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Sunday, June 20, 2021


It is my understanding that by design, the Lipid Nano-Particles are to remain at the injection site, where they are supposed to do their job.  These lipids are not meant to wander all over the inside our bodies, posing a clear and present danger to some of our vital organs.  Turns out, this unwanted lipid behavior was known, early last year from a Chinese report, and apparently, talked about by the inner circle, of the controlling interests, who apparently, decided to withhold this knowledge, probably for fear of stepping on the Vaccine brake.

Discussion between (left to right) Dr. Robert Malone, Inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, Dr. Bret Weinstein, PhD Evolutionary Biology, and Steve Kirsch, Serial entrepreneur.

While for most organ tissues, the total lipid concentration ml decreased after some hours, as shown on the graph, as the material diffuses unexpectedly into the body.  The Bone Marrow and the Ovaries saw an increase in concentration, after about 4 hours following injection.  After 48 hours the concentrations for these were still on the rise, this, most likely, cannot be a good thing.  Finally, having unexpected free spike proteins circulating in our bodies, is less than comforting; it is quite dangerous in fact, considering possible future medical problems of all kinds.  So-called COVID-19 'Long Haulers' are perhaps the early warning signal, of things to come.

The discussion panel agreed at the end, one can get always vaccinated but cannot be unvaccinated, should problems arise.

As an aside, from what I know, the person injecting the material should first aspirate following insertion of the needle, to ensure no vein was punctured by accident; not once did I see this common sense procedure followed.  If by chance a blood vessel were punctured the injected material would enter the bloodstream directly; i.e. it becomes a main-liner which probably spells trouble.


Based on the findings shown on the above graph, in another discussion the same panel discussed the "Informed consent and reproductive toxicity of vaccines (Robert Malone)".  The consensus was that they would not recommend vaccination, especially of young women.


"mRNA vaccines rely on the delivery of mRNA into the cytoplasm of host cells, where it can be transcribed into antigenic proteins to trigger the production of neutralizing antibodies. However, mRNA is three to four orders of magnitude larger than molecules that readily diffuse into cells; in addition, the dense negative charge of mRNA electrostatically repulses the anionic cell membrane, preventing its uptake. Therefore, mRNA vaccines require a delivery vehicle that not only protects the nucleic acid from degradation but allows the mRNA to get into cells."  

"mRNA – Also known as messenger ribonucleic acid, mRNA is the only active ingredient in the vaccine. The mRNA molecules contain the genetic material that provide instructions for our body on how to make a viral protein that triggers an immune response within our bodies. The immune response is what causes our bodies to make the antibodies needed to protect us from getting infected if exposed to the coronavirus." 

We already know that fully vaccinated individuals (so called protected people) got infected with the real thing, and became sick, ranging from lightly sick to very ill; some unfortunately even died.  The numbers may be considered very small, in the eyes of faithful risk-takers but for non-gamblers the odds may be too high to experience serious complications, not to speak of actually dying.  Further, we also know that some people who had recovered from Covid-19, and achieved therefore natural immunity, when vaccinated later, ran into real problems because of the vaccine.  Equally, there are those who ended up with serious health issues following their vaccinations; 'Long Haulers' they call them.

At this time, there are no definitive answers to the question, WHY DID THE LIPID NANO-PARTICLES INJECTED INTO THE ARM MUSCLE VIOLATE THE STAY IN PLACE ORDER?  Producers of these vaccines are playing their cards close to their chest; they deny and/or stonewall any  inquiries regarding observed adverse reactions and consequences, caused by their products.

More and more we hear from people who prefer to resign from their jobs, when their employers demand their vaccinations.  I know of one doctor who put his management on notice that should they make vaccination mandatory, he will resign.  I suppose he understands the dangers of these half-baked vaccines, better than most of us.

Apparently, a leaked internal report from Astra-Zeneca claims that the death rate, per million, of the  other vaccine (Pfizer) was higher than their own.  See the images shown below.

It is safe to assume that the actual death rates per million are much higher because of apparent deliberate under-reporting.  So much information has been and still is hidden from the public, such as the more serious side effects and the strange, unexpected diffusion of injected material into organ tissues, as discussed above, for example.  Also, the suppression of viable drugs, like Ivermectin and others, speaks volumes; refusing to treat patients early, thus increasing the number of ICU cases, and deaths enforces the Angst (existential fear) among the population, thus ensuring vaccination compliance, ensuring the mega transfer of tax dollars to Big Pharma and friends.  We are told over and over, the vaccinations are free; they are not!

Israel reported a probable link between Pfizer vaccine and 'Myocarditis' (Heart muscle inflammation), following injections.  In fact, 275 cases were recorded between December 2020 and May 2021, out of about five million vaccinations.  This computes to 55 cases per million.  "Severe myocarditis weakens the heart and forms clots which even lead to a stroke or heart attack."


You can get your Ivermectin prescription through one of the doctors listed on the FLCCC portal using the link below.  I suggest having this drug on hand, should you become infected.  The cost is about $115 doctor fee plus whatever the pharmacy charges (about $90 for 5 day regimen).  Is is inexpensive, considering you will be, most likely, virus free in about a week.


Last but not least, I highly recommend watching the video testimony before a Texas Senate HHS committee, by Peter McCullough, MD, a more than qualified expert witness.  I have addressed, in my previous posts, the same issues, the lack of early treatment, doctors hiding behind FDA's, NIH's illogical pronouncements against the use of off-label drugs for early treatment, Social Media's blocking anything said, or written in favor of early home treatments with available approved drugs, etc., etc.

While I was touching on most of these issues in one way or another previously, Dr McCullough does it so much better; please learn, from an expert, about our total medical system failure, at all levels. 







  1. Yet another 'Breakthrough' (Vaccine Failure) story.

    "Nearly 4,000 fully vaccinated people in Massachusetts have tested positive for COVID-19, according to recent data from the state Department of Public Health."

    1. "As of June 12, there were 3,791 coronavirus cases among the more than 3.7 million fully vaccinated individuals in Massachusetts, reports said."

      This equates to about 1 breakthrough case per 1000 vaccinated.

    2. "According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, large-scale clinical studies have found that COVID-19 vaccination prevented most people from getting the virus. Still, no vaccine is 100% effective at preventing the disease and there will be "a small percentage of fully vaccinated people who still get sick, are hospitalized, or die from COVID-19," the agency said."

  2. It looks like about 35% of people vaccinated with mRNA vaccines don't get a measurable antibody response. Then there are the unfortunate others whose bodies are full of spike protein tothe point of significant toxicity.
    NovaVax may be better, since it injects a set amount of "stabilized" spike-protein florets into a muscle.
    We'll eventually see, I guess.
    What unforeseen adverse events await?
