It was reported on Newsy 10/26/19, a TV network, that Our Secretary of State ordered new restrictions on the travel to Cuba, to support the people of Cuba, and to punish the Cuban Government for supporting Venezuela's Maduro.
NBC News reports 10/26/19, that "Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a letter to Transportation
Secretary Elaine Chao that the flights are being suspended indefinitely
because of Cuba's repression of its people and support for Venezuela's
President Nicolás Maduro."
I believe the second part but in no way is this helping the Cuban people, it will result in job losses for them. It will surely hurt the very people our Government pretends to care about. The same thing happens in Venezuela where extreme sanction by the US is hurting mainly the people we are, so called, concerned about.
My social issue with all this is simply this, first we increase the suffering of innocent people, and second I fail to see where in a democracy a Government can tell its free (?) people where they spend their vacations, or when they can visit their families back home. And all that only for political reasons, and not for safety reasons. Are we that far down the line on our way to a dictatorship?
I guess, the game is to bring the people of these foreign countries to the brink of starvation, so that they will get enough desperate to bring their own elected Governments down, since other dirty tricks did not work. Is this normal? No wonder that Americans are disliked all over the world, how could it be otherwise? Instead of protecting us, our Government brings us in harms way abroad.
Trump says, we should stop being the police of the world, I say, we should stop being the Bully of the world.
Here is an other example, the House voted on the 1915 events, contemning Turkey.
The other side of the coin brings up the mass elimination of the American native population.
"According to Ward Churchill, a professor of ethnic studies at the University of Colorado, the reduction of the North American Indian population from an estimated 12 million in 1500 to barely 237,000 in 1900 represents a "vast genocide... the most sustained on record."
David E. Stannard, a historian at the University of Hawaii, said Native Americans had undergone the "worst human holocaust the world had ever witnessed... consuming the lives of countless tens of millions of people.""
While two wrongs don't make a right, however, when one sits in a glass house, one should not throw stones, I say.