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Wednesday, February 21, 2018


The LVW NEWS reported 2.15.18 in an article, with pictures, that the military seeks more wilderness areas for the purpose of destroying it. When is enough enough? As can be seen on the picture, the military has already a tremendous land area, that they are currently using to play war. While the additional land wanted appears to be small by comparison to the land they already occupy, it represents 300,000 acres, no small potato. What this picture clearly demonstrates is, that the military has already grabbed a considerable land area, that the taxpaying people can no longer enjoy for recreational use.

The military may be a necessary evil, however, there has to be a limit on how much they can take from the public domain. Already the quality of life is severely impacted by tremendous noise pollution, caused by low flying jets over the homes of many. At times our homes and its contents are severely shaken in the process. 

Merriam Webster defines Land Grab as follows.: a usually swift acquisition of property (such as land or patent rights) often by fraud or force. 

We have become a nation where violence and destruction is all around us; our children are no longer safe in schools. Young impressionable minds absorb all this diet of violence we feed them with video games, depicting military brutality at every turn. The AK-47 and AR-15 have become the weapons of choice to kill our children in their classrooms. Instead of preserving wilderness areas for the present and future generations for peaceful, educational, and recreational purposes, the military with their apparent unsatisfiable appetite for more land will diminish this opportunity. The military, who is to be ready to protect the homeland, from the enemy, looks now more and more like the enemy, by destroying our homeland. Land taken from the people is for all intense and purpose, land destroyed, along with nature and animals in it. When is enough enough?

We have until March 8, so the paper reports, to register our opposition to this land withdrawal, by our Government, for the benefit of military expansion, in our state. For more info visit, or call 702-652-2750; you can also email your comments to Pickup the 2.15.18 edition of the LVW NEWS, page 65 has the article with more info.
Let Us Stop It!

Please pass this article on!

Darkest areas are at issue.


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