' folks are moving full speed ahead attempting to build a state of the arts, multi-million dollar Gasification Waste Facility in a most reverend, spiritual, beautiful place on the island, our home!  They claim it will be first of its kind on Hawaii Island.

This could/would become an ecological disaster, affecting, health, well being, safety of life for hundreds and hundreds of all aged residents, animals, beings living within a quarter mile radius of proposed 10 acre site. The entire Ainakea Village would be highly impacted! The quality of life thousands and thousands of us have known for decades in our clean air/clean water homelands of North Kohala would be negatively changed forever.
Monster trucks from near and far would run the only road between Hawi, Kapaau, & beyond;  back and forth endlessly kicking up fumes, dust, toxic emissions non stop. A most splendid place in the state, Pololu Valley, would become involved as visitors would have to drive back and forth thru a quagmire of tangled garbage mess traffic, as would we.

Should you not be in favor of this proposed gasification garbage plan by the WasteStream folks, Please register your opposition  to stop this madness on the following site:    as a saying goes:  "a stitch in time saves nine!"


a meeting is planned for November 10th, 5:30 at the Kohala Intergenerational Center......  on  Maulili Rd. before Arakaki store at end of road... 884 5838 for directions 

Thanking you so kindly for your attention; attention we all deserve,
may we all be happy, well, and peaceful, now and always...... including the WasteStream camp!


Peter Klika, ESQ. Now A Member Of Our 'Against' Working Group


Peter Klika, ESQ. has agreed to become actively involved with our cause, and is now a member of our working group.  I for one am extremely happy about this new fire-power at our disposal.

Peter is a retired land use attorney.  He has been in Hawaii since 1959, and graduated from the UH Manoa.  Peter has worked for the Governor of Hawaii, HUD, and Model Cities.  He has had a home in North Kohala for 26 years.  In his registration he stated, "THIS IS THE WORST LAND USE PROPOSAL I HAVE SEEN IN ALMOST 30 YEARS!  It is totally inappropriate to place a waste facility 700 yards upwind from the largest subdivision in North Kohala, two schools, a county park, and two beautiful communities. What about our children and grand children. STOP THIS PROJECT."

Peter, we all agree with you, and I am sure I speak for all of us; thank you very much for offering your time and resources to our common cause.  Now, this is what I call good news, unlike the other "good news" that Waste Stream is offering us.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Posted by - Terry Lynn Harrison

"350 pristine pastureland acres in front of Ainakea Village and
 practically adjacent to proposed gasification plant is and has been
 for 35 plus years, home to 350 cows who birth once a year. At this
 time each cow is calfing.
 Pollution, chemicals, noisey chippers, vehicular fumes/oils/gases
 would affect hundreds & hundreds of cattle headed for market......... As well as
 hundreds & hundreds of men, women, children living in the direct
 pathway of proposed site. Also, many surfers and folks walk thru said
 area daily; & hundreds and hundreds of birds and animal life live in
 the area. The site, also located on the makai side of the road is a fairly short

 walking distance to the ocean front.

 How about locating a site suitable for garbage gasification in a lava
 rock field not impacting such a tremendous amount of life, thus
 leaving lush green waterfront pasturelands & densely populated
 neighborhood of Ainakea alone."

Letter to Friends - By Kristi Kranz

Please take a moment to look at the website created by our local
residents opposing the use of pastureland near Ainakea and Pratt Road
for the purpose of building a Rubbish Processing Facility which
includes "Gasification" of trash, which is toxic.  It seems to be on
the fast track and those of us who oppose it need to be on our feet.
There is a meeting  with Waste Stream , the organization responsible
for this proposed madness, AT 5:30 PM on Nov 10 at the Kohala
Intergenerational Center, which appears to be on Maulili Rd, before
Arakaki store on right, at the end of the road.  Call 884-5838 for
directions.  I will follow up with
another email on the exact location.
Please go to the link and sign the petition against this, if you agree
you don't think we should allow this very poor choice of land use to
move into Kohala, and please take the time to come to this meeting to
show a united front to the Waste Stream Management organization.
The facility will be 702 yards from the homes in Ainakea, one person
says they are within 400 yards of it!  It is pristine pastureland next
to Kohala's largest residential area.
I have questions like, what are they thinking putting a Rubbish
Processing Facility a residential location, it's toxic, will attract
rodents, traffic, will be noisy, ( ever hear the bottles being recycled
at our current transfer station) will devalue property values, will be
stinky, the gasification process emits TOXIC gases, come on, why is
this even being considered?  What is wrong with our current transfer
station, besides the fact that the county has closed the green waste
portion and the hours have been shortened so it is more difficult to
use?  Waste Stream Pro-ponents cite the fact that it is on a one lane
road with a one lane bridge as a good reason to build another dump.
Not good enough.
The public is not being made aware of this on a large scale, apparently
it is up to us to notify each other of this potentially disastrous
addition to our community and lifestyle.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Waste Stream's Meeting Notice


