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Sunday, February 27, 2022


 Bill Gates is saddened by the fact that the Omicron variant is doing a better job than all the vaccines have done so far, and I might add, injuring and killing fewer people by far.  The far less dangerous Omicron virus is providing solid immunity, as it spreads, like lightening, all over the world, and that without destroying the world economy.  One might be inclined to think that the fact that we have more vaccines in stock than we have a demand for, according to Bill, could make a businessman like him sad because these vaccines have a short shelf live, which means that not too long from now they must be destroyed, at a loss.  What a bummer!

A genuine human would be delighted that Omicron is the best vaccine of all, medically and economically speaking.  it serves all equally without any costs associated with it.  It serves the poor countries with the same free immunity, as it does the rich ones.  A little while back, Dr. John Day said that the Omicron virus is the best vaccine out there, and Bill Gates seems to agree with him.  What a twist this is.

As I said before, the truth will always find it's way to the light of day.





1 comment:

  1. But he said it as if it were a sad defeat, until the next pandemic.
    He'll win the next pandemic for sure.
