Usually when old men from great powers decide the future for indigenous people in foreign lands, it usually turns into major problems down the road. Their attitude probably is, "After me, the deluge". Reference King Louis XV. In general, an old 'fuddle doodle' should no longer be in high positions, of any kind. Having already one foot in the grave, so to speak, makes it is easy for them to screw future generations, for personal gain. They feel secure because nobody wants to follow them, where they are going any moment.
Britain " Jewish immigration to 75,000 for five years and ruled that further immigration would then be determined by the Arab majority (section II). Jews were restricted from buying Arab land in all but 5% of the Mandate (section III). › wiki › White_Paper_of_1939
Needless to say, it was all lies, the Arab majority was never considered in the decision making process of any matter. Even this immigration restriction was cancelled unilaterally sometime later, when enough money was paid under the table, probably. In any event, the floodgates were opened to let unlimited numbers of Jews (settlers) enter Palestine, despite the foreseeable problem this will cause.
The following link opens up a historical window that any interested person should look through, for educational purposes, to better understand the current situation.
Added 1/26/2024
The Balfour Project
"How Zionists Came to Palestine Under British Protection"
Good getting the truth out again, Frank.