I just got in the mail an invitation to a meeting by the Waste Stream people; The meeting will be Nov. 10, 2010 at the "Kohala Intergenerational Center " starting at 5:30 p.m.  No address was provided, I hope you all know where this is.  It is behind the Gym at Kamehameha Park.

Please ensure that you, your friends, neighbors, and any others you can think of are at this meeting.  We must have a very strong showing, to demonstrate to them that we are very much in opposition to their pet project, thus sending them a message they will not soon forget (please carpool if needed).

I was told by Pete Hoffman, the county and he will be at this meeting

Please note that in their mailing they state,

"The landowner and the County have signed a letter of agreement which will allow the County's consultants to conduct a full Environmental Assessment of the property, and this study will begin before the end of the year."

When we told you, this project is on fast track, we were not kidding.


Letter to Representative Mark Nakashima - By Joseph Green

"To: Representative Mark Nakashima

Dear Sir,

     I was just made aware of the proposed Waste Transfer Station that
would be built just East of Ainakea Subdivision in Kapa'au via The
Kohala Mountain News, Oct. 23 edition. From what information I have been
able to gather this would be a virtual disaster for No. Kohala since the
Trade Winds would carry pollution, both smoke, noise, and the delightful
odor of garbage through Ainakea, Kapa'au, and Hawi.
      Currently there is a Citizens Action Committee being formed and
petitions being prepared in an attempt to stop this action, but we need
the support from representatives such as yourself, to bring this
situation to the attention of our state government.
     In the article (in the Letters to the Editor) there is a web site
where more information can be found: I
believe it would be to your benefit to check out the article and the web
     I have yet to talk to anyone who supports this project, and most
are outraged by the audacity to even consider this location for a Waste
Disposal Site.
     I realize you are a very busy man, but your attendance to the
meeting of the Citizens Action Committee would add a powerful voice to
our efforts. As soon as a specific date and location of the meeting is
available I will personally notify you.
     Thank you for your time and consideration.


     Joseph Green"

Monday, October 25, 2010

Our Letter To The Editor Of The Kohala Mountain News, Oct. 23. 2010

"New Proposed Transfer Station Next to Ainakea Village

Dear Editor:

