The following was translated from a "Study on electromagnetism of vaccinated persons in Luxembourg".
Above link provided by Dr. John Day.
Translated from the French text.
Please ignore minor grammatical errors, the result of translation.
Étude sur l’électromagnétisme des personnes vaccinées au Luxembourg
Summary presentation of the results for the study week from June 1 to June 5, 2021:
Only 30 vaccinated and 30 unvaccinated people were finally interviewed, whereas the aim was to interview 100 for the first group and 100 for the second.
The condition of gender distribution has been met. In each group, 15 women and 15 men were interviewed.
In the group of unvaccinated, of the 30 individuals interviewed, the number of people with magnet attraction is 0 (zero). So the experience stops there for this group.
In the group of vaccinated, on the other hand, of the 30 individuals interviewed, 29 have an attraction to the magnet. That is, the magnet adheres to their skin without difficulty. All of them are vaccinated in vaccinodrome.
NB: The 30th person, who does not have a hook on the magnet, was not vaccinated in vaccinodrome like all the others. She was vaccinated by a nurse with whom she has worked for many years.
Of these 29 individuals, 22 have the magnet that adhere to a single shoulder and only to the area of the injection. These 22 people are the ones who received only one injection.
The other 7 people in this same group have the magnet that adhere on both shoulders.
In this group, known as vaccinated, domiciled or working in Luxembourg, it appears that:
17 received at least one injection from pfizer laboratory
7 received at least one injection from the Astra Zeneca laboratory
3 received at least one injection from the Moderna laboratory
3 received the single injection from Johnson & Johnson
6 received all 2 injections from the Pfizer laboratory
1 received the 2 injections from the Astra Zeneca laboratory
1 received all 2 injections from the Moderna laboratory
2 of the individuals in this group, a nurse working at the CHL who was one of the first to be vaccinated, and a financial analyst, had totally abnormal electric field emissions. For the nurse, a video was even made that shows the values emitted by the tester around his left shoulder. For the analyst, the values issued by the tester were approximately the same but the individual abruptly ended his participation under the effect of panic. Of the 30 respondents in the vaccinated group, 29 live or work in Strassen. Only 1 lives in Metz but works in Strassen.
It would appear that people who were vaccinated earlier in the government vaccination program are much more electromagnetic than people who were vaccinated more recently. The magnet adheres faster and holds much better than in freshly vaccinated people. More specific measures should be taken in relation to the latter finding.
Note: The exercise is totally destabilizing for the people interviewed, at no time are they asked to apply the magnet to any area other than the shoulders. It would have been very interesting to know if the magnet also adheres to the areas of the neck, chest, forehead or legs as well as whether other objects such as spoons, scissors and smartphones also adhere. This is not feasible in public spaces.
It appears that vaccinated people do indeed give off an electromagnetic field and that the earlier individuals have been vaccinated, the stronger they release a field. This sensation and appreciation, which is only a matter of the tactile experience at the application and the removal of the magnet at the shoulder, should be checked much more accurately, on a larger number of people and with much more accurate devices.
It has been extremely difficult to find individuals willing to play the game of this rather destabilizing experience.
Individuals are interested in the experience out of curiosity and then, when they see that the magnet clings to their skin, they become doubtful at first, then suddenly they become cold. Some of them even become extremely nervous not to say that they seem to be completely in shock.
People sincerely wonder how it is possible that a magnet can adhere to their skin as easily as it adheres to a metal pole.
They ask for explanations and the investigator reassures them that there must be a physical or biological explanation. They are referred to the doctor who advised them to be injected for understanding.
One lady even cried when she said that she did not want to be vaccinated but that she was forced to do so by her employer who forced her to do so on the pretext that she works in contact with customers.
In the discussions, it emerges that people do not even vaccinate themselves for medical or health reasons, nor out of conviction or fear of the disease, but more often in the hope of returning to a normal life and being able to travel freely again.
During the exchanges, people clearly express their dismay by saying after the fact that they are being held hostage in a political and psychosocial spiral. Many acknowledge that this injection is not consented to and that at no time have they been given rational explanations (according to the Oviedo Convention), i.e. an insight from the point of view of the balance between benefits and risks and explicit information as to the very composition of the vials used for injections. They then describe, after reflection and discussion, this act as: "error, madness, escape, solution, or even blackmail".
It is exactly these terms that came up very often in testimonies and notes.
Again, a much more thorough psychosocial investigation should be carried out into the real motives that led these vaccinated individuals to agree to be injected. The ideal would be to be able to record and film all the conversations, interviews and spontaneous exchanges with the vaccinated and then analyze them.
The investigation is stopped for reasons of conscience and morality because the investigator can no longer cope with the distress and helplessness of people whose faces petrify when they realize that they have been injected with a substance of which they ultimately know nothing.
The investigator, who has studied management techniques and psychosociology in the past, is very uncomfortable with these people who wonder about what is happening to them.
People become pale, white, nervous. They put a hand towards the forehead or cross their arms, pinching their lower lips. Some sweat from their hands because we see them wiped on their hips or thighs.
These effects and expressions usually occur in states of anxiety, extreme stress or truly palpable and measurable tension.
Among the interviewees, these uncontrolled physical manifestations are indicative of a deep unhappiness when they realize after the fact that they have undoubtedly committed the irreparable.
The act of vaccination is, of course, an irreversible act.
In short:
To the question, is it true that people have an effect of electromagnetism after having undergone at least one act of vaccination? The answer is yes. Indeed, individuals become well electromagnetic on minimal injection zone.
To the question, what is injected into individuals and which causes this effect?
We reply that it is up to the governments and authorities guaranteeing public health and the health of Luxembourgers to answer this question because it is they who, upstream, took the heavy decision to "vaccinate" healthy populations with the help of "vaccines" still at the experimental stage and including, during clinical trials , all hamsters are dead.
We will not answer here for the responsibility of each other, but it is certain that if superparamagnetic nanoparticles (magnetic beads) have entered the composition of these so-called vaccines, on an experimental basis or for whatever reason whatsoever, whereas until then these were reserved only for anticancer therapies, then it is urgent to ask for a development , as soon as possible, to the pharmaceutical laboratories and health authorities which have given their authorisation for the placing on the market of these injections.
It is up to the toxicologists and pharmacologists who are now responsible for discovering the origins and causes of these attraction effects observed on vaccinated subjects and it is up to the politicians, who are the guarantors of the health of the citizens of this country, to call very quickly for a thorough and public inquiry to be opened into the exact and actual composition of these so-called vaccines.
PS: 2 sites and 1 interesting working document to consult that deal with nano solutions and ferrofluids:
Are the vaccinated ones really magnetized? Experience and supply of Spike coupled with magnetic beads.
Although this is, in my opinion, a crude, small ad-hog study it seems, nevertheless, it makes one wonder what the intended, or unintended consequence of this magnetic field, at the injection site, is?
As an aside, "A 13-year-old Michigan boy died June 16, three days after he received his second dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine.
ReplyDeletePreliminary autopsy results indicated that following his vaccination, Jacob Clynick’s heart became enlarged and was surrounded by fluid — symptoms similar to those documented in other teen boys who experienced myocarditis following COVID vaccination."
Many ask, why vaccinate children and young people? They are at low risk for COVID-19 complications, per historical records.
Link provided by Dr. John Day.
DeleteThank you Dr. John Day, for this story.
ReplyDelete"NOT MAKING HEADLINES: CDC Officials Admit More Hospitalizations of Young People from Vaccine than From the Actual COVID Virus – Including HUGE Number of Heart Problems Reported