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Wednesday, November 29, 2023


The above graph shows the COVID-19 deaths by vaccination status. Between January 1, 2023 and May 31, 2023, 95 percent of the COVID deaths where ever vaccinated, while only 5 percent of the deaths were never vaccinated. Apparently, many of the sudden deaths reported lately, were experienced while individuals were exercising, or playing in high intensity sports. It appears to be prudent for vaccinated individuals to forego high intensity exercises. One cannot even recommend checking with your doctor, who may have been the reason you got vaccinated in the first place, who by now will be inclined to deny this existing problem.

I know of a case, about 8 months ago, when a doctor very aggressively pushed the COVID vaccine for his patient, and when the patient refused, he called the patient selfish. Like, the doctor didn't know that vaccination does not eliminate the spread of the virus. What was the doctor's incentive to act so aggressive, one might wonder?

Thank you Dr. John Day, for providing the above chart to me.

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