A group of 10 local residents who call themselves “WasteStream ” are pushing for the construction of a new waste station to replace the existing transfer station. The idea to improve upon the services offered at the current station is good and well, but the location leaves much to be desired: less than half a mile makai of Ainakea homes, the new waste station would be upwind from the most densely populated area in North Kohala. The so-called “Zero Waste Park” would be on about 10 acres of land (30 yards past Pratt Rd.) and would eventually have a facility to burn (gasify) rubbish.
Let no one doubt, this project is on the fast track. Per their handout provided at the pizza and beer “talk story” for selected Ainakea residents, they state that the proposed land will be purchased by the county in late 2011. They also expect that the funding for this “capital improvement” will also be allotted in 2011. They further state, “Contracts for the construction of the roadway and the facility, as well as the greenwaste operator, Reuse Center, and gasification plant, should be awarded in 2013.” The proposed opening of this facility should happen in 2015, they say. 
Also, since North Kohala generates only 2.5% of the Big Island’s total waste, it is very probable that the new waste facility could eventually receive trash from other districts for gasification. In fact, county reports show that the idea of trucking rubbish from other districts to the West Hawaii Sanitary Landfill is being considered.  Trucking waste to this planned waste facility for gasification would mean more pollution and a significant increase in truck traffic, generating more exhaust fumes and road noise.
All of your readers opposed to such a plan should visit the website to learn the facts, and why other local residents are against such an irresponsible choice of location for a waste station, and the very idea of burning trash in our pristine environment, so very close to our downwind homes. Even an internationally-known expert in the field of gasification, Dr. Paul Connett, has nothing good to say about it. After digesting the facts on this website, North Kohala residents will have an opportunity to voice their concerns by registering their opposition in the guest book provided.
Readers without a computer should ask a relative or a friend to register them. Failing that, they may write to “Against Waste Facility” c/o FJM, P.O. Box 995, Kapa`au, HI 96755. The signed letter (or note) must include your full name, telephone number, and permission for ‘Against’ to register you. Also, contact Councilman Pete Hoffmann (895-0834 or 883-8547) and Mayor Billy Kenoi (327-3602).
Most people in our community have not heard about this project. The reason for this is that the players involved have kept their cards very close to their chests. So far, only a small group – picked from your Ainakea neighbors – has been invited to a pizza and beer “talk story” to hear about WasteStream’s plans and offer feedback. Should we be alarmed about such a plan? It depends. If one lives in Ainakea, Kapa`au, or near the border of Kapa`au, one has all the reason in the world to be not only alarmed, but outraged once it is realized where this waste disposal facility is to be built. As a taxpayer one should be alarmed no matter where one lives on the island, because when the county spends additional millions, taxes will go up. There is even talk by the county to impose a “Pay-As-You-Throw” fee whenever you bring rubbish to the waste station.
Why anyone would select this site, which is far too close and directly upwind to our densely populated Ainakea village is beyond comprehension. A certain stench from the proposed Zero Waste Park will replace the fragrance of flowers we now enjoy. What about the other twenty-four potential sites, especially their supposed first choice near the wind farm? No satisfactory explanation has been given for their choice of this location near homes.
Many years ago there was a plan to build a polluting oil-burning generating station in our area.  The people of Ainakea and others spoke out in opposition. As a result, this project got killed. The same must happen with this unwarranted and ill-conceived waste station. People who care about the environment, the health of our children, the elderly and others need to stand up firmly in opposition.

Yours truly,

Frank J. Maier on behalf of ‘Against,’ the ‘Action Group Against Inappropriate New Station Threat’"

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Against Update No. 4

Aloha all,

To-date I have communicated with Councilman Pete Hoffmann, the office of the mayor, and with Frank Demarco, the new Director of Environmental Management.  I have received responses from the former two, and await a reply from Frank Demarco, whom I have contacted today by email.

I have invited them to visit our web-site, and help us stop this unwanted project. So far, the communications were frank and friendly, and I will follow-up on all input received thus far.  My understanding is, nothing is yet set in concrete, as far as the planned waste facility is concerned.  Strong input by the affected residents will have an impact on this issue.

Please talk to your friends and neighbors, and if they don't have a computer, help them by registering their opposition to this planned waste facility within 700 yards from homes, in Ainakea.

We know from Waste Steam's handout that they have ten people in favor of this project.  We know from talking briefly to about 100 local residents, only one was in favor.  We have so far registered 17 residents, while it is more than 10, it is not good enough.  Let us all get the word out and ensure a strong registered opposition.  It's easy, once people understand the issue, they want to register their opposition, I know, I have done it several times already.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Against Update No. 3

Something to Think About

It is only natural to think first of one’s nose and lungs when it comes to the prospect of having a waste processing facility almost in one’s backyard (700 yards from it). However, for those residents who practically live on Hwy. 270, OK, 20 to 30 feet from its edge, the ears also come into play.

The planned waste processing facility could only be reached, by most residents, going east on Hwy. 270, heading towards Pololu, a dead end. As a result, all traffic either bringing or removing waste from such a facility will have to travel the same road inbound and outbound, i.e. create noise (and air) pollution twice for each trip. Especially those heavily loaded refuse trucks, yes those that shake the dishes in the cupboards, would be extra fun to listen to. When those windows looking out on Hwy. 270 are open one can also enjoy a change of air, called Carbon Monoxide. One would no longer have to guess where one’s headache is coming from; one immediately knows, it’s the Carbon Monoxide that keeps coming through the open widows, or any unsealed areas in your home.

