Public Health England (PHE) "has released a new technical briefing on the variants of concern, number 21." "Starting with the over-50s, for the period June 22nd to August 15th, PHE
reports 29,282 Delta infections in the double vaccinated and 3,915 in
the unvaccinated." Which group would you rather be with?
"Calculating the vaccine effectiveness against Delta infection in the
over-50s (1-(29,282/88%)/(3,915/10%)) gives a figure of just 15%, down
from 17% using data from the briefing two weeks ago." Taking a 'Jab' of a vaccine that is only 15% effective against Delta infection, does not make a lot lot of sense, considering all the possible side-effects (short and long-term), or does it?
"With regard to deaths with Covid (within 28 days of a positive test),
PHE reports 602 in the double vaccinated and 280 in the unvaccinated in
the over-50s in this period." This shows that the vaccinated have double the chance of dying from COVID than the unvaccinated. This makes sense because data has shown that vaccines boost COVID'S ability to infect. Refer to
"For the under-50s, for the period June 22nd to August 15th, PHE reports
36,855 Delta infections in the double vaccinated and 125,394 in the
unvaccinated." The vaccine effectiveness was reported as 37%, which is higher than the reported 15% for the over 50 age group.

By Will Jones / 22 August 2021 • 13.21 Public Health England Vaccine efficacy
The main take-away from this graph is that Delta Cases of the Unvaccinated (red line) are leveling off, whereas Delta Cases of the fully vaccinated (blue line) are on a sharp increase; this is to be expected, in line with recent studies, and it only just began.
Thank you John Day, MD for finding this story.
"The Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District
(SMMUSD) sent out an email to parents Sunday night asking them to sign a
consent form regarding COVID tests for their children – regardless of vaccination status. Emphasis added.
original form read: "I authorize this COVID-19 testing unit to conduct
collection and testing for COVID-19 through a saliva collection,
nasopharyngeal swab, anterior nares swab or blood draw, as ordered by an
authorized medical provider or public health official." " Emphasis added.
"A California school district removed blood drawn language from its COVID testing consent form for students after an outcry from parents."
"An additional message
to parents from Superintendent Dr. Ben Drati said that "if a student
refuses testing, the student will be sent home and will not be permitted
until school authorities are satisfied that any contagious or infectious disease does not exist."" Emphasis added.
Santa Monica-Malibu School District

Santa Monica-Malibu School District
The curious thing about this story is that this school district acknowledges what many of us already know that all of these vaccines are pretty much useless, besides causing serious side-effect problems, including deaths for far too many.
It is this autocratic tone of voice, these days, that reminds me of my childhood, living in fear under Hitler's regime, where often Germans (Jewish people included) where subjected to medical testing and experiments, against their will. My father was one of their victims. I was glad to learn that the parents were against the blood-drawn language, however, they should have also objected to the blackmail message, concerning the testing edict. What about false positive results, more importantly, the mental damage we inflict on our children?
"A new poll by USA TODAY
and Ipsos found that a majority of Americans say protecting the common
good is more important than ensuring personal liberty when considering
whether to require people to get a Covid-19 vaccination or wear a
protective mask."
- "An overwhelming 72% of those surveyed called mask mandates "a
matter of health and safety," not an infringement on personal liberty.
- 68% supported businesses refusing service to the unvaccinated.
- 62% supported employers requiring workers to get the vaccination."
One can understand people agreeing with the mask mandate but supporting the following mandates is clearly showing a lack of current knowledge about the less than stellar effectiveness of all vaccines, in the market place today. Some of these surveyed would probably be happier in countries, like Russia, where Governments do the thinking for its people.
- 68% supported businesses refusing service to the unvaccinated.
- 62% supported employers requiring workers to get the vaccination.
Dictatorial powers start very slow at first to gauge the public's reaction, and every acceptance of their demands, makes them bolder and bolder; before the people realize it they have become the slaves of the state. Constitutional rights are ignored again and again, and soon the law of the land becomes meaningless. In the end, all that matters is, what 'Simon Says'. It appears, we grew up with this, live with it, and die because of it.