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Friday, February 23, 2018

Have You Ever Wondered What 'MIC' Stands For?

The phrase "Military-Industrial Complex" (MIC) was made famous by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who in his 1961 farewell speech warned us about MIC, by stating, "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex."
MIC refers to the alliance between the military and the war industry, who profits from war production.

 Video for president eisenhower warning (copy and paste this link to hear President Eisenhower articulate this passage of his speech)
President Dwight D. Eisenhower was a five star general, before he became the President of the United States of America; he had first hand experience with the MIC, i.e. he knew what he was talking about.

Military Spending History
FYDoD Base Budget vs.Total Spending in Billions of dollars.

FYDoD Base Budget andTotal Spending
2016 Actual$521.7$767.3
2017 Enacted$516.1$793.7
2018 Budget$574.5$824.6

Our federal budget currently is 4,1 trillion dollars (1000 billions is 1 trillion, and 1000 millions is a billion); ref.

Considering the above numbers, our military spending is about 20% of our total federal budget.
In 2016 we in the US spent more money on our military than the next eight countries combined. 
When one looks at the foregoing, the warning by Eisenhower should come to mind.
Other than North Korea, nobody is threatening to attack our nation, and the first and last time we were attacked, by a foreign power was in 1941, by the Japanese.  Even today, there is no hard evidence that North Korea has the capability to reach our country with their rockets. And, even if they could, we have the hardware to knock many of them out of the sky, we are told.

Any reasonable person would, or should ask, why are we spending such an exaggerated amount on our military, coming from taxpayers money?

To add insult to injury, trillions of dollars were reported unaccounted for, i.e. lost?

9/10/2001: Rumsfeld said, on TV, $2.3 TRILLION Missing from Pentagon

Video for rumsfeld reports trillions missing (copy and past link to see video)

The next day, 911 came along, and as misfortune would have it, the Pentagon accounting offices were destroyed, during the attack.  Needless to say, to this day nobody knows, or cares, where this money was spent on, or whether it was filling somebody's private pockets.

To add more insults to injury, the external auditor (Ernst & Young) now says, it cannot account for 800 millions.

"The Pentagon’s Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) has reportedly "lost track" of hundreds of millions of dollars it spent,  said Ernst & Young, the accounting firm conducting the first-ever Pentagon audit, according to Politico.
E&Y discovered that DLA "failed to properly document more than $800 million in construction projects," said Politico, which also reported this is just one of the many instances where millions of dollars went missing as the accountability system inside the Pentagon is broken. Worse, according to Politico, the first-ever audit, covering the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, 2016, signals complete incompetence about how the Pentagon handles its $700 billion annual budget."

What is so hilarious, this was, apparently, the first ever audit carried out by an outside auditor. The Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) is a multi-billion a year agency (about 366 billions in 2016), which was never audited, until now.

Here at home, in our nation, we have so many urgent needs for the poor, education, healthcare, infrastructure like mass transportation, etc. and many others, too numerous to list them here. With all these needs, what is our Government doing, it spends too much on the military, and cannot account for trillions of dollars, money that could solve many of the nation's problems.

Yes, we are voting every 4 years, but just because the party in power changes from time to time, it does not change the fact, that either party is in on the deal; each of them maintain the status quo, by continuing the mismanagement of our nation's financial resources. We don't have to fight them, we just must embarrass them daily, until normalcy reappears, and even then we must stay vigil, at all times. Right now we are all sleeping at the switch.

Let us take a leaf from the young generations' book of social media, and spread this type of information, to every American, who is old enough to read. Most of our fellow citizens are struggling daily, by working full-time jobs, and have little time to research what is really going on. We can help them by providing this type of information, in abridged format. This is what a democracy is, foremost, all about. Voting is OK, but it changes little, if anything.

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