Currently, residents drop off their rubbish, at the existing transfer station, on the way to somewhere, like going to work or shopping. The planned waste facility is on the way to nowhere; OK its on the way to the Pololu valley, but then again I don’t recall seeing anybody work there, nor do I recall any shopping facilities there either. O well, fuel is cheap (or is it?) so its no problem to go out of one’s way to drop off a bag of rubbish at this so called more convenient waste processing facility.

As working people, we would have to getup a little earlier to make time for this out-of-the-way rubbish deposit, or maybe we can make up the time lost by speeding a little more, to arrive at work on time. Some may find an economic solution, and drop their rubbish on the roads (as was fearfully expressed by several residents), on the way to somewhere. The possibilities seem endless.

Another item to think about is the fact that tourists travel this road to the Pololu valley, expecting a quiet pristine environment, one that all travel brochures are promising them.  How would they feel following a heavily loaded, noisy refuse truck, perhaps dropping bits and pieces of rubbish onto the road before them?  Perhaps we should have the travel industry warn them about the change in the environment, or better still, include the waste processing station as one of the must see sites, to show the world how advanced we are.

One has to wonder what goes on in the heads of those who think and say, this planned waste processing facility is something good coming to North Kohala.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Against Update No. 2

I was told, in writing, that "Waste Stream" is planning to hold a  public meeting in November at which, apparently, the county and our Councilman Pete Hoffmann will be attending.

Let us hope that ample information and notification will be given to all residents (Kapaau, Hawi, and adjacent areas) affected by this planned project.

What worries me is; how can we expect reasonable input from parties who think (and say), building a waste processing facility with a Gasification plant near Ainakea homes is something good coming to North Kohala?  Yes, that is what they say.

In any event, we better all show up for this meeting, and shame on any of us who sit at the sideline watching their neighbors fighting their fight.  A lack of strong interest/showing at such a meeting will be interpreted as the signal to go ahead full steam on this pollution creating facility near our homes.

Let us all watch for this meeting announcement, it may be a one-liner on the 15 page of some publication; who knows?  If any of you learns about this public meeting, be sure to alert us all by emailing us at the "Against" web-site.
Also, alert all of your immediate neighbors, many of whom have no computer.

Hilo's new "Sort Station"

I discovered today the article referenced below, and it clearly shows how our tax dollars are being wasted on half-baked projects, like the new planned waste processing facility near Ainakea, on the Big Island.
Former mayor of Hawaii county expressed his disappointment over the fact that this county facility is not being used.  It was first scheduled for completion in April 2007, then May 2009, and finally February 2010.  Apparently, Hawaii County's new Hilo recycling center has  not yet received its first bag of rubbish. 
The irony is, the "sort station" has received lots of taxpayers' money ...  $9,180,375 to be exact.
Judging from the photo shown, I cannot see why it should cost this amount of money to build this metal shack, with perhaps some conveyor system inside.  Although this project has not benefited, as yet, the public at large, it has certainly benefited others already.

“$9.1M 'sort station' sits idle
by Jason Armstrong
Tribune-Herald Staff Writer
Published: Sunday, October 10, 2010 8:35 AM HST"
Follow this link

For copyright reasons I cannot show this article on my blog.

Let Jason know that he is providing vital visibility to us taxpayers by shinning light onto this sad story.
E-mail Jason Armstrong at”

Monday, October 11, 2010

Against Update

Aloha All!
Just to keep you informed on the status of our struggle, and to ask you to become active in registering people you know are also against this planned waste facility.  Unfortunately, most of the people in our area have no computer, therefore, we need all of you computer literate geniuses talk to those people and, with their permission, register them into our Guest book, showing their telephone number, or address, whichever they prefer.

We have drafted a letter to the Editor, which we hope to see published in the very near future.  The aim of this letter is to ensure more people will be aware of the impending disaster that would lie ahead if we fall asleep at the switch.  I know you appreciate that this kind of effort cannot be a one-man show, it needs many heads and hands to accomplish the task of stopping this mad idea.  I know we can count on all of you to do your part.
