No matter what the Governments of the world try to do, to bury the truth, sooner or later the forces embodied in the truth will ultimately overcome any conspiracy against the people, by the ruling class, and blow up their lies and deceptions, employed by them.
The latest example comes from the finding by the John Hopkins Institution.
"Johns Hopkins study reignites COVID lockdown debate"
"'They have contributed to reducing economic activity, raising unemployment, reducing schooling, causing political unrest, contributing to domestic violence and undermining liberal democracy,' the report noted."
"A recent controversial Johns Hopkins meta-analysis reignites a discussion about the adverse consequences of lockdowns after finding they had no significant mortality benefit during the first wave of the 2020 pandemic in the United States and Europe, according to a recent report.
"We find no evidence that lockdowns, school closures, border closures and limiting gatherings have had a noticeable effect on COVID-19 mortality," said the authors of the study, which is not peer-reviewed and reflects the authors' views, not necessarily those of the university.
The study authors, however, did find closing nonessential businesses reduced COVID-19 mortality by 10.6%, which is likely most related to the closure of bars.
"Our study shows the benefits [of lockdowns] — in terms of fewer deaths — are questionable and small," Jonas Herby, special advisor at the Center for Political Studies in Copenhagen, Denmark, told Fox News. Herby's research focuses on law and economics, and he is a co-author of the study.
The meta-analysis – a survey or study of previous studies – which Herby wrote along with two other prominent economists, noted lockdowns have had "devastating effects" as society weathers the unintended consequences.
I disagree with their belief that the consequences were unintended because a total idiot would know that shutting down any business will have major consequences for those affected. We all should know, by now, that the tactics employed were all aimed at creating a panic like demand for their experimental vaccines in their pipelines. History will judge, in time, all these bad actors, like Big Pharma, WHO, CDC, Medical Industrial Complex, including Hospitals and those Doctors who cowardly did nothing to prevent unnecessary deaths, by refusing to prescribe lifesaving existing, FDA approved drugs off-label, at the onset of the decease. Waiting for the patient to become gravely ill, is not good medical practice, as I stated many times before, is medical malpractice, at best.
Why would we as a society pay for criminal experiments that take animal viruses, which did not affect humans, and allow some mad scientists to engineer them to kill humans by the millions? Why are those responsible not executed, for the mass murders they are responsible for? Why are those who ordered not to allow lifesaving drugs to be administered, not in jail? Are they better than the mad scientists?
Another example is provided by the CDC, who after more than two years finally admit that natural immunity obtained by experiencing the illness was six times stronger, during the Delta wave, than vaccination.
"CDC: Natural immunity stronger than vaccines alone during delta wave"
"DENVER (KDVR) — Natural immunity was six times stronger during the delta wave than vaccination, according to a new report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The report, published Jan. 19, analyzed COVID outcome data from New York and California, which make up about one in six of the nation’s total COVID deaths.
The study has limits — namely, it was done before the omicron wave and doesn’t factor in any information about boosters. It does, however, broadly agree with studies from other countries."
Sudies and statistics must always be considered with all the facts. The study covers important points, but does not seem to address the fact that resources would have been overwhelmed and that net affect.
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DeleteResources were challenged because identified infections received no treatments in the very early stages.