"Where did the phrase 'filthy rich' come from?
pejorative nature of the phrase is lessening all the time, and it’s
increasingly used just to denote very rich. The origins of the phrase
come from term filthy lucre, which was first used in
print in the 16th Century, and was then used to denote money that had
come from foul means. This led to filthy being a slang word for money."
In my opinion, the foregoing still applies more than ever.
Assuming all is true what most religions teach, one would have to ponder this singular question, which is longer the suffering of a life span on earth, or the suffering for all eternity? Now, one could say everybody knows the answer to that question. Well, it appears, the filthy rich have no idea about this time-span question, why else would they risk everything? The answer is twofold, addiction to money and greed; nothing else seems to matter for them.
It is a common belief, among most people that death is the great equalizer, if these greedy rich ones would just die and enjoy bliss for all eternity, what great equalization would that be? One hopes that there is justice somewhere, if not in the afterlife, where? One can suspect that the religions of the world are in the service of the filthy rich, mandated to keep the populous quiet with the promise of great rewards in the afterlife for their inflicted suffering on earth. Granted, this promise keeps the sufferers going, in the service of the wealthy and powerful, i.e. mission accomplished but is this just and fair?
Going back in history, were not the biggest scoundrel assuming the position of the Pope through money and power? These often criminals became, according to church doctrine, infallible men; what a crock this was. The political systems of the world are so engineered that, most of the time, only the wealthy and well-connected can enjoy positions of power. In the USA it takes, apparently, one billion dollars to get elected President. Influenced perhaps by church doctrine, the public trusts that whoever is elected has now their interests at heart; nothing could be further from the truth.
Whoever had the most self-serving money contributions from the elites, and is elected, is now ready and empowered to serve not the interest of the people, who elected them, but the interest of those who provided the money to get them into position of power. The Forbes 400 list is just the tip of the iceberg, it shows those who have managed to do it better than the herd of the also wealthy; it is nothing but the scoreboard of the greed Olympics.
Nowadays, when a politician brags that he or she is very rich the public now applauds; the wealthy politician has now star qualities, go figure. The perceived logic goes like this, when we elect a very wealthy person, he or she won't need to steal from us while in office, however, we overlook the fact that this person now has to make it easier for his friends and sponsors to steal from us. In reality nothing has changed, the former middle-class and the poor still get shafted, overtly or covertly.
I doubt very much that these costly wealth extractions in other countries serve the innocent voter, and his family, it surely serves the filthy rich whose wealth increases exponentially. There has never been such a stark wealth inequality, as we experience now.

Need I say More?
Wealth exists in social context, not in isolation, however the uber-wealthy take the wealth in isolation, assuming that the social context which supports it will just keep existing.
ReplyDeleteThey get so good at their clever thefts that the context breaks periodically, with things like the French and Russian revolutions, American and Spanish Civil Wars, Great Depression and WW-2.
It's approaching that time again, but the form of the social reset is yet to be co-created.
We get to be some part of that co-creation. We should set the bar low and grow vegetables, ride a bike, and make human friends and working groups.
"US household debt hits a record, nearing $14 trillion: NY Fed"
ReplyDelete"United States households added $92bn of debt in the third quarter of 2019, led by a rise in mortgage loans, and overall debt levels set another record, nearing $14 trillion, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York said on Wednesday.
The percentage of households behind on their debt payments also rose in the three months from July through September, the New York Fed said in its quarterly report on household debt. The aggregate delinquency rate rose to 4.8 percent from 4.4 percent in the second quarter, led by a pickup in loans in the early stages of delinquency."
More and more people are unable to cope with their debt burden.