Inspired by Robert Louis Stevenson' story.
Our Protagonist oscillates, seemingly, between two characters (personalities), where Dr. Jekyll is a caring human-being, while the other, Mr. Hyde, appears to be transformed by the influence of a powerful drug he takes, the Israeli Lobby money. Like in 'Goethe's Faust', he evidently sold his soul to the Devil.
Dr. Jekyll appears deeply concerned about the killings happening in the Ukraine war, while Mr. Hyde provides 2000kg bombs, to a Genocidal murderer, to facilitate mass-killings and the infliction of serious injuries to innocent children and their mothers in Palestine, without any scruples, apparently.
Pointless killings in Ukraine (photo source unknown)
Mr. Hyde, instead of seeing death and destruction, sees luxury hotels and gleaming beaches for the world in Gaza. Of course, there is always the possibility that there is no split-personality involved and that the concerns uttered, by Dr. Jekyll, over the mass-killings in Ukraine are simply fake expressions serving a particular political and/or economic end goal.
The video, linked to below, most certainly was made in poor taste; the comments, following the video, seem to agree.
Read the comments against this video, they speak volumes.
Then there is yet another aspect to consider; perhaps Mr. Hyde considers the Palestinians, not unlike the Zionists and Winston Churchill, for example, as 'Untermenschen'; some Zionists referred to them as animals.
Untermensch - Wikipedia
"Untermensch (German pronunciation: [ˈʔʊntɐˌmɛnʃ] ⓘ; plural: Untermenschen) is a German language word literally meaning 'underman', 'sub-man', or 'subhuman', which was extensively..."
"In 1937, while speaking in favour of allowing Jews to settle in Palestine, Churchill stated that:
I do not admit ... for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place."
Consider this!
The once proud, industrious Palestinian people, who built major cities, cultivated their land and looking every bit as human as the rest of the world's populations. Along came a change, approximately between 1930 and1948, with the permission by the British overlords, the Zionists from Europe, who had only one intent, steal the land of the indigenous peoples, and force them to run for their lives, to live in misery ever since 1948. The Zionists were bent on dehumanizing the Palestinians by removing the necessities of live thus degrading their appearance in every gruel way possible. It didn't take long before the suffering people's appearance started to match the picture the Zionists painted for the world from day one.
Now the Worldview of the Palestinians is the result of the gruel and prolonged period of time during which these, once proud indigenous people were forced to live in squalor conditions, since 1948. All the while the Zionist Settlers occupy their homes and fields, pretending it was them who cultivated the land, raised the homes and built the cities. Nothing could be further from the truth. The below linked video is very educational, and clearly shows that the Palestinians were a great people long before the Zionists arrived from Europe, against their wishes.
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"Netanyahu thanks Trump for weapons to 'finish the job' against Iran axis"
The Balfour Declaration of 1917 was a favor for Lord Rothschild from Lord Balfour, to establish a Jewish homeland in the Palestine Mandate, wrested from the Ottomans.